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Howlin' Wilf

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Everything posted by Howlin' Wilf

  1. Great game and some great individual performances. Good build up play, poise in defence (with a few exceptions). Seems we have yet again used the loan system to great effect. That has to have been Hutton’s best game in a Sons shirt. His work rate, positional sense and distribution were at least a league above where we are.
  2. Someone of my acquaint, spends hours in there, using their electricity and free wi-fi for hours on end. Buys a 99p coffee and treats himself to about 6 free refills. I think he occasionally commits random acts of vandalism in the toilets too. Steak and chips and a pint of Brewdag IPA for £8 though.......
  3. Was he the one that sang Groovy Kind of Love?
  4. Rock Music, if you read this, check your messages.
  5. Are Airdrie not playing Bohemians in the cup? Ok never realised that.....
  6. Airdrie have a week off too. I'm not too bothered about the week off. Listening to Duffy on the excellent interview conducted by Jack Crawford, I was reminded of Alex Wright. A fitba' man.
  7. Another wee point about Duffy, who predicted St Johnstone for relegation on Radio Clyde, much to the chagrin of Tommy Wright. Can anyone tell me where Saints are in the Premiership tonight?
  8. Proof that football is not a linear track. Jim Duffy is a good manager and well done to him for 'managing' to turn things around. Delighted for Layne too. I appreciate that he has that skeleton in his cupboard but if he's turning both his career and his life around then good luck to him. Joint top of the league - who'd a thunk it after 20 mins at Peterheid?
  9. Kane and Thomas pretty much neck and neck. Although more than ten years, Dobbie wasn’t bad at all.
  10. It’s 25+1 where a 75% majority shareholder is involved. In the case of DFC I’d think that the remaining shares are dribs and drabs other than those held by the Trust. If there were to be any significant input I think it would have to be Trust led. Still wouldn’t be 25+1 even if you managed to corral them all.
  11. Forcing an EGM or actually forcing DFC to do anything, I believe would take 26% of the shareholding to agree. Brabco have 75% of the shares in DFC.
  12. From DFC's Incorporation Document dated 1914.
  13. You could get a hold of the accounts yourself and read through them. You could then as a shareholder share your worries with other shareholders and force an EGM to raise your concerns. Non shareholder fans can also get the accounts and then put pressure on the clubs collectively to run in a sustainable manner. The first thing that anyone looks at in a set of accounts is the profit and loss statement where the sales and cost of sales is listed. Dumbarton FC Ltd. has not issued a profit and loss statement in at least ten years, maybe more. The accounts are pretty opaque to the average shareholder. There hasn't been an AGM in at least ten years either.
  14. I take it you are turning down the opportunity to discuss your litany of calumnies and half truths face to face, so that you can continue in the same vein? Face to face chat invite , with zero real or implied threat, is still open. Correspondence here is closed.
  15. Sigh! The reason that I have never complained to the club about the drum is that it would be seen as exactly as you portray here I.e. that it was down to me that it was stopped. I understand that there hasn’t been a drum at the majority of home games this season and I was told at Peterhead that the young team no longer brought a drum to games. That was why I attended yesterday. If comments overheard at the bar don’t tally with the truth then I can do nothing about that. Please, can this be the end of it?
  16. Yeah sincere apologies. The only reason I replied was because the situation was misrepresented. No more from me unless massacre man posts another lot of half truths and assumptions. It was a very good performance. We looked organised, particularly going forward. Let’s get back to the football [emoji460]️
  17. Jeez! The pressure came from my posts on the matter? I haven’t posted here much at all this season and my last post on that subject was I think just after I stopped attending in January. Not only am I of the opinion that I didn’t pressurise anyone, I didn’t pressurise anyone. I will correct you because you are wrong (again). I hold no position at the club, prominent or otherwise. My position at DCS is by its very nature, independent of the club. Yesterday was the first time I have spoken with or indeed communicated at all with an official of DFC since January. I was told last week that the boys had stopped bringing the drum to matches, that it had hardly featured at all this season and had not been at the Raith match. Perhaps your most ridiculous assertion is that I have somehow influenced people in the bar to be fed up with something. Oh and an invite to discuss things face to face is just a request for exactly that. It is simply a request for a wee bit of common courtesy. You have used a series of descriptions and assumptions of me on a public forum, when you admit above that you don’t even know me!
  18. Anyway never mind all that, a very pleasing victory and a good performance. Layne deservedly won MOM although Tumelty was a close second. 4-3-3 seemed to work pretty well today.
  19. I wasn’t going to reply to this but what the heck? Wind your neck in. I was quite happy in my exile from games which has been since January. I haven’t been at a game since and neither have I made one single complaint to the club or expressed any wish to return.i attempted to debate it here and that’s all. Last week I went to Peterhead because I have a friend who lives near there and enjoyed the game with him. Someone at the game remarked to me that the drum was no longer present at games. On that basis I went along today and was pleased to find out that this was indeed the case. Pressure exerted by me was 0. I understand however that several supporters had made complaints as well as several householders. I was that grey haired guy and I’ll be pleased to discuss the matter face to face with you rather than you sneaking away name calling and constructing a fiction on here. I’ll be happy to explain to you the other issues you raise here too. PS Check your facts next time.
  20. Thanks for sharing that. Not all that surprised to hear Andy Graham's answers. Murray and Ross were a good team.
  21. No matter what was said at a meeting about budgets, there is no evidence that such a budget was forthcoming. The evidence in fact is to the contrary unless we think that Duffy had a budget at his disposal that he didn't use.
  22. To be fair I don't think Brabco would have had any chance of delivering anything. Had they got permission (it failed by one vote) then some scrambling around would have followed and a developer sought. At that stage the viability or otherwise would have come into play. I don't think anyone seriously thought there would be a £13.5 million stadium at the end of it.
  23. They went challenged alright but what could anyone do but wait to see whether the various plans proceeded? I posted the following in December 2017. It pretty much outlines where we are now.
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