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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. The lockdown has left me fed up, crabbit and a bit worried about the future of my employment. It hasn’t affected my mental health , to describe the things I mentioned above as mental health issues is incredibly trivialising to actual mental health, in the same way that everycunt has “social anxiety “ now insteas of just being shy / lacking in confidence However if we had an ultra strict enforced lockdown like spain or china (which i thought were inhumane) where you were not allowed out for exercise and only to the shops once a week then that would absolutely f**k my mental health. I need out for fresh air and a bit exercise or i get seriously restless
  2. I think we can safely call 2021 a bogey already. Fanfuckintastic
  3. Do you still have the number? Nothing wrong with me i just like it when, yknow what never mind
  4. I’ve heard this a few times, are people contagious whilst in the undetected incubation stage? In any case this is something test makers need to catch up on. I mean i know science is w bit busy the now but by the time someone is actually sick the you’re already playing a massive game of catch up . Thos as much as a vaccine will get us out of this pish
  5. Exactly, it wasn’t one person who brought it back from Italy it was 100s At work on march the 11th our company were only asking those who had been to the north of Italy to stay off. That same day there were 4 boys in who had returned from diff parts of Spain, none developed symptoms but 3 later showed up in the antibody test
  6. Is there extented furlough for the solihull moors inthat caseV
  7. Aren’t you a delight! If you’re on furlough it means your employment is on life support. Is that the circumstances anyone really wants to act like they’re on holiday? Don’t get me wrong there are some idiots who live in lala land and don’t give a thought to the bigger picture. I doubt very many people actually wanted to be on furlough Like i said before, even the c***s in the jail get out for exercise
  8. The first 3 weeks of the march lockdown were very well observed. I think people saw what was going on in other countries who were ahead of us and thought that if they were out the police would be keeping an eye on them with rule breakers stopped, questioned and punished. Those of us who were working and those who were out gettin exercise etc soon realised that no such thing was happening and slowly relaxed and began doing what they wanted within the confines of what was available. They degree of piss taking was down to the individual but only the very unlucky and very stupid got in any bother. By early may folk we’re driving 40 miles to b&m to use the garden centre. Ps i was glad igot up and went early that day cause it was feckin mobbed and any later we’d have came back empty handed !
  9. Apples and pears mate, riding a motorcycle is a higher risk activity. I’m not debating the effectiveness of masks or refusing to wear one during the pandemic. But having to cover your face by law for no good reason is wrong Lets try this another way, should everyone by law wear a helmet outside regardless of their activities incase they trip on the pavement ?
  10. f**k off! It’s my choice to wear a tammy or a scarf . So long as im not bollock naked in public it’s no one elses fuckin concern I’ll put up with it since were in the middle of a pandemic but all these things should be your choice unless there is a dire need to do so. I’m not buying this new normal pish. Every single person old enough to understand what’s going on right now will remember how things were less than a year ago. This is a free democracy. Restrictions on peoples lives are for emergencies only. If it’s not an emergency get them right tae f**k!
  11. are they part of talksports parent company which is essentially owned by news corp? I was watching youtube the other day and I saw a video from sky news Australia ( same logos as ours etc) FUCKIN HELL! you think ours is a bit biased towards the tories and right wing, the presenter I think was some kind o0f maverick who specialises in alternative opinions but f**k me, full on covid is a communist conspiracy, climate changed denial, stating as fact that bidens US election win was fraudulent, BLM is a Marxist communist conspiracy etc etc . lockdowns are a way to control us to move into the next phase of their tyrannical plan. A few years ago I punted my sky subscription as a one man protest againt their shite, as the years went by I kinda softened and thought och maybe I mean one person can't make any difference just get it and enjoy watching the fitbaw again, nah f**k that it was the right decision! I do miss the days when conspiracy was a hobby of lefty dope smoking hippys tho
  12. Well yes of course there was, but that was another 4 weeks down the line. In that time we went from 5 cases on july 15 to over 160 a month later. From what we’ve seen since it seems clear that schools multiply infectiions but it has to get in there in the first place.
  13. Quite fuckin right! As much as devi gets a hard time on here for her zero covid stuff, it’s worth remembering that we did almost manage it last summer. There were days when we were getting under new 5 cases . Those itk were telling us that it had been eradicated outside of medical and care settings AND we done all that without masks 2 weeks after the opening of the travel and tourism sector cases started picking up again and haven’t really subsided since
  14. You can only meet one person outside rather than 6 Everything shut - same No travel- same Pro sport still on - same Stay at home as much as possible, with all the usual exceptions including exercise with no limits on the amount of time or number of times spent outdoors in aday - exactly the fucking same! Bubbles- same Weddings and funeral- same Hospital and care visits - same Recall parliament = look at us wur daein something so we are
  15. Whats a non essential radiator? I would say heating in your home is pretty essential in January!
  16. There’s the point. We dealt with the first wave quite effectively, without mandatory masks and with a shortage of soap and sanitizer! England were criticised by their own scientists for opening up to early and had they stayed on the same path as us they would have it all but eliminated too. Now I appreciate that our lack of experience would have had many, including myself , screaming oh come on tae f**k 3 cases and were still in lockdown ffs! But never mind we are not in charge. One big lesson, travel corridors and self isolaton is a waste pf time, you can’t measure covid spread in real time . By the time spain reported enough cases to go on the naughty list , that info was already 7-14 days out of date. Everything with covid is shutting the door after the horse has went. It’s nice to get away to the sun / countryside but we fucked it right up like the spoilt first world waens we are ( that includes those in charge) i said already on this thread had you offered anyone in Europe the New Zealand style full normality but with zero foreign travel , they would bite your hand off. Now we can do neither. Were aw tired and crabbit. Some of us will soon be unemployed, perhaps for along time, and many thousands are dead .
  17. What is the point in a curfew when everything else is closed ? Do people really spread the virus going for a walk or going to the supermarket late at night? Or is it because people use those as excuses for doing things that are not permitted and the police have no way of enforcing it?
  18. Probably not but you could open it up from say 6 am till midnight and it would be more or less fully booked
  19. Has it made any difference? Spain and Italy got their auld facist authoritarian uniforms doon fi the loft since the start of this and ultimately made next to f**k all difference in terms of cases and deaths If you want to beat covid with an iron fist you either need a massive fist and very deep pockets (china). Or be an island over 1000 miles from your nearest neighbour- not 20 miles with 100s of lorries in and out every day ( nee Zealand) We got the first wave almost completely suppressed without any mandatory mask wearing, no curfews and no heavy handed enforcement of lockdown rules by the police . Since then it’s went mental and it’s got absolutely f**k all to do with folk making excuses not to wear a mask
  20. Hasn’t exactly helped all that much has it tho? Neither did banning the people from going out for a wee walk and having the stormtroopers stop every person they saw in the street to check their papers were in order. Cases and deaths were still through the roof
  21. The English need to keep schools off, they are making an almighty c**t of things. On population they should have 12 times the cases we have. Instead they have 40 times Also we should keep schools off or move to blended. There’s just no point in restricting life to this degree only to let the virus rip anyway Putting schools back full time in August was worth a shot. I understand why but now it’s time to hold their hands up and say f**k it, do something else till we get jagging
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