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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. Aye the last thing we’d have needed. No place for that sort of thing at our wee club.
  2. Duffy left Ton at the end of April so I’m not sure it would have been his decision.
  3. I think it was Friday I suggested that one!
  4. As far as I know, Durrant conducted himself pretty well during his time at the Rock. Some of the comments I’ve read about him are in pretty poor taste and also unsubstantiated. I met and spoke with him at the Craig Brittain testimonial and he said his first game for Rangers was at Boghead. I hope he continues to be involved in the game.
  5. We need to get behind the new manager and the team. He’s pretty much a unanimous choice amongst the fans and his record is pretty good. I’ve been listening to him on radio phone in duty this week and he comes over very well on that (Radio Clyde) . Unusually he works for Radio Scotland too and has been their VAR man a couple of times, analysing and calling refs' decisions. Sound guy (sic) with a good track record in management. Good luck Jim Duffy.
  6. ‘On the brink’ sounds to me like 2 possible scenarios. Either everything is sorted and for whatever reason they are waiting to announce it on Monday. OR , they’ve reached a heads of agreement with some outstanding matters to settle.
  7. It is obviously very popular. I think though it would be quite difficult alter the dynamics there.
  8. Someone should really take Allan aside and explain what kind of entirely predictable reaction stuff like this provokes on social media. What a complete car crash that group is.
  9. Almost the same with Duffy and Thistle job. It happens a lot when managers put themselves in a public frame for a job, they rarely get it.
  10. Yes, I sent him a copy of the photo earlier. He perhaps isn't so well known round these parts.
  11. I’m in that one, just behind Jimmy Cormack. Alan Findlay top right.
  12. Meanwhile a new fans sub-group is being formed. A working title of “Duff’s Disciples” is under discussion. The meeting last night got quite lively.
  13. I took that first one. It has Guido, his two brothers and his dad in it.
  14. TBH, if an appointment has been made, then Friday would have a bigger announcement impact. I think Durrant was always going to take the team on Saturday and he maybe has a point to prove.
  15. I wouldn't read any significance on that. When Steve Aitken joined up the deal was done in a Houston (Renfrewshire) pub with Gilbert Lawrie. Probably better keeping an eye on a certain Helensburgh Solicitor's office for developments.
  16. If it isn’t Duffy it might be Michael Stipe on steroids.
  17. Yep. In confidence was writ large in the invite.
  18. There may be some who have applied for one and not the other. There won’t have been any shortage of applicants for either. At this stage it would be prudent to identify your preferred choice and a back up candidate.
  19. The club would have been hung out to dry had they continued to play Nade after his arrest and the decision by the PF to prosecute the case. They acted correctly as others have said.
  20. Some pretty disturbing reading in this morning’s Sun including the front page.
  21. I wonder why Murray hasn't landed a job back in Scotland yet? Forfar and even Albion Rovers not taking a chance on him. I'm assuming he applied for these. He talks about Asker of Norway here
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