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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. The traditional lecture is certainly "under threat" to use the tabloid phrase. I'm doing the flipped classroom, where students read notes and watch videos I made and then come to class for a tutorial. Quite a few colleagues are doing the same. Probably the one good thing to come from Covid, is that these students will get a better experience. Their time with me each week is far more interactive. Now, the Prof has gone down his own route. Three x 1 hour online tutorials, and three x full-day in-person classes. Plus a load of videos and written notes for them to read. In terms of hours this is more than if he was delivering a weekly 2-hour lecture, and far more concentrated. He feels that the students get more out of these full-day sessions where he has them doing all kinds of activities. I'm less convinced - I like students to build their knowledge in pre-set sections. Time will tell.
  2. @BFTD You still learning how to hack databases and the likes at FV?
  3. My daughter has texted me. She was cooking in home economics this morning for the very first time. Whatever concoction she has produced, I will be the guinea pig this evening. Pretty scared to be honest.
  4. I'm certain this is it. At around £14k a skull, the admissions team think only of the cash and leave folk like me to pick up the pieces when we have students who wouldn't even pass our first year at undergraduate.
  5. For years she has told me and the kids that the cure for a cough is to put vicks vaporub on your the soles of your feet. She does this herself, but we don't because it is weird. Now she has started telling friends and workmates that this is what to do. Convinced that this is better than putting it on your chest or under your nose.
  6. We centralised admissions a few years back and have the opposite problem. They let anyone with a pulse in to do the MSc and just ignore entry requirements.
  7. Just wear all your clothes on the flight, and don't bother with baggage.
  8. Fair enough. But for my drier a cycle takes about an hour so the maths is the same. Even 3kWh is a saving.
  9. Sure. Why not? When someone does some good, they deserve to be recognised.
  10. I just googled asking how much energy a tumble dryer uses and this is the answer.
  11. I have never been to Hereford. I have, however, read all the Rainbow Six books.
  12. Last month I went a bit extreme on cutting down dishwasher and tumble dryer usage. Pots, pans and baking trays I did by hand. Everything got hung out where possible. I only used it maybe twice in all of August. I was a bit zealous in switching stuff off, and of course I am in the office more. I managed to cut almost 50 kWh off my electricity use last month, which I am pleased about. I have bought extra clothes horse, more pegs, lines for outside and so on. Every dry day, I will hang washing out. The tumble dryer I am starting to see as a money pit. One hour of the tumble dryer uses between 4 and 5 kWh. Or, to put it another way, costs between £1.20 and £1.50 at my new electricity rate.
  13. Thanks to this thread, I have indeed had a good day. Day off work. Went to the shops this morning with the wife. When we got home she claimed to be tired so we went to bed for a few hours in the afternoon. Then I washed the cars, attacked the garden with a weed burner and watched a movie with the kids. Only fly in the ointment was my laptop breaking, but that means I get a new one.
  14. They have appointed a Tory donor and an "anti woke campaigner" as trustees of the V and A. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/aug/31/government-appoints-anti-woke-activist-as-va-trustee
  15. If you are off to see the Wrath of Khan at the weekend, then you could watch the episode of Star Trek called Space Seed. TWOK is a follow up on that.
  16. I was there looking for a hardware store. I stopped a local and asked if there was a B and Q in Dundee. "No," he said. "Two D's and two E's"
  17. I could ask the uni for a new laptop. They would give me one for free. Just not sure they would be happy with the disgusting filth I would fill the hard drive with.
  18. Cheers. I have been looking at these videos but none really get it. The issue is on the screen side, not the base side. Google "Acer left hinge" and you'll see the millions of posts.
  19. I have an Acer Aspire laptop. Bought it at the start of lockdown. Today the left hinge between the base and screen came apart. A quick google tells me that this is a common issue with this type of computer, and has been for years. I'm well out of warranty now. I can "clip" much of the screen back in to place but opening and closing the laptop is impossible now.
  20. There is a lot of that, but maybe because TV writers of that age were not used to doing Sci fi, so shoehorned in westerns and the like. Plus, you can really see the quality drop in season 3 when the budget was slashed and Gene L Coon had left.
  21. Maybe a minority opinion but I was really bored in episode 2.
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