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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Hospital numbers went down quite a bit today, granted many of them would have left in a box but it does finally look like new admissions are slowing down
  2. I wouldn’t book any travel at the moment, not because the government says so but becuase practically it’s a nightmare, i still have to go to work, where if i catch covid in run up to going away I’d have to isolate and therefore cancel. Then if the travel was abroad i could get tested on arrival and if positive end up in quarantine potentially for longer than I planned on being away and then have to get home at my own expense and then do another quarantine when i get back Or the goalposts could be changed whilst I’m away and end up with a 1500 pound bill for some shity airport hotel Nah , no thanks
  3. Maybe if you’re going to talk shit about someone pick on some daft painter and decorator or gardener instead of a fucking law firm who can sue you at no expense to themselves! Christ
  4. It annoys me that absolutely none of them are asked to elaborate. I’m not worried because a year into Scary virus!! The media is running out of stories, especially since f**k all else is happening right now. The headline “ life will gradually drift back to pre pandemic normality after a while but some aspects of some peoples behaviour or habbits may change permanently “ isn’t going to attract ant viewers in a way that “LOCKDOWN FOREVER “ does
  5. i'll second that, completely anecdotal of course!, many years ago a very very skilled doctor/ surgeon saved my sisters life against some pretty terrible odds, yet his communication and interpersonal; skills were worse than that of a moody 10 year old
  6. at a guess i'd say we would be above average for jobs that can't be done from home or furloughed, manufacturing, oil, chemicals , warehousing etc . but that's been the case all along so why the surge now?
  7. What a party it was tho eh !, given how many naked burds were crammed into the living room & kitchen i'm not surprised to see so many cases. Seriously tho, I've no idea. we got an email at work saying that the grangemouth community testing was open and it was opened in response to an already large outbreak in the area. perhaps this is just testing hoovering up all those said cases and with a bit of luck they'll all be isolating and it should come down pretty rapidly, that said Falkirk don't have a good track record of bouncing back from relegations in recent years
  8. We have vaccines that reduce death to almost zero. How do they get to the point of modelling 130k deaths? use the same calculation as they daily express weather man?
  9. also what the f**k happened to the massively ramped up rapid testing & treatments ? wheres operation moonhowl from boris now? spring is only 6 weeks away chop chop As for testing, Scotland seems to have been stuck on around 20k per day for months now,
  10. What is the Scottish governments idea then? They don’t sound at all convincing that there’s any light at the end of the tunnel, all they are doing with their talk is giving rise to peoples anxieties that we’re not getting out of this in our lifetime
  11. Thats personal choice tho, bit different to be mandated by law. It wasn’t a legal requirement to wear a face covering in the far east and there ware plenty who did not. Most people liked the old normal and want to see it return, I haven’t been to a nightclub in years but I don’t take the attitude of “ ach who gives a f**k it doesn’t affect me” when they have been kept closed for so long, most humans are social beings Ps not saying you do!
  12. We need a bit more than that I’m afraid. I appreciate times are not possible but criteria is, At what point in terms of measurable variables will we revert back to full pre pandemic freedoms and liberties? They need to give us a roadmap and they need to do it now If other countries enforce quarantine or proof of vaccines well f**k it, nothing we can do about that but surely to f**k there won’t be an indefinite ban on dancing at weddings becuase somewhere in outer Mongolia has only vaccinated 56% of its population?
  13. https://www.scotsman.com/health/coronavirus-scotland-restrictions-will-not-be-scrapped-when-vaccine-rollout-complete-says-deputy-first-minister-3126282
  14. See now the Scottish government are giving it this “ restrictions will be part of life after the vaccination program is complete” whats the matter with them, also who is that likely to please? Tell me the population don’t want to live like this do they?
  15. I must say that in the2 months since pfizer got approved the lack of viagra jokes on here has been a huge disappointment
  16. Mass community testing ongoing in grangemouth this week including those without symptoms
  17. Whats the deal with good news today? Yesterday was good news on the BBC so Shirley we must be in for sook proper doom today?
  18. you can't put a price on being SAFE, 10 years later, I can't believe theres no funding for X, Y & Z HOW DID THEY ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN Also whats happened to us? Remember society, from absolute top to bottom , used to sort of condescendingly nudge those ultra cautious knicker wetter's who were terrified to engage in anything with a hint of risk with a simple phrase " och youd never leave the house if that's your approach to life" now we don't ever leave the house and this is somehow seen as a proper sensible approach ? wtf
  19. I’m fed up too, i know they can’t give dates but when you’re deep into this like we are it feels never ending
  20. We need to open all shops and pubs again, so that they can be closed on the day of captain toms funeral as a mark of respect. If not it’s w discrace
  21. really? you'd have thought everyone there had died given the way the government go on about the VARIENT
  22. Back in my nightclubbing days I must have offered about 900 000 burds the chance of a ride with yours truly, by todays logic that must make me an absolute top shagger despite the fact I ended up pumping 10 of them , but all them could have got it if they'd wanted
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