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laughing gravie

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Posts posted by laughing gravie

  1. 31 minutes ago, weetoonlad said:

    If the pars didn't have that 5 game winning run under Crawford when he first took over they would have been in the bottom two Falkirk just never got going all season

    And if we didn't have our 4 game purple patch after the New Year, we would be wearing knotted hankies on our head, and making sand castles

  2. 33 minutes ago, Oweny said:

    I think the worst 2 teams i seen this season were Falkirk and then Dunfermline . Does anyone else agree? 

    Dunfermline dodged a bullet missing the play offs 


    Even if they were, we had a hell of a hard time getting anything from them.


    18 hours ago, Grant228 said:


    We had almost four times as many shots, as well as a good bit more possession, do you genuinely think you were the attacking team? Or perhaps it was in this game. 




    Possession means heehaw TBH, I've seen teams with mega possession and hardly get the ball out of their own half.

    What is the better team - 75% possession , 20 shots on goal and 1 goal, or 25% possession, 2 shots on goal and 1 goal?


  3. 18 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

    Rocketman 6.5/10

    The main thing I did during this film was compare it to Bohemian rhapsody for obvious reasons, and for me it wasn’t as good as it. It was still a good watch but as Bohemian rhapsody set a high bar it would always struggle to reach that and look weaker because of it.

    It was a bit more gritty in some places as you see Elton just about getting pumped and doing a lot of gear, but it was much more cheesy in some places as they would just randomly burst in to song over dinner or drinks etc. with his mum, gran and such joining in.

    Taron delivers a solid performance as Elton but nothing on Malek’s Mercury.


    Saw this last weekend, thought it wanted to be Bohemian rhapsody and Sunshine on Leith., and couldn't decide which one it actually wanted to be.

    Interesting insight into EHJ's troubled and brilliant life.


  4. 4 hours ago, Fae_the_'briggs said:

    I doubt if any QoS supporters  were livid that Alloa avoided the play-offs any more than than they were livid at the other teams near the bottom securing safety. Most QoS fans  appreciate that  our  position owed little to the performances of other teams and was wholly down to our own (or Naysmith's)  ineptitude.  As for next season,  as long as we finish out of danger I couldn't care who finishes below us.  Some Alloa fans do appear to have a "wee part time team"  chip on their shoulders. 

    I think it's hard for some fans to shed this chip, because every time something is  printed about us, we are the wee part time team, and we are seldom given the credit we deserve because of this 'status'. 

    For me, I support a team whose ambition is to finish 8th at this level, anything else is a bonus.  I am looking forward to the coming season, with or without JG.  And if we show the spirit and a little more belief in ourselves, then it's already a successful season for me.

  5. 4 hours ago, whereismillar said:

    every team in the championship are hoping Alloa falter next season gives them the better hope of survival, QOTS supporters must have been livid we avoided the playoffs and left them to sweat it out .


    I think the most livid in the division were our near neighbours across the Clackmannanshire Bridge who still believe they are a big team

    They do have a big support though.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Oweny said:

    Notice alloa are always "spirited", "plucky" "well organised" etc  according to the reports in the media . No one ever comes out and says that we are a terrific footballing playing team passing teams off the park at the moment. No one ever comments that we have one of the best midfield generals outside of the Premier league , a centre half and captain who is an absolute rock or we have one of the best managers in Scotland who is getting better all the time .  Lazy journalism 

    You will also be aware that any team beating the Old Firm or the Rangers never play well, but the OF and the RFC always have an off day?

    A bit like the BBC on a Saturday, if the Premiership is playing we get Final Score, but if it's international week and the lower 3 divisions are playing, we get no Final Score. Just shows there is little knowledge outside Glasgow.

  7. 7 hours ago, BigMartyn86 said:
    23 hours ago, laughing gravie said:
    I sent an e mail to the club stating I would happily do the official site, now I have retired, but never as much received an acknowledgement.

    You are better off calling the club in the morning and speaking to Robert Wilson rather than sending e-mails.

    I will take this on board.


    22 hours ago, whereismillar said:

    Good on you but you spelt "Gravy" wrong :lol:

    Laughing GRAVY is a short movie by Laurel & Hardy, so in order not to breach copyright, I massaged the spelling of Gravie.

  8. 2 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

    I do love the overreaction from Rangers men. It's as though they've finally realised what the rest of us have known  since 2012 and Celtic are miles ahead of them.

    At 1 point in the commentary on Sunday they satid "I've never seen such a 1 sided old firm"

    How can it be the Old Firm when one of the teams are only 6 years old?

    Seriously though,  shouldn't The Rangers (founded 2012) be setting a realistic target of being as good as Aberdeen or Hibs?

    If Gerard does accept the gaffers job, he will panic as soon as he realises there's no blank cheques to bolster the team.

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