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Everything posted by ScotlandGer

  1. I am getting worse and worse at this game. I started off scoring goals, getting amongst it, and saving shots etc. But then I just fell off a cliff and missing everything. Not even ranked play with better players etc. could explain it. I think I'm over-thinking it and being too cautious. Still, it's a great game for a spare half-hour. Lovin' it.
  2. Aye, quite enjoyed Battle Royale (the sequel not so much). But I mind when I first read about Hunger Games, I initially just assumed it was the American rights of the Japanese licence to BR at first, as I had no idea about the success of the HG books etc. I'm guessing the author of HG drew 'inspiration' from Battle Royale.
  3. Pyramid -- 4/10 This isn't the worst film I've seen. It's found-footage horror with Jay from Inbetweeners and he is actually one of the positive parts of the film. He'd make a good comedy-relief character for a bigger film. The first half-hour was not-too-bad and you could see what the idea was -- adventure, claustrophobic, monster, horror. But, the last 2/3 falls off a cliff something else. It actually becomes a bit of a laugh, no bad thing tbf.
  4. Ah, good man, nice one Fide. Interested to read how folk get on with games (esp. this month with TWD2, cracking game). Plus, noticed Magicka is a co-op and thought it'd be a laugh if a P+B crew got set-up via this thread -- the PS Plus crowd will wonder what what's up they keep getting telt they're seething, tear-stained, seem upset
  5. Earlier, a few of these got brought in for the football and I tried them for the first time: Using my great investigative skills, they're Polish lagers flavoured with Bison Grass. Honestly, I like the Bison Grass vodka, but these not so much. But, they're different, worth a try maybe. From Asda.
  6. F*** aye, I didn't even think about that. I normally have a bad habit of feeling sorry for politicians when they're in trouble, but Dugdale just reminds me too much of the type of student-politician that you get among Politics / Law department undergraduates in Universities - over-eager, centre-right, try-hards.
  7. I used to be deeply sceptical about this sort of thing, but internet videos, and other evidence, sort of made me reconsider my views. This type of thing is really spooky
  8. The Maze Runner - 8/10 I quite enjoyed the first Hunger Games but was a bit unsure about the follow-ups. This is one of those films that slots into that dystopian, YA fiction, sci-fi, genre that's quite popular just now, and which Hunger Games seems to lead the way. We actually only watched this because we caught a trailer for the sequel which looks pretty cool - The Scorch Trials (spoilered below in case you've not seen the first film) so wanted to see the first film. In contrast to Hunger Games, the film's entire cast are enjoyable to watch and keep the film moving along at a good pace (whereas I felt the Hunger Games was really slow at times and, without Jennifer Lawrence, would be boring as f***). Good special effects and good at building up tension. Like the rest of these type of films, the plot / story makes no f***ing sense, but hey-ho, still good fun.
  9. Glad I stuck with Broken Age, as it turns out to be a cracking game. I downloaded it for the Vita, and deleted the PS4 version, and it def. works better as a handheld game which can be picked up when bored rather than as game to sit down and play, if that makes sense. Stuck like f*** on Super Meat Boy. On the second boss, I just can't get past the upper platform level. In all honesty, I doubt I've got the dexterity to progress too far on this game. Unmechanical is ace, btw. Just a thought, but I wonder if the mods would change this thread to 'Playstation Plus Games' for discussion about upcoming months, rather than just October, etc, as November games have just been released: Walking Dead Season 2, PS4 Magicka 2, PS4 Dragon Fin Soup, PS4 / Vita /PS3 Mass Effect 2, PS3 Beyond Good and Evil, PS3 Invizimals, Vita From my perspective, I've played TWD2, never heard of Magicka 2, or Dragon Fin Soup so not too pleased with the roster. Admittedly, TWD 2 is a great game but surely only the basis that you've played TWD1. Tbh, I was expecting bigger titles, but, oh well, maybe next month
  10. Ooft! Deary me! There were times when Dugdale was sat there like a juvenile audience member blankly observing other people, and overwhelmed that they had actually constructive / creative thoughts on the different questions. The silence after the big platitude stuff speech she had prepared was something else. Personally, I thought she was out of her depth when she was elected an MSP (which, tbf, can be partly attributed to a quirk of the electoral system, Labour's internal organisation for the list system, and the SNP land-slide), but when she became deputy it seemed like being an accidental over-promotion. But, to now be leader ... yikes for Labour.
  11. This my first month with PS Plus and I'm pretty pleased with it. Super Meat Boy is great fun. I really like the replay of the level when you get it completed, with all the Meat Boys scrabbling about the screen. Although I'm stuck like a b******* on a couple of levels, but it's quite addictive. The soundtrack is quite catchy, too, and even though repetitive, doesn't really grate. I was looking forward to Broken Age but I've not got a clue what's going on, in honesty ... I probably just need to stick with it as I'm not too far into it. Unmechanical is a good puzzle game (and I'm not that into puzzlers / not very good at them). Thumbs up, looking forward to next month.
  12. The Homesman - 9/10 Firstly, I'm a big fan of Westerns and, secondly, I'm a sap for the type of films with dem feels. This is a tough Western with dem feels (but it might be a bit slow if you're not that into Westerns). This film fell into place after the first half-hour whereby, initially, I wasn't too sure (you need to stick with it). But, this is brilliant. Tasked with escorting a group of ill women back East, Hilary Swank and Tommy Lee-Jones are stuck to facing a pretty grim reality on their journey. There's a great wee snipe at contemporary American capitalism / individualism which is good fun. But, otherwise it's a rewarding, if tough, watch.
  13. Housebound -- 9/10 I'm normally wary of dark-comedies / horror-comedies, as one element tends to fail, and this means the other element falls down. In contrast, this is a New Zealand horror-comedy that is both genuinely scary and genuinely funny (at times at the same time, which is quite a feat). The writing's great and the whole cast play it straight down-the-line which means both the horror and comedy works a treat. It's from some of the guys behind Flight of the Conchords (iirc) Great film.
  14. Bloodborne I made the step up to PS4 and this is the first game I purchased. And, aye, holy s*** this game is difficult. But, it's so addictive in the way we've come to expect From Software and, I was slightly wary of the move from Dark Souls II sort of apocalyptic medieval setting / I don't know, to the sort of Victorian setting, but it's still as unsettling and chilling as an environment to play in. Also, got FIFA 16 thrown in when I purchased my PS4 and enjoying it
  15. Priti Patel has a surprisingly large back-side (and not in a good way, I recognise this is being shockingly sexist ). But, Isabel Hardman is now on This Week and she is really lovely / wid.
  16. I do like Band of Horses And, this is what happens when you follow recommended videos
  17. I couldn't find this clip without a bit of a wanky intro by the MTV guy, but here goes And, this Ramones song does make me laugh, but I like it,
  18. Cheers for the recommendations with Le Carre scrooge and Savage, I'll definitely look them up after I've finished with 'Karla Trilogy'. I've already got the rest of the 'Karla Trilogy' on order from Amazon, so will be working through them first of all. I've turned into a bit of Le Carre fanboy in the space of a few days Blood Meridian is something else, it's one of my favourite books, but it really is something else. I get what you mean that it's an effort to get through, but it's really worth it imo, and is worth another read-through in a wee bit as the difficulty of some of the language etc. gets sorted on a second-read. Edited: reading skills obvs not great on a thread about reading books
  19. The Spy who came in from the Cold - John Le Carre Wow, just wow. Quite why I've never read le Carre before now baffles me. Brilliant. Finished it in, more or less, one go when travelling on a long(ish) train journey. Absolutely hooked. I'd seen the recent film of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and thought it was brilliant, but I'm not entirely sure I really understood what happened (I think some double-crossing was involved, like spies n' stuff) but knew it was based on le Carre's novel. I had been stuck for something to read so ducked into a Waterstone's and was about to pick up Tinker, Tailor when I spotted a 'staff recommendation' tag which said to start with Spy in from the Cold for le Carre novels. Not only is it a cracking read, but it sets up the character of Smiley for Tinker, Tailor. So, I'd second this recommendation. I've now picked up Tinker, Tailor and I'm a few chapters in (and it confirms my first thoughts, that it's definitely all about double-crossing by spies n' stuff, I think).
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