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Everything posted by effeffsee_the2nd

  1. aw piss of mate I'm clearly being dramatic to prove a point, its all well and good this stay at home save lives but only up until a point , what good does it do if everyone escapes the virus only to be couped up in the house with no access to gyms, sports teams, social contact with family and friends etc etc and that's not taking account that leaving the house for exercise privileges being withdrawn. not to mention things like regular doctors appointments all being cancelled or changed to telephone consulations. cancer screenings , all the non essential operations being cancelled. And that's before you even mention the economy getting such a tanking that it leads to a credit crunch debt crisis on steroids that cripples society for years. Yes lockdowns are effective in the short term but they're not a viable long term solution
  2. Like I said earlier tho, more lockdown isn't necessarily the answer, after a number of weeks you will reach a tipping point where it creates more problems than it solves, there has to actually be a society left for survivors to return to .
  3. Whats everyones thoughts on when the lockdown& restrictions will end? For me its got to be 4-5 weeks tops, Wuhan was much longer but it's china and youd be comparing apples and oranges for that Europe tbh. people in Italy are starting to crack up already although theirs is a bit stricter than ours. In any case there has to come a point where the lockdown & restrictions start causing more damage than the virus itself , coupled with the fact that people will just run out of patience and start disobeying the lockdown en masse. the last part would be better not happening so I think there will be a gradual loosening of restrictions at the end of next month, but May and june could well be a bogey as far as normal life is concerned with many places still closed. large crowd sports and music events will likely be the last to return to normal. just my opinion
  4. That was my first thought when I heard you have to provide tav receipts for 3 years, not one f them doesn't diddle the figures so they pay little or no tax, then slag of everyone else for being mugs. get it right fucking up you! Also well done to the good ole US of A, an absolutely blistering second half has saw them not only soar to the top of the table but open up a healthy lead on china who have simply faded away and risk falling out of the top 4 all together at this rate, The great team performance instilled into them by the manager has shown great results after a shaky start but many now see them as champions elect with their current form showing no signs of taking a dip. one hand on the trophy for the Don
  5. You don’t need the military or police you just need the authoritys to force closure, that way theres no where to go plus the owners can claim of their insurance, turn of their gas n leckie and so on and hopefully survive to re open
  6. So if they decide to play all spfl matches behind closed doors then couldn’t they waiv the no domestic live streaming rule and allow all clubs to show their matches online for a fee that way clubs don’t end up in a black whole ? Of course this is Scotland and theres no way common sense like that would be allowed
  7. Surely to f**k the brechin debate just needs some strong management from those at the top, Angus is in the northern half of Scotland. A team from that area relegated from that area should go into the northern section of the pyramid. you can't just turn around and greet... but but but players come from the south. How they recruit players is entirely their business but they are located in the north, if they're relegated then they'll play in the north. And they'll like it
  8. Is this blastzone story not a lot of pish tho? it seems like on of they stories folk just seem to believe without proper scrutiny unless someone can show me concrete proof? you have literally the whole of grangemouth between the stadium and the refinery incl thousands of houses offices hotels pubs etc, everything else between the stadium and ici including a large warehouse with hundreds of staff have been given permission. I'm calling bullshit on that like
  9. Yes this applies to you and I, assuming you are also a first world citizen, The USA which you have used as an example only allows the online esta for citizens from around 35 countries, consiting of the EU japan austrailia new zealand and a handfull of others, the rest have to apply for a tourist or business visa , at the embassy in person with a cost, the also have to prove strong enough ties to their home country, ie a proper salaried job, a house , bank account utility bills, family dependents etcetc and prove they have enough money to cover the cost of their trip. the onus is on the applicant to prove that they intend to leave the country at the end of their trip , not the other way round, those who fail to provide enough evidence which is either ties or finiances will be assumed to be at high risk of overstaying illegally and will be denied, a practice the UK controversially but none the less frequently also employs. passports are not all equal, you can check the power rating of a countries passport online if you are so interested. For non first world citizens it is not simply a case of jumping on a plane for a long weekend somewhere. i'm not here to de-rail the thread so ill leave it at that, a family who has migrated legally to the uk and stayed to be granted leave to remain ( a strange a confusing term that means being allowed to stay here as long as you want, unless the home office pull the rug from under you like some of these people ) will find their travel to any other countries just a restrictive as if they were at home, a Nigerian living in London would still require a visa to go to the Schengen area or the usa. Long story short, those with the means to do so will apply for brittish citizenship as soon as theyv met the criteria to do so
  10. So think of all that for a family of 4 perhaps travelling from the uk to france for a holiday, wedding or family get together or something like that, it's something us first world folks never really give a great deal of consideration to. even the hardest of hard brexits are unlikely to lead to that. You can have a look online and see the list of countries whos citizens require a visa to visit the uk for any reason even if its just for a weekend , and the criteria required to be accepted for one ( as a general rule, if a countries citizens need a visa they will also need one to visit the EU north America in fact most of the world) it is out of the reach of a good number of people .
  11. If your from a first world and predominantly white country then no you don't really need it. but if you're from Africa, the Caribbean or most of Asia then you need a fully fledged pre arranged visa to travel pretty much anywhere even just for a short trip , they're both expensive and time consuming and can are often refused on to those who don't have a lot of money for that reason alone. The UK also allows you to keep your orginal citenzenship when you get granted your uk passport, it is very much worth the money for a lot of people
  12. maybe there's just a bit more to do now , especially in the virtual world? Going for a look round the shops might have been a decent pass time when there was 4 tv channels and nae internet but im gony bet that a good number of those doing it hated it but were dragged along by partners, family or the necessity of having to buy something. I know I hate shopping. To be honest you could change the topic to Scottish football attendances or local pubs being in decline or anything else that's been in steep decline since the turn of the millennium. Basically , the things people can do and what they want to do , and the things people can and what they want to spend their money on have changed quite a bit in 20 years
  13. The thing you have to remember is that the older generation were simply not allowed to speak in their childhood acquired accent on tv and radio, thats a new thing. Last year my partner met up with a woman around 60 who had been on radio scotland a few times and had had a career in media, she sounded exactly like kay adams despite coming from a council flat in renfrew, furthermore normal people from grangemouth don’t sound like Kay Adams either . That is a learned accent
  14. Up untill mid December I thought Liverpool would have a dip at some point allowing the gap to narrow to call it a competition but it still hasn’t came. If they do it now it won’t matter I don’t care what anyone says. An8 point lead in November means f**k all , especially when you blew one the previous march
  15. Maybe one for unpopular opinions this one, I don’t really see anything wrong with it as long as you obey the 2 rules . No colours and shut the f**k up. We’re not going to sell out . But we are going to win. Hearts manager will be very much aware that his one job to do this season is turn them around in the league. They won’t have any ideas about cup winning
  16. Does anywhere in Scotland pronounce them seven? Its either sivin or seeven
  17. How an accent sounds really depends on the listener, unless its a very unusual one then generally the rule is the further away the listener comes from the area spoken, the less they will notice the subtle differences in them. To me glasgow lanarkshire renfrew and ayreshire sound much the same, few differences but all unmistakably west coast, the same thing a weegie might say about us and fife for example. When i lived in Shetland i was often assumed to be from Glasgow or described as having a glasgow accent even tho nobody in the central belt would make that mistake. My mrs isn’t Scottish and she can’t tell much difference from anywhere apart
  18. The only thing saving the English prem from the kind of slating that they give to other leagues is that its Liverpool who are so far ahead & they haven’t won for almost 30 with a history of late season bottle jobs. If it was man city walking it again then there would be no hiding it
  19. They've got last seasons champions league in the bag, the premier league is a massive monkey on their back, they simply have to win it at all cost, almost like getting your hole for the first time, you can worry about everything else after you've done it. if I was Klopp it would be full speed ahead in the league utill both hands are firmly on the trophy, besides the way things are going they could be champions by early april , leaving a clear path to the champions league. but they have been lucky with unjuries so far
  20. for all of us that can't be bothered watching, can you summarise it?
  21. I've kept an eye on these developments from a distance over the years whilst next to nothing has happened. this moving the boundary to Stonehaven ( essentially all the way up to Aberdeen) is a great way of effectively leaving the north to do their own thing whilst officially still having them as part of it. the north will be even weaker so most will be unlikely to get anywhere in the play off ( which sounds like what most of them want anyway) spfl club 42 will almost always be a lowland area club as there are now only 3 highland area teams that can realistically finish bottom of league 2 . Everyone else can get on with moving up and down the pyramid whilst someone can also be crowned champions of Aberdeen shire & Morey
  22. Should they not be called the Apprentice boys of Londonderry?
  23. f**k knows but its got to be the worst deal ever. the stadium & car park should be making us money 7 days a week, the five aside pitches should have been kept up and used to generate revenue. instead we pay rent and are limited to the atsro turf to generate non matchday revenue. no wonder we are shite. first rule of business is to have your assets working for you as much as possible
  24. 100% agree . Some players, from messi all the way down to your resident knob at the fives can’t hide their annoyance at having to play with lesser quality players alongside them . And that attitude can drag a whole team down . But with vaulks , like all good captains here was someone who had none of that Football is played by humans and thats why we love it
  25. Perhaps im confusing that season with the previous one , happy to be corrected tho. Vaulks was such a huge loss to the squad. Like replacing a 3l V8 engine with a wee 1l from a fiesta , the difference was obvious
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