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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. That'll be the boards great plans with their ' a fee that could rise to a million through add ons' out the window again then.
  2. I thought the first playoff 2nd leg had been shunted to a Friday for tv but in fact it's to prevent a clash with feckin Dundee ,even if it's us that ends up 3rd. What a load of cobblers.
  3. I didnt realise it was only games in Scotland it couldn't clash with. I'm sure the scottish cup final has clashed with english league games and the FA cup before and so thought it must've got special permission to be able to be shown live.
  4. I'm sure your right although the scottish cup final has always been shown live at 3pm on a Saturday so there must be some way round it.
  5. Friday night's are a bit shit especially when there's hee haw on the Saturday or Sunday.
  6. I like all blue but if I remember correctly the last season we had an all blue strip was the Stenny debacle which doesn't bode well.
  7. I see that the ' blue half of the old firm' are being linked with Vaulks in the record today.
  8. Disagree. Don't know where the red ever came from to be honest. When I first started watching the Baird in the 70s it was always blue and white . Perhaps the odd bit of red in the socks. I like these strips. Nice and plain.No silly stripes on the front thankfully.
  9. To be honest big Peter could do with a rest and is also on the cusp of a suspension. I'm not sure about Gasparotto and Watson as a partnership though.
  10. Looks to me like your bod are desperate for cash if their offering what is a substantial discount to get money in before the end of April.
  11. Politician being a c**t shocker. Their all fecking at it.
  12. Looks like we'll have to play those perennial cheats again next season unfortunately. Another reason added to a long list of them for why we need top get promoted asap.
  13. For away fans yes but they should be getting far more home fans in a city with a population of over 200k especially as their the only team in it.
  14. Surprised DU are still up there considering their crowds have started to dip recently. Aberdeen should be ashamed. So called best side for 20 years and their still getting less than Hearts and Hibs. Also makes you wonder why anyone would be at all interested in buying Livingston. with crowds averaging 700 odd in a championship season surely people will have realised by now that noone really wants a football team in Livingston
  15. Houston admits that Kerr isn't playing well. So why the feck do you keep picking him Peter? No point in having a supposed stronger squad if you keep picking the players that are struggling.
  16. Its frustration at seeing the same defensive team picked at home week after week. Its not Kerr's fault its Houston himself who should be getting the pelters.
  17. I reckon they get dragged down to that the longer they work there to be honest. I popped in to get a top for my boy the day she started and she was very friendly and enthusiastic.
  18. The whole idea behind complaining is so that something gets done about it otherwise you have the same situation year on year. Again their using a workaround of basically hoping the season ticket holders hoover up all the tickets so that they don't have to bother selling tickets to a queue of patg punters. They'll do anything to stop having to spend any cash on something that will actually get to the root of the issue and solve it properly.
  19. How long does it take though? This should've been looked at straight after the killie game a year ago. I think if they'd said season ticket holders can get 1 extra ticket then no one would've complained.
  20. I would'very thought that after last year we would've got better technology up and running straight away to ease this issue. A decent online booking system that allows season ticket holders to go on and book their own seats immediately for starters. That then cuts out 3000 odd straight away without any queues needed for them at all. Then a simple points system for non season ticket holders. Can't be that difficult to issue a card which gets updated every game you go to. Their next in the list. After that you get a simple public sale online, on the phone or in person at the ground. I mean footballs been selling ticjets for years and yet we still haven't a clue how to do it properly. It's ridiculous.
  21. Whats the reason for season ticket holders being able to buy more than their own seat anyway? I mean going by this if they are a main stand season ticket holder they can buy their own seat and 10 other seats located somewhere totally different.
  22. Correct why should season ticket holders be able to buy tickets for any tom, dick or harry before guys that patg every week?
  23. No its sounds pretty straight forward but still utterly ludicrous. Did you query where in the hell they came up with the number 10 from?
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