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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Some article! Proper flounce, followed by "thank u STu!" gibberish below.
  2. Managed to change my appointment for tomorrow. No longer need to drive 20 miles, I just drive 5, though it'll now be next week before I get it.
  3. Every adaptation of PG Wodehouse books have the same problem. The magic of the writing is lost.
  4. Victory by Julian Stockwin. Been battering through this series, only takes a day or two to read one but real proper adventure. This book can be taken as the second of a two-parter with Invasion. Both are about the build-up of Napoleon's forces for an invasion of Britain, and the navy's blockades to stop the French from "breaking out". A big build up to get to the end that was really excellent. The second book, Victory, unsurprisingly climaxes at the Battle of Trafalgar and actually leaves Kydd out and focuses on Nelson in the Victory. Truly excellent. My only concern is the second main character in the series, Renzi. He seems to have lost his purpose in the series, and is essentially hanging about with Kydd for some lively discussions but doing not much more. Hopefully Stocking will find a place or purpose for him soon.
  5. Part of this is the use of the word "cases" Cases implies a much more serious level of medical problem, whereas most of these folk will feel mildly ill or have no symptoms at all. Catch a cold, catch the flu, a case of having legs amputated, a case of covid...it just doesn't fit right.
  6. My wife is 44 and was jagged yesterday. I'm 41 and get mine on Friday. Her only side effect is that her arm feels a bit "heavy". She was rubbing where the jab was on her arm and asked me to feel it (she thinks it feels like a hard wee lump). So in I go with my big sausage fingers and poke it. I meant t be gentle but for whatever reason it came out like a finger punch. She was really unhappy. I can expect revenge treatment on Saturday.
  7. Not sure if this counts, due to the "no proper reason" rule. Every reason to hate this one.
  8. The one thing the Justice System hates above all else, is someone messing with the Justice System. Things like this and perjury are dealt with really, really harshly in comparison to, say, drink driving / child porn offences that you might think should be treated much more harshly.
  9. Listening to the radio yesterday afternoon and the public health professor who was on was arguing caution (predictably). When asked about the fact that deaths were so low, and hospitalisations low, guess what the reply was. Cases numbers remain high so there will be variations, vaccine crushing variants, your granny will die and the pubs shut for ever more...that at least was the gist. All about "case numbers" now for these guys.
  10. Just back from taking the wife for her first jag, the AZ one. Mine on Friday.
  11. They could have had two with ~11% of the vote. But they didn't. They averaged, what, 2% of the vote? The issue wasn't lack of time, lack of exposure or anything like that. The issues were numerous as to why they were so utterly unelectable everywhere. As for the SNP, they got ~45% of the vote and just under half the MSP's. The system worked. If they got more votes they would have more MSP's. I can't rail at the injustice of a party getting the number of MP's they deserve.
  12. Exactly the same here. I went to the SLAB party conference as the CLP delegate in 2001, and they were a serious party then. Probably the heyday. I met people like John Reid (who was a cantankerous wee bugger), Helen Liddell (who was a bit nuts) and quite a few more. There was genuine discussion about what we were doing as a party in Scotland and in the UK. I left in 2003 because of Iraq. The term gaslighting didn't exist then but that's what Tony Blair did when he told parliament that the WMD's were ready to deploy at 45 minutes notice. Nobody believed it, people marched. Everyone in the country knew it was a lie and that we were being pressured by Bush to join the invasion. I wrote to my MP Martin O'Neill (who I had campaigned with in the 2001 election, for him to win back his seat). He didn't even reply to me. Just voted with Blair for the invasion. So I cancelled my subscription and told the branch and the CLP that I wasn't coming back. In 18 years I have never been tempted to go back.
  13. I remember after the 2019 election Richard Burgon going on radio 5 live saying that the reason Labour lost was because Tony Blair lost 4 million votes between 1997 and 2005. The same guy who said this: Now I have issues with many politicians for their judgement, maturity, ego, etc. But this guy is just a cluster of wrongheadedness.
  14. Mum has been tested prior to an operation. My niece went to a drive-in centre. My brother has been tested a few times due to his work. A fair few work colleagues also have been tested. I never have.,
  15. 1st jag letter came yesterday. Getting it on Friday.
  16. This right here is why nobody voted Alba. Pushing the "vote SNP get unionists" narrative just alienates people. Alba supporters have consistently trashed the SNP and the Greens, not bothering much with the Tories and Labour. Add to this, their offer to the public was just some electoral maths, fronted by a discredited leader and surrounded by people wielding their pet grievances. The energy of Alba supporters was spent attacking Nicola Sturgeon and agonising over Trans rights. Honestly, is it any wonder they did so poorly? Let me finish with one thing. My parents went both votes SNP. Not because they are desperate for indyref 2, not because they sat and worked out the best mathematical way to get a Yes majority. But because they were impressed with Nicola Sturgeon during the pandemic. As a pair of older voters they thought she did well, and so voted for her. How would you ever hope to persuade folk like my parents to vote for a party that is pretty toxic?
  17. Even if urgency leads to defeat? Isn't it better to wait a little and have a better chance of success?
  18. The History of the Eagles was fantastic. Saw it a few years back on Netflix.
  19. Imagine pro independence parties win a majority of seats, even a comfortable majority. Now imagine that votes for pro union parties marginally outnumber those for pro independence parties, like 2016. Guess what rationale the unionists will use to deny a legal referendum.
  20. Blue letter came for the wife today. She's getting her jag on Tuesday. Nothing for me yet.
  21. Reminds me of this wee nugget from 2014 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2754216/Childless-SNP-chiefs-no-feel-UK-family-Leaders-Scottish-National-Party-want-break-Union-not-understand-families-claimed.html Roasters, every one of them.
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