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laughing gravie

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Posts posted by laughing gravie

  1. 5 hours ago, McCulloch No.5 said:

    We've had very few over last 30 years and it looks like this manager will continue that trend.

    If you look at BF's career, he was in set ups where no time was permitted for youth development, it was always a case of buying what they could (n't really) afford incase their rivals got one over on them.🤡

    I'm pretty sure this is the set up he came from at Kelty.🤫

    For me,the jury's out, and it may take some time to pass verdict.🤔

    It may even go to retrial 😳

  2. 9 hours ago, weetoonlad said:

    Bob Malcolm his no 2

    Paddy is first team coach. 

    John Gibson goalkeeper coach 

    All listed on the new club website 

    That's not what I'm saying here, nor the issues.

    Once again, or should it be AGAIN, the fans are fed on crumbs but no effort is wasted in pursuit of taking our money.

    Some information on how the unlisted friendlies went or how training and squad gelling would be nice.

  3. This has to be the most underwhelming preseason in an age.

    The " OS " is chocolate fireguard territory, next to no updates on preseason matches, but plenty information on how to part with our money.

    Even the new signing information was laughable.

    One would have thought with a new " big name " manager, he would be wanting the supporters on his side, but has become as evasive as Sir Percy Blakeny.

    I appreciate there is a lot on the plate running a semi OS website and doing WASP TV, surely the evidence that too much is being done with too few hands?

  4. Why are the OF and Sevco colts still being touted for admission to the SPFL?

    Why not just tack on the reserve league as a 6th division?

    Wouldn't the other Premiership teams want their teams to achieve the highest level?

    And what becomes of the Linlithgow Roses and Jenfield Swift's who also want to be part of the SPFL as much as the Glasgow teams?

  5. 3 hours ago, McCulloch No.5 said:

    Fair play to you mate. That's some job description for 25 hours. As a one man show congratulations and keep up the great work. You can only report on facts and not rumours.👏👏

    I applaud the fact that LeodhasXD has single handedly kept the OS going, been the cameraman for the games ans all other things he does.

    But if he is covering 6 disciplines, wouldn't it be easier with 2 people covering 3 or 3 people covering 2 disciplines?  This way, if someone is not available for whatever reason, the shortfall can be covered.

    Where as, if LeodhasXD isn't available, all the eggs that were in one basket are no longer available.  Why have a dog and bark yourself?  

  6. 5 hours ago, McCulloch No.5 said:

    Does Lewis get paid?

    I have no idea, but I'd guess due to the running costs of the club, probably not.

    Then again, the money they are saving on keeping club activities should free up enough to pay him.

    Is Lewis a volunteer by any chance?

  7. 2 hours ago, weetoonlad said:

    Lewis is doing a great job with the new web site and am sure as the new signings are made he will post accordingly 

    The website is very good looking, but what's the point of this if it doesn't updated?

    It's a bit like buying a team all but no one wants to play!

    Having an active website doesn't just mean tell us about signing, match reports. Some interviews with previous players, player interviews and fun stuff would go a long way to acknowledge that supporters aren't just here to pay championship prices for 1sr division football🤔

  8. 3 hours ago, weetoonlad said:

    The season ahead will be a difficult one. We need to be careful not to do  a Brechin. I think a play off spot would be a good season for the Wasps. 

    Championship Budget in the first Div 

    Only going to cost someone £££££££

    Guess Who !!!!!!! 

    The usual folk kept in the he dark

    The silence is deafening

  9. If we were still a championship team, the price freeze would be most welcomed.

    But we are no longer there, but s division down but still paying champion prices. I'm sure it makes sense to someone, but I'm still baffled.

    And despite all the smoke and mirrors, year after year, we still look like the least informed team in Scotland.

    With a management set up that seem only interested in taking our cash and giving very little in return.

  10. 1 hour ago, Magic Hat said:

    I have to say in my opinion those prices are steep. The season ticket works out half decent value but only against a ridiculous price of £18 for pay at the gate. 

    Would have liked to see the club repay the fans who bought a season ticket last season which definitely wasn't good value £205 for 13 or 14 home games and then two of them were on TV. 

    Not saying it is just an Alloa issue but £18 for League 1 is a rip off. 

    No great surprise here.

    Have to find s way to pay BF's wage bill

  11. 13 hours ago, D'Jaffo said:

    Community club doesn’t mean you know everything that goes on behind closed doors. HTH.

    I don't want to know all that goes on behind closed doors.  If I did, if apply for s director of the club.

    But if the manager, on radio states he will inform us of 3 signings early next week ( this being last week) I expect to hear something.

    Again, the club will be happy to take our money at the gate, whilst we wonder what exactly we are getting for our money.

    And despite all this ' nothing said as usual ', I'll still be there supporting my team.

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