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Posts posted by Hazbart

  1. 24 minutes ago, Ayrmai said:

    Anyone know how accurate these are? I suspect with a pinch of salt, although no doubt most of the info must be out there agents, scouts and clubs must get info from somewhere. https://salarysport.com/football/sky-bet-league-one/swindon-town/ 

    If it’s right….. we were paying Cammy Salkeld $530 per week and Tomi $380 whilst Charlie Albinson has moved hundreds of miles from home for a little over £10k a year.


    can’t see it being that accurate.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Lochwood said:

    Cuthbert not coming is a massive blow he was club captain coach material don’t know what happened but I believe that deal was a certainty to happen so can’t see us getting anybody of that quality in now seriously disappointing.

    Was it really going to happen or was it the wish on P&B?

    not sure it was ever that realistic for us.


  3. 4 minutes ago, btb said:

    Seen your guys starting their pre-season @ Whitlett's Sport Centre this morning, the young 'uns have been in since Monday.

    I often see Bully if I'm walking the dog late morning - any messages you want me to pass on?

    Tell him to hurry up and sign someone, anyone will do that’s not been named by General Dissaray….

  4. 15 minutes ago, General dissaray said:

    Fair enough still played in the lowland league though and in lower league English conference football 

    Sometimes it isn't very good and sometimes the plzyers who played in that league struggle to get a game in west off Scottish 

    But its okay knock Scottish football all you like even when there is still players going senior out the west of Scottish 

    He played a whole 2 games at EK….. 

    Now piss off back under whichever wheelie bin you crawl out from every off-season.

  5. 3 hours ago, OnlyAyrfaninTarbolton said:

    Was this when he played for Killie.... Every player does that when they play for a club... Him and his whole family are staunch rangers fans from Drongan..... 

    I had displeasure  of meeting him on a night out in Prestwick and....... Well I will just leave it there the guy is a total w**k basically..... 

    He better not sign for us... 

    I used to see Kirk at the taxi rank at Tobi Zaxx quite regularly. To give him his dues, he seemed like a normal bloke. Even dropped me off on Holmston Road on his way to Drongan as we both tried to get in the same taxi. Wouldn’t take any cash.

    That being said, I wouldn’t want his egg-splattered face anywhere near Somerset Park….


  6. 51 minutes ago, Mod1967 said:

    Personally thought Rose was a far better player than McKenna, but his attributes are desired in England, hence Maguire cost million, I never once said he was a world beater, but I've read on here about him being one of our worst defenders in recent times which is utter nonsense, his strength and more importantly pace will on many occasions get him out of bother ,there's plenty of rough technically basic centre halfs in the top league, however a lack of speed and strength will destroy you at that level. 

    Well that’s something we can agree on. McKenna is is nowhere near the worst defender we’ve had in recent years….

    Step up Jack Baird and Marcus Fjortoft….

  7. 15 minutes ago, Mod1967 said:

    Still hopeing he fails then 

    I’d love nothing more than Scott McKenna being the new Paulo Maldini or even John Terry but the truth is, if he ends up being half as good as anyone it’s more likely to be Harry Maguire.

    Just because he’s Scottish and played for Ayr, doesn’t suddenly turn him into a world beater.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Mod1967 said:

    But that doesn't fit the narrative for many on here who are entrenched in the continual doing they hand out to a 'An incredibly young rough centre half' who was just starting his career. McKenna is a fast, left footed monster of a player, ideally suited to the English game, we're now making things up about him being dropped, possibly mixing him up with that other different style centre half, who was also learning his trade ,Rose......who has incidentally been dropped periodically at Coventry. 

    Nope, definitely wasn’t getting him mixed up with Michael Rose and I wasn’t “making things up”.

    It was a genuine mistake where I recalled him being out of the Forrest team for a spell. Just got the wrong season.

    You on the other hand are making things up by saying he’s a monster of a centre half, ideally suited to the English game….. he’s a big unit but lacks the composure to be a quality top flight defender. Can’t wait to see him up against Haaland.




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