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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. fuckin hell was it 4 pints of vodka? TBF i haven't bought a pint since 2014 so i'm a bit out of the loop but is £5 plus the norm now? didn't think it was that bad!
  2. maybe going out on the lash is just slowly going out of fashion?
  3. ok, you win, we should keep being a laughing stock who actually made an utterly embarrassing and nauseating song called " don't come home too soon" our world cup anthem, just in case we stray to close to being sex offenders meanwhile the english will be at the world cup singing oh i'd rather be a paedo than a jock
  4. which would you rather honestly though? they're annoying because they're our rivals. would you rather we kept stinking the place out with our total losers mentality? we never achieve anything as a country because we don't fucking believe we can
  5. I'd love for us to have their attitude. we've got games lost months before we've kicked a baw. being humble has done us f**k all good
  6. Pretty promising i'd say as the french love nothing better than a bit of form filling
  7. Falkirk have, on a few occasions over the last 10 years done the following; lowered admission prices to £10 pounds for adults on a very uninteresting league game in the depths of winter, witnessed an insignificant increase in crowds for said shitey game, reported that they lost money, went back to the fans reps and said " see! we lowered the price but nae extra folk came! we cannae afford it, we'll have tae keep fleecin you muppets that keep paying 20 quid to watch shite"
  8. it's not an accusation it's the truth. no it isn't the same as a soap opera, soaps have low quality actors playing out semi- realistic scenarios the same as any other fictional tv show. wrestling is outrageously OTT in a way that something that is only meant for children can be
  9. Saturday was my first game back since the lockdown. The free kick was top drawer but as the second half went on I often found myself wondering “ where the f**k are the goals going to come from”
  10. I’ve said many times whether it be season tickets or volunteer work. Never forget that falkirk fc are a business and not a charity. Sure they don’t make big profits but they should in no way be seen as something we have a moral duty to support.
  11. f**k me if i didn't say on the covid thread that this will become widespread and working from home was a case of be careful what you wish for!
  12. don't be so sure, racists love it when a black or brown person says something they agree with. Remember the modern day narrative isn't " i don't like black people" it's " i'm not racist, i just have a problem with XYZ"
  13. I know mate, i meant people having kids to help contribute to the family ( except from when they were very young obviously) was definitely a thing in the past and still is in parts of the world - the ones with the higher birthrates usualy that and the fact that contraception is now widely available, well understood and its cultural and religious taboos ( in the west at least ) are now negligible, probably explains where we are now
  14. I don't think he personally is in this case but perhaps using it for the sake of example Something very relevant to this thread however is that, in the pre - welfare state days ( and still today in much of the developing world) people absolutely relied on family for anything they couldn't manage themselves. including care of sick or elderly parents & grandparents. There was simply no such thing as shipping auld granny off to the home or personal independence plans for those unable to work. people did and in some cases still do have children in order to give the family a lifeline. My parents are in their mid 60s and they both knew of school friends who were smart enough to progress in education but their folks wanted them out of the school to work and contribute money to the house. There is basically none of that anymore in first world countries
  15. So some couple could have several miscarriages only to then be slapped with a childless tax on top of that sounds exactly like something this government would do
  16. I think by now all the people on final salary schemes who could retire at 50 - 55 will already have done so. There can't be many left still working who have that to look forward to as pretty much all employers have either scrapped them for new starts and / or upped the minimum age for entitlement. You're right about some of the golden generation who will get wage like pensions for longer than they were working. jammy b*****ds!
  17. look, thinking that we should be beating say, Bulgaria for example, because historically we could beat them for fun, if they were to have a team full of European cup winners, would be complete nonsense
  18. 12 years is not arbitrary, never said it was, i think most reasonably minded people would agree that it's a decent length of time in which most international squads will have completely refreshed their playing squad and any players who are still playing international football after 12 years won't be the same ie 35 year old midfielder is not equal to 23 year old mid, similarly 18 year old keeper not equal to 30 year old arguing the toss over where exactly we should draw the line is just being a dick, i'm sure you're more than capable of getting the point i'm making and are choosing to argue the toss TL/DR retired players don't affect current squads chances
  19. This 100% , people don't know the difference between hazard & risk Hazard- something with the potential for harm risk- likelihood of harm occurring Flying involves more hazards than driving, nuclear power generation has more hazards than coal or gas, they both have much much lower risks
  20. it's relatively stressful for some people, lots of formalities and procedures that you only do every once in a while. people have an irrational fear that you can miss your flight in the same way as you can a bus or a train IE your not at the gate when the big hands passed the 4 so tough luck. obviously you can miss a flight through fannying about it an airport , even if it's not your fault, but it isn't really as ruthless as other forms of public transport
  21. I never wanted a lockdown as i was willing to accept the risk, I always thought that if as many workplaces as possible moved to home working, those on the vulnerable list were given letters to give to their employer stating that they did not have to attend work in person regardless of the job, with financial support to go with. then in that case we could allow life to carry on as somewhat normal. All this talk of boris " murdering" people by easing lockdown was such a load of pish, no one was putting a gun to you're head and forcing you out. i suppose you could argue that if everywhere had been allowed to remain open then the staff would have no choice but to go and put themselves at risk, also. if society was open then you would have most definetly seen a surge of chancers trying to get themselves on the vulnerable list so that they didn't have to go to work
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