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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. You can be a hard man OK and whilst I admire your exacting standards, I think one has to reflect and recognise who we are and what position we occupy. Sometimes DFC is in fact too wee and too poor to attract world beaters. Walsh will have a decent career without troubling the Premiership, much like that enjoyed by Beanie. It was a pity we got him back when the music stopped. I'd be happy to see Hutton stay.
  2. I think I detect the flowing hand of Simon Barrow on that. Does anyone know what has happened to the Club Officials link on the website?
  3. Just wished him good luck on Twitter. He's been a good servant to the club.
  4. A waste of pace in other words. A little unfair to judge a player like Tom Walsh amidst the tactics and strategy deployed this season.
  5. I was there. Just imagine Boghead filled with 10,000 Dumbarton supporters.
  6. He’s obviously caught the eye of John Robertson mind you.
  7. Aye, Brabco involved Gilbert Lawrie and Callum Hosie. Gilbert’s presence was considerable insurance against foul play and probably to some extent was Callum Hosie’s. Any such safeguards are now gone. If it is confirmed that Chris Staunton has left then the only identifiable person in Brabco is Ian Wilson. The only positive side of that I can think of is that at least that ought to unite opinion. It probably won’t be long now until we discover how an unbridled Wilson will operate.
  8. He was part- time with Brechin wasn’t he? Morton is at the bottom end of the list of clubs who can offer full-time. Looking at the league, I can’t see any full-time club looking at Jim at the moment. He is one of the best TV and radio pundits and might fancy that with part-time. Anyway I agree he’d be a good shout, however one caveat is that he has been fulsome in his praise of Stevie. Even in Sunday’s match comments.
  9. Warm and sincere congratulations to Alloa. Best Wishes for next season.
  10. Sickener. Alloa deserved their victory and Aitken is a victim of his own cowardice and obstinacy I feel.
  11. His piece for BBC Alba was very good and as you say he’s been connecting with the supporters in a positive and direct way. The club faces truly significant challenges in the short term though and how they are dealt with will define our future.
  12. McCoist is probably on there because he lives in Houston. Hopkin and Aitken both ex Morton. TBH I can’t see McCoist being offered it and Surely Hopkin would want another crack with Livi or to stay with them if they go up? That leaves Stevie who lives on that side of the river and has admirers at Cappielow. Mind you bookies make a lot from managerial appointments. They are more often than not, somebody unexpected.
  13. I thought it up one Sunday in 2003 when going to a rehearsal. There's been some lateral thinking mind you, The name has also been used by bands in the USA, England and Australia. Given our age profile someone suggested we change it to One Erection
  14. Yes indeed, playing in time and accompanying music.
  15. Your name and my avatar kind of give us away.
  16. Nine years ago today, Jim Chapman’s Sons beat Annan Athletic 3-1 to clinch the Third Division Championship. . Ross Clark, Denis McLaughlin and Derek Carcary the scorers. I took these photos on the day.
  17. McRorie started six games for Dumbarton, two victories, three draws and one defeat.
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