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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. she really is the c***s c**t For the avoidance of doubt, there are no safe and legal routes to the UK 1. you cannot go to the British embassy in your own, or any other country and ask for political asylum in the UK, there is no facility to apply for asylum outside the UK. 2. For 95 % of applicants, you can't travel legally to the UK then make an application once you get here. For most of Africa, the middle east, the non EU Balkans and Asia, you need a visa to visit the UK. This is not a daft wee card to fill out on the plane before it lands, that's only for citizens of other first world countries, The visitor visa is a 20 odd page document you must submit online with a non refundable 140 pound fee, you must provide proof of your address, your employment, bank statements and numerous other forms of personal information that white people rarely, if ever need to travel, ( they need this even if they wish to visit the UK just for a holiday) and must pass the genuine visitor test - look it up on google, it is a horribly racist and dehumanising examination of ones personal circumstances where the officer can decide, even if all the pre requisite criteria is met, that the applicants home situation is "not conducive to satisfy the officer that they intend to return" there are numerous examples of people, even those who were sponsored by someone in the UK being denied because of this. Also, stating that you wish to claim asylum would automatically have your visa application refused. Finally, Airlines are instructed to check the visa's of nationals who require when they check in to an inbound flight to the UK, so 99% of the time you won't be allowed to board an aircraft, let alone get refused at the UK border. in other words, there is no such thing as a safe & legal route to claim asylum, even someone who successfully gets a visa & takes a flight here has had to lie on their application therefore also making them an illegal immigrant. but but but -they have to pass through safe countries.... doesn't matter! the UN charter on refugee's states that frontier nations should not be solely responsable for housing those fleeing war and persecution. therefor we have an obligation to help just as any other relatively isolated nation does. Beside we had absolutely no problem in opening our doors to Ukrainians. These c***s really need emptied as soon as possible, It's no longer a case of them being unpopular with many, they are actually dangerous and desperate. They have nothing left in the tank, the place is falling apart with them in charge and all they can do is pander to the lowest in society. it's actually fucking scary.
  2. From what I hear it sounds like a pub is quite a difficult way to make money nowadays, despite the high cost at the bar I think they themselves get pretty ripped off by breweries and suppliers and there isn't a huge mark up to be had on draft beer. then there's other costs like sending bar staff to on the license course and the expense that comes with, the high cost of utilities, extortionate charges for the likes of sky sports or even just to play recorded music at a low volume in the background. There's also the fact that in the eyes of the local authorities and the police you are the scum of the earth and the source of "trouble", if you're in anything that can constitute a residential area then the residents right to peace & quite trumps your right to provide entertainment should there be a complaint. It's enough to make owners consider if it's worth bothering surely In England & Ireland it seems like going to the pub regularly is enjoyed throughout all the social classes - although maybe not to the same pubs! In Scotland, outwith young people and occasional going out on the lash to city centre bars, the middle class and above don't go. it's hard to see how anyone other than a chain can survive in this climate. The traditional boozer is already squezed hard enough yet can't afford to raise prices any higher as their customers are the ones who are least likely to afford it
  3. Society changes too mind, it used to be common practice for men to go for pints after the work day was finished, back in the good old misogynistic days you simply did it and that was that, there is absolutely no danger either mine nor anyone I know who's wife/partner wife partner would tolerate them sitting in the boozer after work each evening. Alot of pubs survived on legacy customers, but as they die off they arent being replaced by younger blokes, as ICT said, the old man pubs are soon to become the dead man pubs
  4. How is Thailand getting on with the road to normal? I’ve been to Thailand before in 2014, I’m not buying this “Asians always wear masks “ BS, there were some people cutting about Bangkok with them on but it couldn’t have been much more than 10 -15 %
  5. It's got to be one of the best for me for all the reasons mentioned. previous squads were at times too poor in strength and quality, which is fair enough for a small population like ours, others suffered from a stinking lack of belief that thought that a draw away to Estonia was ok. this team has neither. the best group of players in my lifetime coupled with a genuine belief that we are capable of winning matches. Clarke might not get everything right, the ukraine playoff the tactics were all wrong for instance, but f**k it, all we had for 20 years before that was 1970's era play for a draw away & a win at home shite. this team actually feels different
  6. Unpopular opinion, I don't have any problem with fans going in the "wrong end" as long as they obey the goldens rules of no colours and sit quietly
  7. they absolutely could set prices differently for different games, they are in charge and they make the rules, they've chosen not to
  8. aye haha is that still described as modern music? was just thinking that song must be coming on 30 year old now! auld c**t
  9. look at the comments though, Proper old firm style heads gone the American left, they're really no better than folk they spend so much time criticising
  10. Hawd on the noo! we still have a very strong chance of getting promoted. we can't seriously be thinking about part time or hybrid were we to actually go up?
  11. That would need sensible pricing and KO time. I'd be surprised if we got either never mind both
  12. Where are folk getting this idea that they want an OF final? they absolutely DO NOT. they could quite easily keep them apart and they'd both be expected to pump Inverness and Falkirk respectively. they haven't played a Scottish cup final for some 20 year. they always draw them in the semi's The authorities hate the prospect of them playing each other on a Saturday, the league cup doesn't matter as that can be a Sunday but not the Scottish. It's KO can't be moved. I don't think they're even overly concerned about bother at the game itself. but they don't want folk across central Scotland and NI to be going out on a Saturday night , having BBQ's in the gardens etc etc full of drink and one side starts singing banned songs and the other reacts out of bitterness. They do everything they can to keep them at this Sunday lunch time KO that they've preferred for years now.
  13. It does, and y' know something else, we can still win the 6 nations if we beat Ireland today as we are capable of it. so as much as it's great to laugh at England getting pumped. it's not too clever to cheer on France having a massive points difference
  14. My mrs spent months absolutely convinced that covid meant certain death. partly becuase in her mind "they wouldn't be doing all this if it wasn't so serious" in april 2020 she was in floods of tears after hearing that our friend, a fit & healthy woman of 28, was self isolating after coming into contact with a positive case. the fear was everywhere.
  15. Seems strange it's such a big issue. go to parkhead or ibrox tyncastle etc and segregation is just a row of high viz sitting in seats. whats the point in having capacity if you can't use it
  16. Without wishing to drift towards conspiracy theory's here, if they knew it wasn't as bad as they were making out, why go to all that bother? what was to be gained by having lockdowns etc? I get that in the first part of 2020 people were scared and demanding that their governments did something about it but they seemed to have backed themselves into a corner with no way out
  17. That's not the only thing they're for tho...
  18. Not necessarily, The SNP's job is to hoover up as many votes as possible from as many sections of society is possible so that they can go for independence. Going too far to the left of social issues could piss of people in the centre, people who are not specifically against transgender people and their issues, but for whom it is of no importance whatsoever. some on here will say " ah f**k them c***s they're just bigots" well 1. no they're not and 2. there are 10 things more important than gender recognition to most voters.
  19. Aye definitely took some getting used to, not only did pubs not smell like pubs but they didn't feel like pubs either if that makes sense. As a smoker I was dead against it at the time, I carried on smoking till 2018 but for most of that time I wouldn't have went back to smoking in pubs if i could. Didn't even smoke in my own house for about 6 years.
  20. pretty much aye, there were a few who held out to the bitter end but the vast majority stopped it before the year 2000. part of the outcry about the 2006 ban which was pretty controversial at the time was that by that point it was pretty much down to just pubs and bookies where it was still allowed. everywhere else had already banned it on there own accord. from 1995 - 2000 smoking indoors went from almost everywhere to almost nowhere.
  21. As I've said before, UDI or anything along those lines is an absolute non starter. The UK would simply ignore it and suspend the Scottish parliament and all powers given to devolution. No one of any importance internationally would recognize us, certainly not in Europe. With the Scottish government effectively dissolved, we would have no power to enforce our independence as the UK government would control the military, the major functions of government like HMRC and the treasury so no money to run anything, other institutions like the police and the courts would be legally controlled by the UK government too. it's a waste of time
  22. Honestly, I don't know. I think it's a bit unfair to paint her as some kind of monster. If were being honest there's a lot of faux outrage from people over her views. Not everyone is going to have liberal mided views on all the issues of the day, I think we need to accept that. there has been nothing to indicate that she will take a hard line puritanical view on any social matter or that she will even have the power to do so even as FM.
  23. It's more the fesuing to endorse one who has won the ballot amongst the members. that's a bit trumpy for me
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