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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. Great gesture by Stevie Aitken, giving his runners up medal to kit man Colm Mckinley.
  2. Mind you, for a 30 second fill, that would have been exactly the kind of thing the Beeb would have been looking for.
  3. The full Alba coverage of the final is HERE What about 3:10 in?
  4. I think I said ten plus one more going up early, but if if screwed that up I'll go fix it!! Sorry, my mistake.
  5. Very good Craig. I think it was eleven Sonstrust coaches though.
  6. Funny, I bumped into the chairman when I went down to buy a new hat and scarf on Friday. There were no scarves. Les seemed in good spirits and said that he was hoping for a victory and was looking forward to a five figure spin off from the game which he said would see us through to the end of the season. I’ve known him for a few years and found him pretty personable. Colin came over well in the TV situation. Amongst the board it has to be Colin and Alan Findlay whose credentials and motives are beyond reproach and any accusation of ulterior motives.
  7. Can anyone explain the reason for three or four sizeable union flags in amongst the Sons support behind the goal yesterday? Whilst it is the UK's flag and all that, its appearance at sporting occasions in Scotland are usually just at one club. Its appearance in public is not usually a sign of something positive. Or have I perhaps got that wrong?
  8. Probably some of the comments directed at Stevie and the team are a little unfair. The only explanation for Beanie starting over Stewart would be respective fitness. If we had had a bigger threat up front maybe the result would have been different. ICT's defence seemed to panic when the ball was anywhere near their goal area. Perhaps Froxy was to blame for not tracking back (just watched it on catch up) but he was the guy who almost single handedly got us to the final by setting up one goal and scoring a wonder strike himself. There was a noticeable tiring of our team. The penalty save should have been the catalyst for a final push but we just didn't have the legs. Either team could have won and it had looked from midway through the second half that one goal would settle it. An absolutely fantastic turnout from the fans. Great to see folk at a Dumbarton game I haven't seen in many a year.
  9. Tony, that is FANtastic. I hope you manage the miserable mid winter Tuesday evenings with a few hundred there!
  10. Is it the rugby team he's been playing for?
  11. Can anyone confirm where the Cyprus game is on? Not showing on Eurosposrt on my Sky set up.
  12. It’s the good luck video! Heartwarming! Happy! Hilarious!
  13. Sad as it may seem, I think I've decoded it. "Pleslie" = Pressley, who reputedly croaked whilst taking a shit. A litter-strewn lay-by on the comedy highway I'd suggest.
  14. Has anyone bought one of the cup final polo shirts? Any photos? I was thinking of venturing in to get one.
  15. If Naveed were a few years younger [emoji1]
  16. It’s good to see that we’re keeping the heid and not falling for all the media hype about the final.....
  17. Or tomorrow 1pm as they have just changed it to. A Wetherspoons Tuesday 1pm squad? Farmfoods shoppers in for their 99p free refill coffee and the local jakeys. Should be quite entertaining......
  18. For those of you not on Faceache, the TV cameras are going to be at The Captain James Lang at 1:00pm on Friday interviewing fans.
  19. It’s pretty ironic that we’re speculating on financial worries at Inverness. If as seems likely, Dalmoak gets the refusal, then Dumbarton’s contingent debt on upgrading the current stadium becomes real. I don’t know how the disinterested and deflated owners will react to that. In more immediate footballing matters, I’d rather be facing this week with at least a chance of Froxy and Burt making it on Saturday. Young fit men should be able to play two consecutive games with an air flight sandwiched in.
  20. There's an interesting piece here from 2014 in which Rankine is full of his typical bluster and the late Gilbert Lawrie identifies "One man within Brabco" as the guarantor for Rankine's money. Neil would never have accepted being owed that amount by a limited company with no guarantee.
  21. Is that really the choice? I'd certainly choose winning the trophy over finishing eighth.....
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