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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. Blimey Lionel, I only barely remember that and I'm 57!
  2. The fish counter wummin pointed me in the following amphibious direction. The piano represents the budgets of other Championship clubs, whilst the drum kit represents the Sons.
  3. Given that he feels he'll have a point to prove, he'll most likely run riot.
  4. There's this http://www.lets-go-retro.com/shop/index.php?case=product&proddb=4&pid=417 But then there's this https://www.toffs.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=dumbarton
  5. The Brae Shop, Rhu, will be sponsoring Sons TV once again in the coming season.
  6. I disagreed with the decision not to offer him a contract. He had personal issues this season which he'll hopefully move on from . Good luck to him.
  7. It will be loan players and a hard slog. We knew that. Even Celtic had loan players. That is the way the system is now. Pre Bosman, wee clubs could command a fee for players, even when their contract was up. That option isn't open now so the loan system is at least an attempt at sharing resources.
  8. Grant Holt looks about the same weight as me in that photo.
  9. Let's not forget if ma auntie had baws she'd be ma uncle!
  10. A summary of the last week's speculation on Sons Sorrow.
  11. http://www.dumbartonreporter.co.uk/sport/15302954.Goalkeeper_Alan_Martin_and_manager_Stevie_Aitken_at_odds_over_shot_stopper_s_future/
  12. This morning's Reporter seems to confirm the story about a reduced budget. A difference of opinion between Aldo and Stevie too.
  13. We have to remember that DFC is a part-time club. Steve Aitken is working 9-5 with Rolls Royce and then has to get his tea before thinking about signing players.
  14. I was responding to your comment "fairly unlikely football clubs are paying any tax anyway". I was aware of your context but others may not have been.
  15. Just to clarify, VAT is a tax paid at each stage of a production/service or process. It is payable whether the company makes a profit or not. The only way a registered business/company can avoid paying VAT is if the amount they have reclaimed on purchases, exceeds the amount they have received. This will hardly ever be the case with a fitba' club. Football clubs will also pay employers national insurance contributions and local business rates (both taxation) regardless of whether they make a profit. Out of the £260 adult season ticket fee, £43.33 goes straight to HMRC in VAT regardless of profit.
  16. I know both Les and Frank pretty well. I first got to know Frank when he was chair at Albion Rovers and enjoyed his hospitality on a couple of occasions. Les has a decent knowledge of fitba' and is a personable guy. I have sought his advice a couple of times in business and he certainly has plenty knowledge in that respect. Both guys I would say, have decent people skills. I wish them both well in their new roles.
  17. Absolutely brilliant night for this 12 year-old! Went home and watched the (very poor quality) highlights on Scotsport. The film had been taken with ancient old cine cameras. They sent these out to less important games. Montford's Movies was the nickname of such broadcasts.
  18. My goodness what a shock to hear of Campbell's passing. He and I had a wee difference of opinion here a few years ago (as much, if not more my fault than his). We sorted it out face to face at a game with agreement and humour. After that, Campbell never failed to say hello and we'd have a chat about the Sons or whatever. Sincere sympathy and condolences to Campbell's family.
  19. I'm quite sanguine about our team's prospects. On Saturday it was one of those games which the first goal was going to win. We will get 100% effort I'm sure - like others I reckon Garry and Nade might have been a better introduction than Nade and Nuttall. Probably a bit unfair to have introduced Nuttall at that stage in fact. I'll bet Garry was itching to get on. No matter which league we're playing in I'd be inclined to keep Steve Aitken in charge, but with one merry-go-round in full swing and others surely to follow, we might be advised to have a reserve in place. The only thing is that Paul Hartley has Gerry McCabe as assistant, otherwise he might be a good back up.
  20. Our recent record gives us a chance of taking something from the game. Let's just enjoy it and encourage the team.
  21. No - just Ray. Lewis is our 'Pride and Joy' though!
  22. I have a pal who played rugby at Portobello with Lewis Vaughan's dad. His name is....wait for it......Ray Vaughan! Rave on! How cool is that?
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