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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Visiting my mum yesterday, and she had been going through all my dad's old things. She said to me she had found a folder at the bottom of his wardrobe and wanted me to destroy it. Uh oh, I thought. My old man had a "collection" and it was heading my way. But no, it wasn't that. It was typed up police files from his time on the force. Cases he was involved in, from 1971 to 1990. as it contains personal info about people mum thought I should burn it. I took it home and have been reading through them. Not exactly the script to Line of Duty. Many, many traffic cases such as folk driving without headlights, leaving the engine running whilst the car was unattended, drink driving and so on. The language is quite dated also. A few cases that were a bit funny. The schoolboys caught stealing a toy fish from Boots in Falkirk in 1977 (value, 37p), the students "urinating to the annoyance of police constables" and others. It has been a fascinating insight into part of his life he never really spoke about. All he ever said was that he never wanted his kids to join the police, and I can see why. Dealing with drunks, getting assaulted, and the endless list of boring traffic cases.
  2. Yes indeed. No idea it was the first of a two parter, and am all the happier for it.
  3. What's the rules on banned posters coming back? Just allowed to carry on as before? Seems to be the case here anyway. Not even the slightest difference in posting from his DPB account and his Gringo one.
  4. For the avoidance of doubt, @Richey Edwards is utterly sound. A genuine good guy. I have not a single bad word to say against him. The hamster is the devil in rodent form, however.
  5. I would hug @SlipperyP, @hk blues and @Eednud but sadly the best part of a planet separates them from my warm embrace.
  6. Nope, not mine. I think the idea of going to the uni where his parents both work was a non starter for him.
  7. Exactly what will happen I think. Big losses for Sunak.
  8. You can make any mess you like in the bowl. But the seat should be spotless.
  9. I'd batter @SlipperyP, @hk blues and @Eednud. All at once or one at a time. Luckily for them the best part of a planet is between them and my fists of fury.
  10. Been watching the Divine Bitches videos, Pete?
  11. Update here - managed to (after spending all fucking day last Friday) get this guy his Honours degree. Me and two colleagues fought for this and managed to find an obscure exception to the discretionary credits rule to let him through. He will graduate with his mates and his family will be there. And today I am fighting for 4 others. They were told their results last week but due to an error in excel calculating the marks, 4 student averages have been corrected downwards. As such the exam board wants to get in touch with these guys and say "sorry, you're getting a lower award than the one we told you". I'm saying they should get what they were told. In one case the average grade dropped by 0.4%. Stingy b*****ds. Another Friday ruined.
  12. The same great appears in Dave Ghrols autobiography, offering him a drumming job in the 90s.
  13. Similar situation to what my wife had. In the end she had mostly cut her mum out of her life, as she was just not good to be around. But, my step-daughter adored her Nana. It was an odd circle to square that only really resolved when my step-daughter was old enough to visit on her own without us. One of the best decisions my wife ever made, for her own wellbeing, was distancing herself from her mum. Much of it was to do with a terrible childhood - stories that would chill anyone who is a parent. Her mum dies last year and, honestly, it upset her a bit but far less than when a friend of hers died this year.
  14. These things get earlier every time. Candidates are announcing now, first Primary debate is in August. So..who will it be? The Donald? The Corpse of Joe Biden? DeSantis? Someone we've never heard of? Will there be any press conferences outside of garden maintenance companies?
  15. Elvis and Julie Goodyear looking crestfallen
  16. Man furious after ‘dangerous’ 25ft asbestos pile dumped yards from his workshop He doesn't look all that furious.
  17. I used to live in a flat above Lionel Ritchie. Never got a wink's sleep.
  18. Rick Wright at Pink Floyd is a fun example. He fell out with Roger Waters when making The Wall, and Waters sacked him from the band. But, they needed him for the tour so brought him back as a salaried employee on. He was the only one to make any money as the tour made a loss and Waters (and the other remaining members) earned nothing.
  19. I asked this girl at work why she's still dating a scruffy homeless bloke who thinks he's Elvis. She replied, "I'm courting a tramp, and I can't walk out!"
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