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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. The only entertainment has been how utterly unprofessional this whole saga has been handled by fucking just about everyone involved. Just when you think Scottish football can't be any more shambolic something always comes up to surprise you. Scottish footballs problems, all of them, are entirely self made
  2. They actualy had a fairly decent record against them considering the faroes have more than double the population, they played fairly regularly until the faroes gained UEFA membership in the 1990s
  3. Aye, was never totally buying this " poor countries don't travel " pish. if as few as 1% of Indians can afford air travel that's over 10 millions people, if 2 % of nigerians can afford air travel that's 4 million. I doubt 4 million scots got on a plane last year. Those countries healthcare systems ( costly and out the reach of many) & corruption poor data collection etc will explain their lack of cases
  4. How would any business nowadays get away with being so blatant anyway? all it takes is one person to film it on their phone and its all over the internet, It's the reason you don't tend to see such in your face racism now as you would have many years ago, even the majority of foaming at the mouth full on EDL supporters try to watch what they say in public . What is much much more common and mostly goes un noticed by the majority is that instead of being kicked out , refused or abused , Black and Asian people are very subtly but very clearly made to feel unwelcome or unwanted by someone who holds prejudice views and in doing so can be plausibly denied if called out on.
  5. Wonder how they would get on ranking wise? As far as I know there a currently zero full or part time professional players who come from the islands? In fact from my time living there my memory is the closest anyone ever got to that in living memory was a boy who had been pro youth at inverness and another at Aberdeen? They'd have to use the granny rule like f**k if they ever had a team like the faroe islands. On the slightly more realistic prospect of playing in the pyramid or Scottish cup, is the north juniors and ncl pretty much amateur for all intents and purposes? if so then it could be possible if a deal was struck regarding transport . Even then they would probably struggle quite badly I recon , they won't be able to have players based elsewhere who travel for home games as is done with small town teams in the mainland, they also won't be able to sign players unless they're local as no one will move there to play football. you never know tho
  6. I only mention Shetland cause I lived there for a few years, the others I have little to no knowledge about If there was a wealthy benefactor who helped facilitate it in terms of facilities and licensing ( there are plenty wealthy individuals in Shetland) then I could see the local population getting behind the team. The Aberdeen shire/moray catchment area would be the best suited in terms of travel links but perhaps the more northerly NCL might be more suited when it comes to footballing standard As for travelling there are a decent number of islanders with season tickets for the old firm who travel to Glasgow so it can be done. it would probably be more trouble than it's worth but i'd like to see every corner of Scotland have some sort of footballing representation
  7. Shetland Orkney and lewis all have rugby teams that play in mainland leagues with Orkney at one point getting promoted high enough to be playing nationaly , weather or not they'r subsidized I've nae idea. Shetland is a funny one tho as they don't have any direct transport links to the far north of Scotland like the other 2 do, the ferry docks in Aberdeen . So find a league for them if you can be bothered
  8. Firstly I think most of our issue's come from having the old firm being disproportionately better supported than anyone else, All countries have "big" teams but I don't know of other countries who's largest 2 teams have a matchday support 3-4 times bigger than the third fourth and fith biggest and 10 times more than the 7th or 8th? perhaps i'm wrong tho. The domination that goes with such power can make it a bit boring for everyone else, relatively speaking. As well as making it difficult for other clubs to attract more supporters and retain quality players even when money isn't the main issue. It's all self perpetuating . with the above in mind, any league and cup structures will become stale after a while, leagues in bigger countries don't have this problem as the competition provides fresh entertainment every year but in Scotland and others like it, change is required to keep things fresh for the majority of clubs not in contention of winning the league, any new system will do that job for a short period but unless there a huge change in circumstances ( I call it a bosman on steroids) then the original condition that caused the change in the first place will return and create a staleness again and once more there will be a call for change. We had big leagues for almost a 80 years, small leagues for almost 50. perhaps it's time to try medium sized ones?
  9. BIB Are you sure that's true? As far as I know only Spain has outright banned all forms of outdoor exercise , Other countries (notably Germany) have not actually went as far as an official "stay at home " policy backed up by the police, yet somehow they're not making a rip roaring c**t of things …… no idea why tho. We do probably have the most lenient approach to enforcement and punishment tho, other countries have deployed hundreds of thousands of their multi layered law enforcement of local municipal and national police , gendermer cabineri ( or whatever the hell they's called ! ) civil guard etc etc but we have to rely on our cut to the bone police force. so in that case I doubt theres much appetite for stricter enforcement when theres not enough to enforce it https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-what-are-the-lockdown-measures-across-europe/a-52905137 you may find this handy
  10. Give the whinging a rest , you're allowed out for exercise, even the c***s in the jail are. Are you a mind reader that you think everyone out jogging or walking are just a bunch of big weans doing it as a GIUY to the rules, the world is turned upside down, people must spend up to 24 hours a day with people the may normaly only spend half that or less with, people may have lost their jobs or be on leave, gyms are closed, sports are cancelled, pubs are shut so on and so on basically everything that anyone ever used to use to pass the time is now off limits and yet you 're on a football forum giving folk a hard time for going for a walk as if that literaly just killed someones granny, GTF mate, You're saying the same sort of things as one of my friends, This person is a lazy c**t who never gts off her arse to leaves the house if she doesn't have work or has been asked to go somewhere and so can't understand why other folk have a problem being couped up in the house all day. Are you the same?
  11. Joins a football and goes straight to a thread about a virus to say controversial stuff, why are you responding?
  12. The players make up the team, but it's the manager who gets the results
  13. If part time clubs have a majority of players and coaches that have other jobs ( fuloghed or not ) then it may be easier for them to say “ look boys were struggling here, are you able to live of your other wages till this blows over?” Whereas the smaller full time clubs players will need that money to live on month to month
  14. I know what its about, right now the lockdown looks to be doing it’s job, my point is about those who think it will be carrying on past June July or later “ becuase lives” and why they’re talking pish
  15. Keep saying that if the lockdown lasts longer than5-6 weeks tops it will do more damage than the virus. People acting irrationally in an emergency are as dangerous if not more so than the original hazard People keep bleating on about how we need to “put peoples health before the economy “ as if the two things are completely separate entities with no effect on each other. Pish! Where there is a-lot of poverty there is poor health and low life expectancy. Vice versa Sorry to sound rough but people die all the time. Every single thing you do carries the risk of you dieing . For the “one death is too many “ & “if it saves one life its worth it” crowd then sorry too bad, get off your phones. The only choice we make in life is whether or not something has an acceptable risk or an unacceptable risk. Do we stop all road transport becuase there is a risk of fatalities? No
  16. Seems to be a media whirlind of this guy, but but sweeden huvnae done it and there Awrite vs put everyone on house arrest, the longer the better possibly for upto 18 months if it saves one life ..then everything will be fine again [emoji30] I’m guessing the correct strategy will be somewhere in the middle. If we allow for everyone to catch it then im sure the death rate will be unacceptable . If we have a protracted shutdown then you have to seriously wonder what kind of society we would be helping people to survive into going forward. Those who want a much stricter lockdown forget that there is always a certain percentage of people who have a “ naebody tells ME whit tae do “ attitude and it’s them who you see having bbqs in the park . Having the polis goin round like the gestapo checking folks papers is not in anybody’s interest of that I’m sure. I think the french are being heavy handed All in all i think what were doing is actually fine and time will prove it . After this wee quarantine period we can phase in the lifting of restrictions over a few weeks and months and it should work a treat Thats my take anyway
  17. Doesn't mean it was any better then either. 30- 4 league games + playoffs tops, everyone in the groups for the league cup. top16 in the Scottish cup earlier. plenty veriety , fair competitions and nae fixture congestion
  18. There are two midweek rounds for the League Cup, the only way to "work the fixtures around it" is to start the season a fortnight earlier, which is basically going into June. Christ use your imagination a bit, its 4 games ffs how can folk just shrug their shoulders and say och its too hard, especialy when theres talk of changing the league format.
  19. aye theyv been priming this line since Thursday or Friday before the good weather had started in England. it was the same a fortnight ago, I would be at all surprised to see it announced on Monday, these c***s are anything but subtle
  20. work the fixtures around it. you should not be able to win a trophy by winning 4 games, also get prem teams in the scottish cup a round or 2 earlier as 5 games to win the major cup competititon is also too few
  21. I listen tonight in the car home from work ( key worker you’re welcome) and for once they weren’t actually slavering shite and telling auld jokes. A proper discussion about how to finish the season and how to take Scottish football forward post corona, I don’t know who the guest was but I thought he spoke well too. The consensus finally is what ive said on here for years. Domination is boring The current set up facilitates it It has also gotten stale This is a golden open for change and shouldn’t be missed . Something I thought about the rangers liquidation debacle and the huse dissapointment when the league tried to return to business as usuas Asap
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52162490 Not quite full tinfoil hat yyet but does it no just feel with aw these headlines repeated across several news sites that we are being primed for stricter and more harshly enforced conditions? It would make sense from their point of view not to have the gestapo out the following morning after it was announced on TV, so far the lockdown has been pretty light, maybe government taking the " don't throw them in the fire but put them in cold water and boil slowly " approach so far there has been no stories of mass gatherings, but yet this headlines keeps coming up
  23. are you ray McKinnon? bet youd love two draws to get you the same points as one win!
  24. Todays death figures are pretty horrific tbh theres no way to dress that up . What i hope , if thats even the right word, is that altho terrible these numbers are not all that unexpected. Those dying today and this week wont have become infected yesterday so youv got to hope that the shutdown will start see cases slow in about a fortnights time at the latest. If Italy and spains don’t start tail off shortly it could be a sign that the Chinese not just downplayed but outright have lied through their teeth about the seriousness of this and in that case were fucked on so many levels I guess we’ll fimd out soon enough
  25. Number one, regardless of what happens ray mckinnon did not get sacked for nothing so our season still meant to something to me, For me the only solution is to play it to a conclusion whenever it is safe to do so, possibly the autumn. If need be have a short season next year. At least whatever truncated formula is needed for 20/21 season is the same for everyone and no one is shafted this year. Anything else is an no go for me IF its still not safe by October to resume then i recon by then we’ll be heading into the next Great Depression and alot of clubs wont survive so youd have to look at a major revamp in that case
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