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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Aye except keeping hanpden means a shite experience for fans. Face it theyr both much better placed to watch a game. Besides you only need to give them a fee for hiring out the ground , they woulndt get to keep all the ticket money. When the 2 of them play in cup semis and finals it can be as simple as a coin toss for the ground. Maybe give the "away" team 60 % of tickets or something. Lets face it the old firm greet there eyes out when they think the other side is getting a better desl than them. They will do there paranoid greetin when it comes to ground selection and the rest of us will shrug our shoulders and not give a f**k
  2. Other than the politics of it as you say theres no reason not to just use parkhead and ibrox. Is it realy such a big deal anyway. Works in spain
  3. Agree with alot of this. Just mind were not the worst for tv money, that would be spain. Real and barca get about a third each with the other 3rd spread between the other 18 a fact that makes athleticos success almost beyond comprehension if it werent for their eye watering debt but im getting sidetracked. Your not going to get wealth re distribution. Even tv money only works if tv games are split evenly between clubs. Clubs wont agree to splitting their gates . Just not going to happen. Something i think we can all agree on here tho. It is true in any league that the top clubs have players that arent even on the bench that would walk into the starting 11 of other teams. Perhaps youv got to look at maximum numbers of players a club can have under contract at any one time. After all from a fans , media and entertainment point of view it cant be a good thing having better players in the stand than on the park. This would have to come f4om the very top or clubs in other countrys will just carry on as before . I think it would make better football accross the world. Instead of big teams cruising to an easy 4-0 they have to fight hard and play there best. And shock horror lose a bit more often Socialism in one country doesnt work tho
  4. Hard to say where to start, its got to be the manager as much as I like him, if its true that vaulks indicated early on that he wouldn't be staying in Scotland then that cash had to be earmarked for a replacement, once again it feels like dejavu, this time last year after we finally stopped laughing at rangers it clicked that the board had planed to simply wait out until there were no more big teams in this decision before spending any cash. Its not entirely wrong but as we've seen its happened again, we surprised everyone including ourselves by coming 2nd and getting to the final, now that we lost we've got another season in a strong championship, we can't just sit and wait to have this league all to ourselves, theres no guarantee hibs and/or Dundee united will get promoted , what if neither do and St Mirren go up and we end Dundee or motherwell or another medium sized team? Could be a long few seasons ahead until we get back to the days of ourselves Patrick and Ross county at the top of the championship. On the whole tho I was lookin forward to this season cause if nothing else we should get to see plenty of good games and nape bigots this year, but if were going to play absolute pish it could be a long long season ahead
  5. Its hard to see how they could do that without massive. MASSIVE protests at best. Its a long time to hang on till the next election
  6. f**k them theres an EU member a good bit closer to them than scotland
  7. I'm a yes supporter btw. I feel its important not to get cought up in something to the point of getting blinkered. Also with regards to these poles surely the fairest thing to do is set a time limit. Ie should the idea fail to win a referendum then there cant be another one on the same subject for x number of years?
  8. There is a wee bit of double standards going on here. No matter how much we want indy ref 2 never forget that we were promised the EU ref before the 2014 vote. Yes did not make a big enough deal of this. We did not vote to remain in the uk on the condition that they stay in the EU. We simply voted to remain in the uk. Now i know im going to hear the but but but better together ssid staying was the only way we could stay in the uk. So what? Politicians say misleading things all the time. The FACT remains that last weeks vote had been promised before the 2014 one. If you had done your homework then you will have cast your vote in 2014 knowing full well this might happened. If you didnt then tough
  9. I get what you mean. But people are guilty of talking about visa's like its east germany wel be living in. Im just back from a holiday outside the eu. You get a card on the plane to fill out with your details. Give that to the immigration officer. Pay him 15 quid and he stamps your passport. Hardly rocket science
  10. It will play into ukips hands. But will they ever get a majority? The brexiters can say we left the EU becuase trchnicaly we did. Dumb i know but thats politics isnt it
  11. ok, not asking what you want to happen what do you think will actualy happen in the next couple of years. My hunch is option 2 - the brexiters can claim to have delivered without having to ..well actualy deliver, the economy carrys on as usual and things settle down. the EU establishment stays happy - ish and we all still get along, this could be a hard one to sell to the little Englanders but the right politician could manage, despite all the tough talk on immigration a lot of the leave voters wont like it when its THEIR free movement which is being removed. There's also the question of Ireland, if the UK was to go right proper out without agreeing to any movement of people deals then the republic of Ireland would be obliged to instate full border controls by the EU regardless of any deal with the UK, that would surely be a red line as its written in the good Friday agreement. that coupled with Scotland having indyref 2 would probably be enough to put the shits up any politician. or the London right wing realise that they could get by quite comfortably with votes from England and wales alone and are happy to let Scotland and N.ireland go , this would be seen as humiliation for the UK establishment but for a purely pragmatic politician it makes sense, it would leave a lot of pissed off loyalists in norn iron and larger but less violent number in Scotland but obviously once they are cut adrift then they'r no longer your problem. its all just guesswork of course. interesting few years ahead
  12. That's if we don't lose players either, why are people so sure utd are going into admin?
  13. I think next season will be enjoyable with dome decent games in this league but we are no more likely to go up. Today was as good a chance as wel get. We will probably lose a few players and your going to have dundee utd hibs, ppssible a stronger st mirren and the scum to contend with. 2nd would still be a good season next year
  14. To be fair the american system is probably a good idea. Aswell as having so many "super" teams for a catchment area.... if football had only just been invented. Wont work now tho As for salery caps . Spending limits revenue sharing etcetc youv got to mind that the nfl is pretty much the only show in town for that sport. Try that here and players just go elsewhere for more cash. The monster of modern football wont go away unless something comes from the very top. And it wont so were pretty much fucked
  15. Didnt they start of building for 10k before they reduced it to 6? Also any terracing which can be used at champ l1 and l2 level can be used in the premiership. They also dropped the requirement for undersoil heating. Funny how having nae money can get rid of pretences pretty quickly.
  16. extra trains, large parking area for supporters busses, shuttle buses from nearest train station(s) and town centres. still no rocket science involved
  17. The Irish and French have one stadium for fitbaw and rugby, its a bit late for us now tho, back in the 90s both grounds needed major work done but the sru and SFA working together must have made too much sense to go ahead. theres been fitbaw played at MF a few times so I'm guessing its not the rugby folk standing in the way off it
  18. This is what will probably happen, its realy short sighted, before rangers went tits up things had been on the slide in terms of standard, crowds, tv interest and money for years .
  19. im sure hampdens great for all sorts of things, except one, WATCHING FITBAW your fuckin miles away fom the park. behind the goals you cant see whats happening up the other end. mind you aw these tartan army day tripping steamboats probably dont care
  20. This is how they do it in other countries. Barcalona got a "home" game for last years copa del rey final. Bayern munich got a home game for the champions league in 2012. If you decide the venues at the start of the season then there should be no whinging. Hampden is already as good as a home game in terms of fan allocation when the old firm play anyone other than each other. Hearts hibs and aberdeen. I dont think your being very grown up about it. Everyone can agree theyr both better stadiums. Hampden is shite. You sure your not just going straight to " f**k the old firm" ?
  21. I thought it was pretty sensible, park head got both finals ibrox got 2 semi's. If you were doing it permanently then ibrox gets the league cup an park head gets the Scottish cup. The following season they swap, for the sc semis's first out the hat gets ibrox 2nd gets park head, swap following season? Not hard. If the OFare against a diddy team at hampden theyl get 3/4 of the tickets for a game in glasgow anyway so hardly a massive change
  22. Hampden is a fucking terrible park to watch fitbaw in unless your in a lucky few areas, it takes ages to get away from at full time and is just generally shite. We DO NOT need a national stadium. Parkhead and ibrox for big games , easter road and pittoddrie for smaller games. Last years cops del rey final was at the camp nou, Barcelona were in the final, the Madrid derby CDR final was at the bernabaue. Germany do not have a national stadium either, total waste of money, if we are going to be sensible about it the sfa should be looking at a compensation package for queens park plus the building of a ground in that area that suits their needs. They will also be entitled to some or all of the sale proceeds depending on how the ownership is tied up legally. Scotland games can be decided on game by game basis. The league and Scottish cup finals can have be split between ibrox and parkhead then alternated each season. semi finals can be decided once the draw is made . Not rocket science
  23. Awrite then. Since everything i say is wrong can you, in your own words tell me what you would like to see? Are you quite happy to continue with a set up which was introduced 40 year ago when we had 3 tv stations nae internet . Pubs shut in the afternoon and hardly any tv fitbaw? Dont try to be innovative just keep things as they are, damage limitation to keep existing fans. In 20 year half them will be dead with no younger ones to replace them but just worry about that then
  24. the yanks dont do sport like we do, but that doesnt mean everything they do is wrong. we (europeans) think that entertainment is watching the best teams play each other as much as possible. however, with the modern money in the game that means that the best teams stay the best teams becuase no one can accumulate enough wealth to catch them The yanks have realised that domination gets boring, despite everything else they do. theyve got that one right
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