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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. f**k knows but its got to be the worst deal ever. the stadium & car park should be making us money 7 days a week, the five aside pitches should have been kept up and used to generate revenue. instead we pay rent and are limited to the atsro turf to generate non matchday revenue. no wonder we are shite. first rule of business is to have your assets working for you as much as possible
  2. 100% agree . Some players, from messi all the way down to your resident knob at the fives can’t hide their annoyance at having to play with lesser quality players alongside them . And that attitude can drag a whole team down . But with vaulks , like all good captains here was someone who had none of that Football is played by humans and thats why we love it
  3. Perhaps im confusing that season with the previous one , happy to be corrected tho. Vaulks was such a huge loss to the squad. Like replacing a 3l V8 engine with a wee 1l from a fiesta , the difference was obvious
  4. Fucking hell did you only watch those games that season? in fact are you peter Houston? his football might have got us results but it was fucking stinking. brutal. I went to more games that season than any other but I often caught myself looking at my phone more than I needed to. it was just slow labored square passes. long throws into the box and long balls to the corners. we turned it on for the rangers and hibs games. the cup final itself we were on top against 10 men then left ourselves wide open at the back a year later we went to rugby park 90 minuets and only a draw away from promotion yet we were dead and buried by 30 Min mark against a team who had been shite all year. that was a brutal end to a great season
  5. Are they still absolute wankers with nae personality or do they occasionally crack theodd smile ?
  6. Yogi is the actual greatest the world has ever seen when it comes to talking complete pish . He slavered aw the way through half time then saved his best till last “ it’s everyone’s cup final when they play falkirk “ Fuckin hell Anyway cant take too much from the game tbh was always gony be a scrappy affair. Stilla lot of work to be done. But i think this squad should do what’s required for the rest of the season
  7. Well here we are, 4th in the 3rd teir 3 points ahead of montrose. And I barely even care. I can’t remember ever being this apathetic about my team. Even when i lived away and couldn’t attend any games i was still more interested than now
  8. (but I suspect it's just a rental fee we receive). Well done FFC. Correct me if I’m wrong but is that not how pretty much any venue works? The band’s management book and pay for a venue and its up to them ( the band) to make aprofit from tickets
  9. the snp ad appeared on my facebook yesterday, very preaching to the converted it was too
  10. and another fackin thing! it was only a free kick albeit one in a dangerous area . it was still up to us to defend it properly. you'd think it was a penalty they were givin the way some folk go on
  11. Further to that I never agreed with consensus of " we were robbed" we were very disappointed after a great campaign would have been more ohnest. Italy got a perfectly good goal chopped of for offside which would have made it 2-0, then barry fergusons equaliser was actually offside. all in all looking it was a classic Scottish gallant losers performance
  12. as said before social media & absolutely fucking everything being filmed and photographed by c***s with their phones, these existed pre 2010 but not to the same level. online dating going from a weirdo's niche that was roundly mocked to a mainstream and highly popular method . The massive rise in vanity that has came with the 2 above mentioned things, I can't be the only one that's noticed? birds now get more dolled up for the gym than they did for a night out 10 year ago
  13. Serious question? Is there any chance a yes vote would result in actual independence or would we just argue about it for many years after the vote but never actually get it through whilst politicians move heaven and earth to try and block it?
  14. He is, and they are c***s Fact the whole set up for anyone who works for them is disgusting. But for the customers it’s fantastic. Other online retailers are available btw When my washing machine packedin earlier this year. I put the kettle on. Got my kindle put . Looked on ao.com for a new one , bought the one i wanted and the next day one got delivered. Now that that is possible why in fucks name would you want to trail round different shops while your wife hums n haws till you finaly give up, exhausted . And then struggle to lug the thing into the back of your car ? Why?
  15. I don’t care about the death of the highstreet, i fucking hate shopping and doing it online is the way to go . It is shite for those who lose their jobs but unfortunately were just in a transitional period, it’ll come to me too one day
  16. You’re probably at the wind up but I’ll bite, Yes? There are many non football fans inthe tartan army many who just go and get drunk and have a sing song . Now you can do that . When i was a drinker i never noticed, probably cause i was part of it all . But ive been tee total for over 5 years now . And i was quite taken aback at a few Scotland games ( in which we were shite and got pumped) how little anyone seemed to care about the result , in stark contrast to the post defeat gloom of falkirk games ( which i never really bevy’d at anyway) . It’s just a social day oot for most and a wee bit off putting tbh
  17. No offence like but they always strike me as being a shower of tedious arseholes. my mrs provided some sound equipment and music to one of those events in a pub in stirlng this year. whilst the bloke in charge was brand new the crowd in general was sparse, steaming drunk, wearing kilts football tops / general tartan army gear and singing Scotland football songs. we turned up for around an hour in the early evening whilst she did her set, got paid and got the hell out of dodge . I've wanted independence since I was old enough to understand the concept but f**k I was glad when we were heading up the road
  18. thinking speed camera's are just a cheats way of making money..
  19. I love cycling my bike, partly for the exercise & weight loss, partly for the fresh air and scenery. but mostly because of how fuckin rattled it gets gammon yer da' types when they need to wait an extra 30 secs to get passed
  20. Thank f**k someone agrees. no one outside of this hardly used thread on social media wants a highly convoluted format . f**k that. I am not overly conservative when it comes to football but I just don't like the idea of a team who has been mediocre all season ending up with 3 cup finals to win the league. or get into Europe or any other pish like that, I suspect that many who advocate such formats simply want something to hamstring the old firm. But they and they're dominance (mostly celtic these days) is a symptom and not the cause of the issues in Scottish football and its going to take either a freak event like Leicster or a bosman on steroids type ruling to change that. 2 leagues of 16. 2 up 2 down. play offs for the 3.4.5 & 14th for the final promotion / relagation place. bottom 10 sides GTF 8 groups of 4 for the league cup. no bys for euro teams. group winners only progress to QF's all teams seeded pots one to 4. seeding based on previous seasons league position. ie top 8 = pot 1 bottom = pot 2 etc. gives mid table sides something to play for come the end of season. Keep It Simple Stupid!
  21. Ive said nothing so far, I suppose theres always a chance this guy could be a chancer but then again how much worse can he be ? To be fair, if he manages to asset strip a club with no assets then fair play to him he’s earned it in that case ! What I’ve noticed tho is that other Scottish clubs such as ayr utd and dundee have wealthy owners but that money doesn’t get thrown at the park like it does in england. Would we end up being the same ?
  22. Surely no? we also finished 2nd the season after the killie play off. Perhaps he's thinking of the Dundee utd 2nd leg when we were a goal up at half time and looking fairly comfortable until it all slipped away and we invited them back into the game? Houston was a good manager but like every one says his recruitment was a bit suspect. He was coming to the end of his working life and was bad for always taking the most convenient option when searching for players
  23. Yep exactly. For the record i support independence. I think it’s very unfair that those opposed to it have the power to block a vote on it . Both here and abroad. I was referring to catalonia in my example. Nevertheless If the snp tried the the same trick here they would just end up making fools of themselves.
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