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Cardinal Richelieu

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Everything posted by Cardinal Richelieu

  1. Well I can safely say that was brilliant, sore nips and groin notwithstanding (but you don't need to hear about that!). Brilliant to see so many people turned out to cheer on the runners. Happy with my time of 1 hour 51 minutes, might have been faster had I not high-fived every kid with their hand outstretched at the side of the road. Funniest moment was probably the loudspeaker belting out Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer" at the half way point. Well done everyone who was running, volunteering or cheering folk on!
  2. Cheers Boghead! And good luck to Garrowhill Clyde who's doing the Kirkintilloch half today n aw! Looks like we've got a decent day for it ... dry and not windy.
  3. Cheers Kenzie. Biggest struggle so far has been trying to pin my number on my front and back and not have it at a jaunty angle. So far all I've managed to do is stick safety pins in my fingers several times.
  4. You've gone off on a bit of a tangent there! But I agree, it's a sin.
  5. Heh. Just building up the tension a bit Mozza. My money's on it being Erin Go Bragh. Either way, she's a bit of a honey. And we've got something in common from the off. We both wear shoes.
  6. I have something to rival itzdrk's.... from Edinburgh I think. I'm only reticent to post it because I'm worried they might be a member of P+B...
  7. On the subject of lightbulbs... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centennial_Light Still doesn't beat my calculator though
  8. We live in an age of having to charge our phones daily. So let's hear it for my high-school calculator I recently unearthed. This bad boy hasn't seen the light of day in at least 20 (twenty) years. And be in no doubt, it saw some heavy-duty action during my early high-school years. Some of the sums it was asked to compute would make your head roll. Yet a good 25 years after it was made, it's still solving sums as well as as world's so-called "supercomputers". Have any other P+Bers got any tales of electronic devices with such Herculean-like stamina? No solar-powered devices allowed btw
  9. Half marathon Bishy. Knee is alright, I just didn't think it I should risk it if it wasn't feeling 100%. Hopeful to get under 2 hours. What time are you aiming for?
  10. Got a bit moist when I saw this. Sadly it's a fake http://www.snopes.com/photos/bugs/wingedspider.asp
  11. Bloody hell. I won't bother applying then! Not that I could do a marathon anyway. Managed another quarter marathon last night in preparation for the the GSR at the weekend. Did it in a decent time, but now my kneecap feels rather shoogly, so I might have to give the Nike run a miss tonight.
  12. Don't get me wrong, if I woke up in the middle of the night to see a big spider snuggling down beside me vying for the duvet, I'd shite myself. But seeing a big spider merrily stoating around your bathroom, garage etc... minding its own business and generally just trying to keep its head down and keep the fly population down. Good luck to them. Now horse flies on the other hand. They are truly evil b*****ds (been bitten twice on the foot.. both times my foot swelled up to twice its normal size and I had to take to my bed). Of course, good old Comrade Spider will quite happily have a horsefly for his tea. The only problem is, of course, that horseflies fly and spiders don't. So what we need is flying spiders. There, I've said it.
  13. They were related to another nomadic tribe known as the Hivisigoths. They were shite at sacking cities though. People saw them coming a mile off.
  14. Can everyone please calm the f**k down please?
  15. What are your chances of winning the London Marathon Lottery? They don't sound high!
  16. I had that when I was a kid. Fucking brutal. Had to wear a mouth guard type thing at night. Still, not had it for 25 years * touch wood *.
  17. Bloody vandals. I've got a good mind to rescind my greenie.
  18. Let's try a different tack. A red dot every day until you get it posted
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