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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. That is truly fuckin mental there is clearly no hint of any disturbance in this street yes the aggression in the men’s voices shows exactly what the protesters are up against. Firing live rounds at a house for f**k all is incredible serious and whoever did it, or gave the order for it should be looking at significant jail time but I suspect it will get lost in the big sea of everything seen this week. They can’t let it simmer down or it’s clearly just going to happen again
  2. f**k all will happen, said me, with no scientific background. I'm going to make an uneducated predictions that in the fullness of time it will be learned that to catch covid from another person you need to spend more than 10 mins at close quarters with an infected person AND all those fannys panic buying in busy supermarkets made the spread worse
  3. and I should say how to implement this in a way everyone agrees with and can actually pass with the way the voting structure is, f**k knows. which basically goes back to the very point you made at the start, the teams at the top and bottom have completely different priorities. teams lower down the pyramid want at least the possibility of getting a cup run and drawing one of the better supported teams , top 6 clubs would rather their players did not risk injury playing against shite ( not necessarily dirty but higher risk ) players in early rounds cup matches they're almost certain to win anyway. some clubs don't have the money or facilities to compete at a higher level but can have relative success at a lower level which keeps provides them with sustenance but never growth. some clubs have players who are based local to them and don't wish to pay to travel long distances whilst others have a base far away from their home ground and can only maintain this because most of the teams they play are also far away from their home ground.
  4. I think it's best to build strength from the bottom up, I would do this by having an all encompassing pyramid but with separate management of appropriate levels which would have acces and exclusions to different cup competitions, basically let everyone find their level, that way a promoted teams will be strong enough to make a contribution to the league above and not one who have skelped dross all season only to go on to be relegation fodder the following , how to actualy implement this? f**k knows
  5. lets say you get your top 2 devisions of ( mostly )full time teams in one body , lets call it the spfl and below that another 20 - 30 teams of higher standard part time teams which we'll call semi pro, and below that you have glorified amateurs getting paid "wages " of petrol & beer money ( I don't think that's an unfair description of Scottish club football , anyone disagree?) what would actualy be different in each set up other than the name and media coverage? different from what we have now that is
  6. Aye agree, even big shit like Brexit you could take an IDGAF attitude turn the tv of and go down the pub. Not so with this
  7. Thislast page is nonsense, our first deal with sky was very good at least from a top flight perspective, when that one was up for renewal we asked for too much and ended up getting nothing( or close to nothing as the 2002/3 season was covered by the bbc for a pitted) everything else after than up until this day has been part of the domino effect of going from £40 million to £5 million in one season with many teams still having players under contract. Strangely had we jumped onto the tv bandwagon earlier in the 90s we shortly after England did we could have had an amazing league as other big clubs were strong at that time and could have used the cash to compete with rangers rather than chase 3rd place. We’ll never know
  8. Do we need a “ covid slowly becoming a farce” thread like the long running brexit one?
  9. Could sturgeon have been better by forgetting this broadly five mile rule wnd use common sense and instead just straight up saying “ look, lets be clear , we don’t want people from the central belt flocking to the highlands or the coast so just go to your nearest available place for now”
  10. Don’t forget those who are outside or at shops complaining about how many people are also outside or at shops. BE A WEAR I know i sound selfish but I’m not bothered about catching this virus, of course i would rather not get it and i would feel rotten if someone vulnerable caught it from me but i am not living in fear of a bad dose of man flu. We should be concentrating every effort protecting, treating and strengthening the vulnerable and letting the rest of the country get on with life . Lockdown all you want, it’s all about testing, we didn’t do it like the WHO advised and we payed the price. As far back as January the virus’ lengthy symptomless contagious period was known about. We quarantined arrivals from china but not Italy, we cleared entire wards of people from hospitals without testing - that was like putting petrol on a fire instead of water but never mind that. I killed agranny cause i drove 5 mile to go a walk in the woodS
  11. This continued social distancing is completely impractical for the medium to long term. Either something is safe or it isnt. Once you allow some things but not others, or in this case allow things with ( unenforceable ) conditions, we in the western world have a habbit of getting so far then saying “ ah tae f**k wi it , whit difference will it make doing X when we are already doing A,B,C,D Y ,&Z “ especially if the cases stay stable after restrictions are eases. people don’t like change and they resist it
  12. Anyone who suggests social distancing in a pub is talking out there arse, have you ever been sober in a pub , perhaps when you were driving or had an early start? Pished folk have nae concept of personal space, they lean into you when they talk, spit when they talk and are notorious for not taking a telling and getting arsey when getting said telling. Either accept that pubs are a risk or wait till theres no cases. This half way house idea is bollocks
  13. . I honestly think certain people (...on this thread) would continue to “live” as we are doing now until that vaccine is found. I recon those who advocate this are those who are happy to live this way and wouldn’t normally leave their house if they didn’t have to, me? Hate it ! My house is where i eat sleep chill and sometimes pump the mrs when she doesn’t have a headache but my life is lived outside of it, and im not a drinker or partier either. I know it’s selfish but i want to get back to normal
  14. Some pish gets talked on here. Do cheltenham goers only come from Gloucestershire? No people travel all accross uk and Ireland for the biggest even in the callendar ,
  15. The only reason i could come up with is that if B&Q And B&M are allowed to open with garden centres attached then its a bit unfair that stand alones have to close, especially when food shops like B&M are mobbed with folk buying garden items
  16. For a long time, there's been this false dichotomy between saving the economy and saving lives. It's a ludicrously simplistic way to view something as complicated as this. My worry is that we'll just continue taking an overly simplistic approach to appease those who'll basically howl murder at anything that isn't as full a lockdown as possible at all times. And by doing that, ironically, more people will probably die. This is the real grown up conversation that needs to be had and i have to say looking at my social media a lot if well educated people don’t seem to grasp it. Health and the economy are not 2 separate entities with no effect on one another, they are very much co -dependant and shutting down entire countries has enormous consequences and not just “ less dead people “ absolute pish these c***s spout Go to any poorer country, not just desperately poor african nations but any non first world country wnd youl hear of people dying of fairly common conditions that would be routinely treated in the west but are not in the reach of any tom dick or harrys budget elsewhere, or even a fairly typical healthy man of about 55, who you would find to have similar health , mobility and dental issues of someone twenty years older than him in the uk or Europe. Where do you think that comes from? Slcwn we provide all that and keep people on furlough and house arrest for 18 months? Thats not to mention obesity diabetes mental health, loss of education time, lack of work experience etc etc . Also people are entitled to a life and not just an existence, we also cant write off the next 2 decades either. for those internet warriors who say “ go on then pick a member of your family to die in order to get your life back “ well it doesn’t work like that and you know it doesn’t so away n fling shite at the moon!
  17. Is there any truth in the story I was once told that that song was only as popular as it is because it came out at the same time as CD's and CD players and was therefor the first ( and sometimes only) Cd anyone could play in these new machines including being used for shops in demo's? would make sense if true as it's pretty pish
  18. interesting to see how this pans out, will the world have such a thirst for quality football that the tv companys go into overdrive? or will it turn out that watching great teams play in empty stadiums is actualy a bit shit with a spfl feel about it ( you know , hearing the players shouting at each other) that other leagues restart plans end up getting canned?
  19. I have been wondering how it's all going to pan out. Tourism isn't some tuppence ha'penny cottage industry it's a multi billion pound worldwide industry which millions of people rely on for employment and livelihood direct and indirect. It's also undeniably been one of the hardest hit . They are going to have to find a practical way of working around this virus or the entire industry will collapse and die. What they have suggested so far isn't going to cut it, temperature checks and covid tests at the airport won't help them . No body is going to book a holiday under those circumstances , remember up until now being a bit unwell or having a temperature would not normally make you be refused travel but if it is ( imagine going off for a family holiday and one of you is found to be Asymptomatic covid upon an airport test and your all sent home on the first day of what would be your holiday) and you're not entitled to a refund and your insurance doesn't cover it? f**k that who would risk booking a trip which has the risk of you getting KB'd at the airport or stuck at your destination unable to return home or have anywhere to stay? They better get their thinking caps on and they better do it fast!
  20. i have no idea what that means, can you elaborate?
  21. Whilst clearly the same picture, iam going to suppose it would be that hard to photoshop the words " Lampedusa 2013 & bergamo 2020" on the top right with ot much way of fact or date checking the original
  22. Sorry mate too much of this kind of thinking going on. for the vast vast majority who get this it's nothing more than very unpleasant, what we need to be doing is preventing the virus from finding it's way to the vulnerable. Other countries had full blown curfews in place for weeks on end but that didn't save them from sky high death rates , again a large number were elederly in care homes you know the kind of people who are not out and about in public all that much anyway , whilst some countries had very light or no lockdowns at all and have not suffered huge death rates. it's all about testing and management. funily enough we've had neither . For most people the lockdown has been manageable so I don't know why anyone thinks having the police go about lik the gestapo fining anyone who dares to take a walk round the streets would achieve anything other than to piss everyone off who was otherwise going along with it
  23. Under pre covid circumstances you might find a 30 game single round robin produces an occasional outside champion but still very much the exception to the rule. What happens in the small 4x leagues is the old firm win alot whilst the chasing packs often cut each other’s throats. Its not very often teams take more than 6 points of the old firm in a season but a win at home and a draw away is not to big an ask for a team playing well. They also won’t play teams around them as often meaning if they keep their form up they keep gathering points against bottom half sides whilst staying in the mix with the big boys. Theoretically. What’s more likely to shake things up is if the corona shutdown rumbles on for much longer than anticipated. Things that were previously unthinkable could be on the cards -foldings, mergers , closed borders, large tv deals in wealthy leagues collapsing and the knock on effect forcing the break up of superclubs and their hoardes of quality players. Expect the unexpected
  24. Brazil putting in a performance to remind the rest of the world what it truly means to be champions
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