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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. FFs not this pish again. breakaway region - we will hold a referendum on independence. central government - we do not give permission and as such any referendum you hold is unlawful and therefor the result means nothing breakaway region - say that all you want but if the people vote for it then it will be pretty hard for you to ignore! central government - no, we make the laws and we decide if somethings legal or not. breakaway region - but if the majority of the people turn out and vote then you will look bad in front of the international community. central government - good luck with that, unless you have an overwelming cast iron backing from all the population then your buckshee referendum result will mean nothing and the international community will back us to the hilt. indy supporters - we should go and vote, show them how we feel remain suppporters - , its not a legal referendum and to go and vote will give the other side more chance of legitimacy . we should not vote at all. no percentage in favour of yes will ever stand up to scrutiny on a 48 % turn out. just ignore the noise makers
  2. Maybe so, but how can they justify charging 20 quid in the seaside leagues? how much do other league 1 clubs charge for admission? and all on the basis of " we need you to cough up or we can't afford players" very much the same idea as when the club trialled reducing prices then used the lack of a crowd uplift to justify keeping prices high for those of us who do turn p and watch dross , basically in other words " we've become hopelessly hooked on gate money , so please keep coming and paying or we're fucked" we've had home wins against rangers and hibs, the first half against celtic in 2012. the cup final and a few wins against the fifers, the 2016 season we done well and scored a lot of last minuit winners which are handy for making you forget the 92 minuits of slow laboured negative sideways passing that came before it. Other than that its been dire
  3. away you and take that attitude tae f**k! Falkirk fc are a business and not a charity. we owe them f**k all. last season they blew a fortune and got relegated. now they want to guilt trip us into paying an outrageous amount of money for football which is little better in standard than fucking amateur played in a ground with no atmosphere. Not my problem . how can they possibly think that the answer to the problem that THEY the board caused is too continue ripping off fans who have kept going out of pure loyalty. how many games in the last ten years did you actually enjoy watching? the only reason the lights are still on is because the fans have kept loyal . The board are just taking us for granted
  4. I'm not paying 20 odd quid for 3rd level football. just no. I haven't enjoyed wathing any of the last 3 seasons of utterly horrific football on display , in fact all of the last 10 years have been howling with a dozen or so decent games thrown in to keep us sane. we're already hugely over priced for shite football with a shite atmosphere and little enjoyment or progress from the club. if they think im going to keep coughing up out of loyalty then they can f**k off. deluded
  5. how do you know I wear lycra ; ) ? also I don't get the common phrase that police should be doing something better with their time than persuing motoring offences , you can kill someone quite easily by being careless or reckless in a motor vehicle, although that can it does happen on bicycle it is very rare
  6. I’ll confess to not always obeying the highway code and i freely admit to you all today that i do so mostly becuase i can get away with it, although a road user by law i still feel like I’m somewhere in limbo between pedestrian and driver and so sometimes flip between the 2 to suit myself. Sometimes on my early morning route to work (5.30 am) i go through red lights if there’s nothing coming . But thats the only time i ever do that as its generally not clever . I sometimes go up on the pavement to avoid going round roundabouts in the traffic, i go the wrong way up one way streets and other wee things that i would never dream of doing in the car . If i done it right in front of the police then they could fine me but thats pretty much it . Not getting penalty points and the subsequent hit on insurance premiums is the single biggest reason I decide to chance it ! Sorry Other than that I’m pretty sound. Some cycle paths would shake all your fillings oot and burst yer tyres , others have you giving way at every side road junction whhen the main carriageway has right of way. These are pish so i dont bother with them. But if they’re good i use them. Nobody wants to be baw deep in traffic anyway. I mostly just stick to backroads when out for fun anyway. It’s important never to take any shite from c***s in motors. Many just don’t see you as they’re equal but at the end of the day I’ve got every right to be there and if they don’t like it that’s their problem. My actions &mistakes could piss them off whilst theirs could kill me . It’s that simple so let a c**t know when he’s being a c**t! Hope that helps with anyone’s queries. Also i have a 1.6 litre diesel honda civic which is a band A for VED meaning I don’t pay any tax for my car either Get it fucking right up the lot of you!
  7. Does anyone here know why crabbit auld gamons almost always hate electric cars and wind turbines? your views on politics shouldn't affect your views on technology but for some reason they do ?
  8. given that we were already overpriced for the championship 10% is f**k all, needs to be more like 30% or more for 3rd teir football. or will they just brass neck it and keep ripping off the fans who have stuck by the team through all this garbage we've watched recently?
  9. League one forum for this pish.... Just fo it now and be done with it
  10. if we don't have relagation clauses in the January signings' contracts then we deserve a 9 year spell in div 1 cause we'll have learned nothing from the 2009 clusterfuck
  11. prices will have to drop quite a bit to compensate , we are already overpriced for the championship. need to start thinking seriously about what players we would take with us in the event we do go down
  12. This was exactly what I had in mind minus the bit about us not going down think we'll lose most of those who we gained after the cup final season and go back to pressleys recession support of 2-3 k for home games with few away fans
  13. Pish! if you don't pay the wages you don't get the staff. maybe every now and again you will get someone who is either retired or extremely dedicated to a cause AND has the necessary skills to run a charity as well as possible . other than that you have to pay the going rate. would you accept 20% of the wages you could earn elsewhere because its a charity? and how are you qualified to say what you do and don't need to be a chief executive?
  14. used to think saleries were wrong aswell when I was younger and more idealistic. My family do a lot for cystic fibrosis trust as it's a disease that affects our family quite a bit. I don't know how much the chief excec for them makes and I can't be arsed googling it however the way to look at it is you can have an honest volunteer doing his best but bringing in a few quid or you can pay a professional to run the organisation and generate 10 or 20 times the revenue that a volunteer would. the salary pays for itself and some
  15. side tracking here but what is all this pish about caring or what kind of people they think they are? people with a brain will vote for whichever party they think that they and their family will do best under , no one seriously thinks politicians care about them do they? people who fall into the "lowest common denominator" bracket will vote for whoever panders to them hardest That's why we have a tory government. when the middle class done well from new labour they won with massive majoritys
  16. I wasn’t that cold hearted! I don’t mind what age i am when i snuff it but once i need round the clock care and i start pishing myself just shoot me . Dementia is truly horrible. I wouldn’t wish it on anyonw and is quite demanding in terms of resources . Maybe only 7% of over 65s have it , but 65 isn’t really that old in today’s terms. I think above 85 rates start approaching 50%
  17. There's no point in trying to cure the big 3 (heart disease cancer and strokes) unless first they find a cure for dementia. having everyone live into their 90s just to need 24 hour care is counter productive
  18. Aye the bit about murray v wawrinka was where im coming from, we are a small country but a first world one so we accept that we will go through spells of sporting mediocrity due to the numbers. That bit is understood. What we are howling at is being able to make the most of when we do have a few decent players ( rugby and fitbaw) and abit of momentum. After all there are many other nations our size who are able to take chances when they come along but we seem to be serial bottle merchants
  19. maybe so , & in absolute sporting terms yestardays result was very good for Scotland however you cant help but feel we are a nation of losers at heart
  20. At least now we have Andy Murrays grand slams to stick out like a sore thumb. otherwise yes it looks like there's plenty of evidence that we are a nation of galant losers. other than yestardays game here are just a few examples of "oh well hard lines hold yer heeds high boys!" v England at football 2017 v Italy at football 2007 v England at football 99 v Australia at rugby 2015 colin Montgomery 1994 ? the 2014 independence vote? need I go on?
  21. aye youtube judges you on what you watch, once a video popped up by a c**t called "black pigeon speaks" I watched it and it turns out the guy is nothing but a narrow minded racist bigot who just makes things up and presents them as fact by stating them in a strong tone of voice. now by watching that youtube went through a phase of thinking I'm like that and want to see more content like that
  22. easily was for me too, the sight of all that discarded Hibs merchandise outside from those who stormed off in a temper when we went 3 -0 up really brought home how much of a complete and utter c**t we'd made of that second half. Obviously celtic would have been odds on to win the final no denying it . but that celtic team weren't even close to invincible. they'd already lost a league cup semi to st mirran that season and a league cup final to Kilmarnock the season before . anything could have happened in that final.
  23. god I remember when believing in conspiracy theory's was a bit of a hippy / lefty / dope smoker type of thing. how things have changed
  24. pubs next to pittodrie will probably end up running buses on matchdays. that's what pubs round Brockville do now, as for the crowds they go up and down depending on how well the teams doing and the feel good factor, hard to say how much the distance and soulesness of TFS had an effect on crowds, Brockville closed 16 years ago so it would be a bit unfair to compare like for like now as the footballing world has moved on even in that time
  25. Whats everyones thoughts on this ? will it be the usual "tae f**k with this pish! I like tae keep things the way they've aye been" ? or is there maybe a wee realisation that a select few teams regularly dishing out pumpings with ease isn't a benefit for anybody and that leagues are meant to be roughly equal in terms of strength and standard. A lot of people including myself would like to see the financial balance addressed but at the end of the day this is unlikely, we cant turn the clock back with tv money, something on the same magnitude as the bosman ruling may have an affect on the game but even then , a team with 20-30% or less of the support of a bigger rival is highly unlikely to compete meaningfully and regularly under any circumstances.
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