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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. Fair enough but why stick with a 10 team tire 3? Just thinking it could be more appealing if the long distance away games only need to be once a season. The other question which I can't figure out even after reading the English system is - what happens when all the teams in the relegation zone are from the same region? Which means teams would have to play out with their area or divisions are imbalanced
  2. Aye I kinda get that but then if the pyramid WAS split 3 ways like the juniors are at the moment would it not be more appealing to them to play along side their current rivals and the best non league sides in the area ? the stumbling block would be that you can't relay have 3 way relegation from the national league, you'd have to have a 2 way split before the national, could it then make more sense to only have 2 tires of nationwide then north and south below that then east west north below that? A bit like Englands one but with less levels between top and regional? Again it doesn't relay solve the problem of having a strong south and a weak north but its a start. If all divisions were of 16 or 18 teams then a half decent junior sides would only be 2 promotions away from the current championship level
  3. Why will this never happen? If its worth doing its probably not going to be easy Y'know , what is the juniors aversion to joining up? Is it that the current leagues (by that I mean what they can realistically expect to b promoted to) aren't worth their while? Would they change their tune if the current spfl 2 and ll/hl was a better structure/ better quality? To me something is wrong if stronger teams are not interested in progression and some better players are favouring the over higher levels, it can't be doing our game any favours? Do they just want a local thing for local people?
  4. f**k, IM SORRY I WONT DO IT AGAIN, I didn't mean to open a can of worms with the granny rule comment, without background checking the entire Icelandic team I thought it a bit suspicious that such a small population could be playing so consistently weld. Any way I know you can criticize Scotland as much as Ireland, most of our granny rulers aren't even that good, shuan Maloney has Scottish parents and was a military baby I think he's no more Malaysian than you or I, Jordan Rhodes spent his childhood here, the rest can GTF tbh their only with us cause they can't get a game for England. On the subject of the academies I can't help but think its a trade of between the first team doing well or the academies doing well. The likes of O'Hara and Gallagher would be playing every week 2 or 3 seasons ago but now we're playing well and holding a decent position in the league and theres no chance we'll be gambling on them, I do wish we'd gave them a run against alloa considering we were 4 nil up with 25 minuets to go. Maybe as the season goes on if it pans out that we're pretty secure in the playoffs but don't have much hope of getting 2nd or 1st then they can get more game time.
  5. genuine question, are the iceland senior team all born/ grown up in iceland itself or are they full of granny rulers ? you could point to ireland as a measure of a succesfull small nation but theyd be feckin gash without their second rate english squad players, i know they have keane and coleman etc but their squad would be fairly weak if it was limited to born players,
  6. i wasnt at this meeting, whats going to be in there thats going to make us money?
  7. Even with the positives mentioned it is still a waste of money, get things right on the park and maybe we could get closer to filling the existing capacity, there will never be an atmosphere at TFS not unless its a sell out for us winning the league, its just to big and open and we are the most dour and miserable fans about ! nothing about this is good. When we're playing alloa or Dumbarton or even ross county or Hamilton or whoever, do we end up closing one end behind the goals just to keep that open? Nah we've got enough empty seats as it is.
  8. f**k that , no point in putting capacity there just for the sake of it, we've got to put the best time on the park for the money we've got, if we're going to spunk it on a useless vanity project then I'm finished, I thought people had learned from such mistakes made at clubs you mentioned, after all we've been through in the last few seasons we now want to waste what money we've got on a fuckin white elephant? Build the fence up to the height of the stand roof if need be and paint some murals or even just get one of those canvases of the Brooklyn bridge or something? This is a joke. If you put terracing there my guess is the south stand would almost empty into it .
  9. Please tell me this is a wind up? We only fill about a 3rd of the existing capacity unless we give half the ground to the city teams. Please tell me how more empty seats will do us any good? It shouldn't even be considered until we're regularly getting 6000 + home fans and that will only happen when we're doing well in the top division playing nice football.
  10. I'd heard some rumours they were going to use some of that money to build a new stand on the far side, my heart sank when I heard that, thankfully it doesn't seem to have been repeated by the suits anyway
  11. Going to take a break from my usual negative thinking . Is it too early to mention the "p" word? There was f**k all in the hubs game bar the penalty, we were decent against a very attacking rangers side? It may only have been running 2 years but it looks like you need to finish 2nd to have a chance of going up, 3/4 means 6 games in 2 weeks , a bridge too far for our type of players imp. We won't be favourites but we've still got a chance, we won't win the league but 2nd isnt unimaginable
  12. all relative tho thats a lot of money to us but not for many many clubs in the uk who have much more disposable cash than us, we had soft loans to repay , running costs etc etc. top spl teams, english lower division sides or sevco could easily pick him up for 200-300k if they realy wanted to and he'd be gone
  13. I dont grudge putting money in the tin or donating to help for heros or what have you but im realy not into this american style hero worship we have adopted over the last 12 years. i was only young during the 90s but i cant remeber this kind of bollocks during the troubles or the balkans when british forces were involved. you cant criticize the armed forces or any serving member of it without the facebook lynch mob hounding you relentlesly. there was even the case recently where the army wanted 2 boys to get off from an agravated assualt charge becuase they were soldiers. its gone too far. To cap it all off i think of some people from school who joined the army, some are sound lads just furthering themselves but other were utter fucknuggets,and bullies, the last people youd want to give a gun to
  14. aw come on mate, i didnt say rubbish but its all relative. what looks decent at our level isnt realy all that, besides he'l be 21 in 7 months and hes yet to be called up in all that time i believe? despite 4 years of first team football a "source" someone who knows his brother ..or something believes no clubs came for him in the summer. hes got plenty of skill for sure but when you think of players who we've sold in the last couple of years most were in fact younger than him , only jay fulton was older. he wouldnt cost alot of money since we dont have a pot . im not trying to slate the lad as much as it sounds like i am, but if hes that good why isnt he playing for someone a bit better than us?
  15. its hardly suprising? i know hes great with the ball at his feet. but come on. i sit in the main stand with all the happy clappers , watch next time if you dont believe me, housten talks him throu the whole feckin game, forward sibbs back sibbs over a bit sibs. holt was the same tho he generaly roared a wee bit less. still 4 years in the first team and you need a manager to tell you where to be in the game? if thats international quality then we're fucked. hes got great skill sure but i cant see him having a career outside of scotland. maybe a move to a st johnstone type club. He may end up wishing hed stuck in at school
  16. Theres plenty that are. there are several cases every year of parents intentionaly harming and killing their own children, not hearing this "oh but what parent would hurt their own child" pish
  17. I can see both sides to that , as much as it seems silly to chuck money trying to compete with hibs and sevco you can't guarantee we will have this decision to ourselves anytime soon, what if hubs don't go up this year? fcuk what if rangers don't and Dundee its and Kilmarnock or both come down? You can't just save money for when all the big teams are gone , if that's next season then fine but if its another 2,3 4 or more years fans will be well and truly scunnered with life in this league. We're going to just have to pish with the cock we've got.
  18. Aye awrite mate he's relay the next messi because he's playing for a big ish team in Portugal, things don't just happen because you want them to. We are a pish footballing nation who produce pish players. Some of them are half decent playing at a half decent level but none of them NONE are top drawer.
  19. As good as it is for him. I dont remember ibrahimovic , walcott bale oxlade or even sterling playing reserve team football in portugal when they were 19 or championship with hull in the case of robertson. They will have good successfull careers by anyones standards but i cant see him being a stand out player that can carry a bang average scotland team like bale does with wales or even siggurdson with iceland
  20. Aye, even tho theyv only been running a couple of years it looks like if you want a chance at going up you've got to finish 2nd, 6 games in 2 weeks looks like a bridge too far
  21. Being totally realistic here, I think 2nd place is achievable if we take points off hubs and continue how we started, going into the play offs against hubs & AN other would give us a decent chance of going up this year, Friday night was focusing brutal tho.
  22. fookin hoostie the lazy bastart this slow start to the season is costing us dearly isn't it lads! ONEDINDOOM We hate Falkirk more than you
  23. I think plenty of clubs in England do the same, which is the most infuriating thing about it, they have so much money they can buy 30 biabis and hope one or 2 make it whilst we have our talent continually drained from our league, was Fulton even on the bench all that much? Was he in the squad for the Chelsea game? mcgrandles was a lot of money by Scottish standards yet Wikipedia had him making 5 (five!) appearances last season and if they didntt play him in the championship I can't see him playing much this season
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