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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. I spent a summer selling gas and electricity contracts and signing people up to Scottish Telecom. Great money but I jacked it in, too. Hell on earth trudging through Weegieland.
  2. Just good ol' racism. From the reply: "EE says that when you spoke to its staff member, you queried why ‘as a white Englishman’ you were being forced to listen to ‘Indian music’. You went on to use language and make comments that were discriminatory against a specific race.... I have also seen your correspondence with EE. Some of the comments you made may have seemed to you like honest feedback, but I’m afraid you come across as someone who holds racially prejudiced views they cannot hide."
  3. EE cancelled my contract and charged me £298 after I complained about listening to foreign music while on hold - have I been treated unfairly?
  4. Have you got to the ones with Jessica Paré yet (Don's secretary, Megan)?
  5. Honda are just insane. Spent years building dogshit cars, then built a decent one in 2008 before pulling out. That car went on to win the 2009 championship under the name Brawn. Came back, spent years getting their engines up to scratch. As soon as they build a decent engine they pull out again, leaving Red Bull to take on the (winning) engines. Why not just stay in and reap the rewards?
  6. I'm re-watching the remake - available on the iPlayer. Just finished the two-parter "Home" in series 2, when the show was really hitting its stride. I think it loses something after "New Caprica" though.
  7. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
  8. The university pension provider USS has had a data breach. Hackers have got hold of huge amounts of data including names, NI numbers, titles, dates of birth, etc. But it's all fine. You see, they've given everyone a link to an experian service so that every month we can log in and see how much the hackers have taken in loans and stuff out in our names.
  9. My wife has a couple on her wrist. Apparently when you get tattoos done one bony parts of the body like wrists and ankles, these are the most painful.
  10. Add me to the keep him pile. It was tough watching the season disintegrate at the end. But for me the "base camp" is nearer the summit now than it was 12 months ago. And we have to stop the endless churn of managers and players. Let the man develop a side and a vision. There isn't anyone else better out there as far as I am concerned. We could go down the inexperienced route again but that has never worked for us. And who, experienced, would come to us and be a measurable improvement?
  11. Just reading the Daily Mail article announcing his death. Now, I'm not accusing them of cutting and pasting an old Rolf Harris article to fill out the death notice one, but...
  12. Actually, this reminds me of a story that I read a few years back. A woman (possibly you could call her a professional dead pooler) bought a Rolf Harris painting. This was in the early 2010s. Her reasoning was that he was a beloved artist and celebrity and when he died, the value of this painting would go up and she would make a tidy wee sum. About a month later the news started to break about him, and she couldn't give it away. Lost all her investment.
  13. I get inoculations whenever I go north of the Tay.
  14. I got my wife a new fridge for her Christmas. Her face lit up when she opened it.
  15. I used to have a great aunt who made jam. We nicked sugar sachets from cafes, McDonalds and the like to pass to her. One night after a few beers a few mates and I picked up a Mini and carried it over to the next street, leaving it outside someone else's house. Surprisingly light.
  16. Ray Stevenson at 58 https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/may/23/ray-stevenson-rrr-thor-and-star-wars-actor-dies-aged-58 He was great in Rome.
  17. You know, there are loads of online videos of these folk - and they aren't betting on celebrity deaths.
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