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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. John Steele is nephew of Hon Chairman Douglas Dalgleish. It is a bit early to decide what kind of outcome this presents.
  2. Dearie me, it's youse if you don’t mind [emoji38]
  3. We were in hospitality too and it was great to see the class of 72. One sad note is that Peter Coleman tells me that Charlie Gallagher now has Alzheimer's. It was great though speaking with these Sons heroes. Cracking meal too and unexpected quality fayre served up on the pitch too. Nice to see former director Billy Walker there. It's good to know that he still cares about the Sons.
  4. Fascinating stuff. In the season we finished 3rd in Division 2 under Brian Fairley, the average was 1039. Our best season in recent times was 1130 last season. Our last three seasons in Div 2 (League 1) all averaged fewer than 700 but the travelling support in those years would be nowhere near Championship level. Clicky
  5. Does anyone think that Ronaldo's overhead kick was better?
  6. Aye sorry. I'm a confused auld man most of the time noo.
  7. It's a bit difficult to compare the relative contributions of Froxylias and Dowie and this perhaps illustrates the difficulty in choosing a player of the year. Froxylias' goals against Connah's Quay, Dunfermline and TNS were without doubt the high points of excitement in a season replete with hum drum performances. Dowie has solidly and reliably performed his defensive role and that of captain, well. It's fair to say that we may have eight points more than we might have had thanks to Froxy's goals. He got us through the TNS game with a goal despite only being on the park from the 79th minute. It isn't so easy to quantify Dowie's contribution, it's much more of an assessment over time. For excitement Froxylias, for consistency Dowie. You makes your choice.
  8. That was the Lennox editorial. This is the Reporter's front page.
  9. Lidl do seem quite determined. I’d be quite surprised if they don’t succeed in a subsequent application. It happens. http://www.dumbarton.lidl.co.uk/our-new-store/
  10. It was the Steedmans who sold the ground though.
  11. I’d agree with most of that but surely the Steedmans had some emotional attachment to Clydebank FC?
  12. It would appear that all the ingredients are prepared.
  13. I honestly and sincerely wish you and Clydebank FC all the best.
  14. The "bad old council" fairly fucked things up for Clydebank FC. They turned their application down on the basis that Green Belt land had to remain between Hardgate and Drumchapel. Then however, they allowed various developments thereafter. The only reason I can think of for the Clydebank councillors turning down the DFC application is.........er.......badness...or parochialism.
  15. Clydebank didn’t need to move. When they couldn’t move they were sold as a franchise and exist now as a junior club. There you go, we can all make brief comments which are true but have no context.
  16. That's not an unfair assessment of where we are just now.
  17. Just as in the aftermath of Bonnyrigg, it's a time for cool heads as far as the managerial situation goes. For every Steve Clark or Ian Murray there are 3-4 Owen Coyles or John Hughes. I heard Hughes on Off the Ball yesterday lamenting his time at Raith. "We came in and had to work with the players we had" as if this had come as some sort of surprise to him. The last two performances were indeed rank, but they were against very good sides who caught us at a low ebb. Putting the (much) bigger issues aside for a moment and concentrating on the football side if, as is beginning to look a distinct possibility, we lose our Championship status via the play offs, we have a manager in place who has proven himself at that level. If we stay up we will have a manager in place who has kept us up for three seasons running.
  18. There is no mileage in it OKI, however, in these times isn't it heart-warming to find that the Labour and SNP councillors in Dumbarton and Clydebank can separately unite on something? The vote seems to have been along Dumbarton/Clydebank lines rather than party lines. Parochialism is alive and well. Yeah we were all pretty ambivalent about the plan but when push came to shove Sonstrust supported it after a survey of members. That's pretty much because the alternative might be worse, as I think we may be about to discover. Lets hope that Dumbarton FC's future doesn't in any way rely on another cooncil vote.
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