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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. Why should season ticket holders get access to any extra tickets other than their own one? Yes they should have priority to purchase their own ticket over patg fans but that should be it surely. Of course if their friends that are season ticket holders cant make it to the ticket sale then its not a problem with them bringing along their friends seasons to get their tickets but that should be it. They got grief last season from season ticket holders for making an arse of it and now they've gone far too much the other way. Total shambles.
  2. Our ludicrous tactics certainly didnt help . First leg we got lucky even though the ball spent half the game in the air for challenges we were never going to win. Second leg was the same and we got our just desserts. It might sound strange but I reckon we might have had more chance in the second leg if the first had ended up 0-0 or we'd even lost by a goal.
  3. I'd agree if we didn't have same division loans. Teams should be able to pick whoever they want against teams in their own league and not forced to drop certain ones for certain games. It's not so much the effect on the club who takes the loan on. It's not fair in my mind that that team can play that player against all the other sides in the league bar one.
  4. Its a pretty shit rule to be honest. A club should be fielding their strongest side every match they play in. I mean if Europe's premier Club competition doesn't have a problem with it why should we really.
  5. El Bakhtaoui has scored a massive 3 goals this season. He'd be easy meat compared to Magennis last season.
  6. Mind you so were Killie and look what happened there.
  7. Hamilton has got to be first choice. You then know that both legs will be like a home tie. Even Motherwell will see all their part timers crawling out the woodwork like Killie got last season.
  8. We dont have much luck with our january signings and injuries. Muirhead, McGrandles and McKee. We need to avoid signing players beginning with M in the january window.
  9. Having the park surrounded by stands will help as would filling in the corners.
  10. There's always going to be sides with a decent financial advantage . If Morton somehow won the playoffs we could face 3 sides with bigger budgets especially if someone like Dundee came down.
  11. I'm not saying he's a bad player. I was highlighting how ridiculous it is to have a player who has made one appearance as an option for player of the year. I remember Bobby Geddes making a total horlicks of that free kick. Dribbled right through his legs.
  12. I can't believe they've actually got joe McKee as an option.
  13. You've lost me there mate . Was only a year ago we made a 1.5 million pound profit. Okay we're not rolling in it but we're not going to go into admin or worse any time soon.
  14. Well Dunfermline fans certainly never learned anything from Livingston(twice), Dundee(twice), Gretna or Motherwell etc.
  15. Perhaps if Dunfermline fans had taken as much interest into their own financial mess as much as they are Raiths current financial situation they may not have been so close to going down the tubes and might not have had to shaft a whole bunch of creditors.
  16. I agree with you to a certain extent but again with that bench there wasn't really a lot of options for him. We were crying out for a Mark Kerr or Tom Taiwo . Hibs changes at half time made a big difference as they were forced into going for it. We couldnt really counter it as we only had one defensive minded player on the bench and that was Dick. I actually reckon we'd have had more chance of winning if we'd only been one up at half time as Fenlon may not have made any changes at half time. God knows how Will Vaulks couldnt get in that side or was he injured at the time? I cant recall.
  17. Aye the boy Harris was excellent that day. Looked a real prospect but in fact will probably end up in the seaside leagues in the near future. Like you said if Taylor had scored or we'd even managed to hold out for another 10 mins second half we'd have got a result .We weren't a great side though that year to be honest as our league placing showed. Darren Dodds and Johnny Flynn at the heart of our defence for instance. If we had had a decent squad we nay have held on but we had bowman, tom grant, weatherston, Higgins and Dick on the bench. There was no chance any of them was going to come on and shore things up. No surprise that none of them are still at the club.
  18. If he loves them that much then why's he still not there. He still had a contract with them when he split to join us.
  19. They were obviously watching him take the pish out of Lee Wallace for Canada. Unfortunately not all full backs are as crap as Lee Wallace.
  20. Can we not sack him for moonlighting as a barman?
  21. And what about season ticket holders in the ss who don't want to stand? Do they have to pay too. The whole idea is utterly ludicrous. Terracing in the past was always the cheaper option and now we're going to charge people more to stand up.Whilst I loved the old days at Brockville that's in the past and adding safe standing ain't going to bring it back.
  22. I'd rather we spent the cash on some decent players. I frankly can't see the advantage of paying for something that we don't need. If there's more than one person to a seat and people standing then that needs sorted out surely.
  23. It's not much steeper than any other stand including our main one. Are you telling me that when madness come or when Elton or rod were playing people I the seated areas weren't allowed to stand up? At any concert I've been at at a football stadium people are allowed to stand, dance and jump up and down usually pished for anything up to 2 hrs and yet it's for some reason seen as a total no no and major safety issue when it's fitba. Complete bollocks if you ask me. There's no reason why you couldn't designate an area of the South stand where people who want to stand can do so.
  24. Why not just allow people to stand up in their seats. They don't bother enforcing it in the away end when hibs or the H*ns visit anyway. That would save a fortune.
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