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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. My son made me watch this. At first it was 'OK son, I will tolerate this with you'. Now it is one of about 3 shows I insist on watching.
  2. Really enjoyed that. The geiger counter burnt out. They must have sent us a defective one We used another one. It maxed out. Also defective. I saw graphite lying around on my way in. The core must have exploded. You are mistaken. You didn't see that at all. How can a core explode? Explain it! Then they send the guy on a suicide mission to look at the core. Suicide and he knew it.
  3. I am 40 this year. Not since I was in nappies has this club slipped so low. I have seen some good times - my earliest memories are being at Brockville, watching Jim Duffy's team who were just brilliant. The first goal I remember is Alex Rae scoring a 25-yard screamer (I think against Clyde). I watched us beat Queen of the South 7-1 - my brother took me to that game as my dad was in hospital. I saw us put 5 past Morton. I went to Ibrox to see us play Rangers. I missed the 1997 cup final due to a university exam - something I have still not forgiven Stirling uni for. At the new ground, I sat in the gazebo. I took my daughter when we were in the premiership. My brother took his step-son there to his first ever football match - a narrow loss against Rangers when we were in the top flight. We were something then - a factory for young players coming through. We had some storming players too - Anthony Stokes, Alan Gow, Farid, Jack Ross.... even the loanees - Krul and Schmeichel. Big clubs sent their future stars to us knowing they were being sent somewhere good. A lot of you hated the man but I associate our best years with Yogi. What I wouldn't give to be moaning that our team passed the ball too much against Celtic in our 4 games against them this year... I've seen the bad times too. I remember John Lambie's slander against our fans. I remember his team marching for relegation. I remember Eddie May blowing us out of Europe. Stephen Pressley's "guarantee". I remember being denied rightful promotion because Brockville was a hovel, and Gordon Strachan using our new stadium as an example of how bad Scottish football was. The worst days were when the club nearly went bust. The younger fans here might not remember it well, but in the late 90s I really thought that there was a chance that my club could vanish, like Clydebank did. we were being talked of in the same breath as Third Lanark. We are not there - but it feels like that is the direction we're going. How on earth can we succeed as a full time club in a part time league? For a couple of years now all that has been good about us has gone, and we are now a club in crisis. We couldn't buy a win; we don't bring through players; the atmosphere has gone downhill. The board and the fans are at odds. We need this to change, and rapidly. We need to somehow pull together to ensure we not only bounce back up, but we regain the best bits of our club. It goes beyond buying this player or that; it's about getting our identity back.
  4. I recorded "Cosmonauts" on BBC4 a couple of weeks back and only just got round to watching it. Magic! We know so much about the space race from the US side, we often forget that until the mid-60s the Soviets were easily winning that one. Sputnik - they put a radio transmitter in it to send beeps back to the USSR to see if it was still working and to track it. The US spent millions trying to decode the beeps, worried that it contained data about their missile launch sites.
  5. On the last series - the last two episodes were pretty slow and boring, I thought
  6. Also, season 3 of Disco is set in the 33rd century https://comicbook.com/startrek/2019/04/21/star-trek-discovery-season-3-future-33rd-century-alex-kurtzman/
  7. They are doing a Section 31 spin-off from Discovery. Remember when Sloan dies in DS9? "We have no ships, no offices..." and so on. Very different from a fleet, space stations and the like.
  8. Did my undergraduate and 2 years of my PhD at Stirling - fantastic uni.
  9. In a word: bodycams. My dad was a policeman for 30 years. When he gets drunk he sometimes talks of the old days, when they would indeed take issue with someone - especially wife-beaters. Back in those days, not only did you need the woman "with a face like a pound of mince" as my dad would say, but she also needed to corroborate the physical evidence by saying her husband did it. Most women would not. Persistent offenders often found themselves on the wrong side of a couple of police truncheons. Couldn't do that now.
  10. Possibly the best documentary show on TV right now, and this episode was very timely with the English knife crime epidemic that is going on. The attitudes though are alien to me. "He just showed his knife to the boy, that was all, just the handle of it." bad enough, but the response then is for a car load of boys to track him down and stab him, what, 10 times? Major attitude adjustments needed. And when that wee boy who was hiding behind his mum ("he's not a violent boy") was arrested, the look on his face when he heard the word "murder". What did he think someone being stabbed over and over again would do? Tickle him?
  11. One thing that strikes me about the McCann documentary is that by episode 2 or 3 the talk from their friends is that the police were in the wrong for questioning them. "these people had just lost a child" "the police were so rough with Kate" and so on. I'm sorry, but if the police didn't at the very least have them as suspects at the start, they wouldn't be doing their jobs.
  12. Really wanted it to be Picard
  13. Giving unconditionals on predicted grades isn't all that uncommon. Take an English student - if they had straight A's at GCSE and straight A's at AS level, and predicted straight A's at A level, most places would make an unconditional offer based on both predicted grades and prior performance. This English uni offered unconditional places to applicants with predicted grades of BBB - applicants who had sat no AS levels and their GCSE grades were not very good.
  14. Not sure if anyone on here is considering applying to uni. If they are, I can tell you that they'll almost be guaranteed a place somewhere. This year we are in a "demographic dip". In other words, there are fewer 18 year olds than normal. As such applications to universities are down by between 5 and 20%, depending on the uni. Published entry requirements are out the window. The UCAS deadline means nothing. You can still apply. One English uni I know of has made students unconditional offers based on predicted A level grades alone. So, folk with middling GCSE results who are predicted BBB are getting unconditional offers. I mean, if they take these offers they literally could quit school and lie in bed till September, and rock up on campus with their GCSEs and get started.
  15. Watched Monday's episode. I imagine that one brother won't be too happy with the other when they watch this back. They had a massive operation on the go completely under the noses of everyone...then his brother decided to get up to no good online. Also - 50,000 (fifty thousand) images and he gets, what, 18 months for it? Ridiculous.
  16. Room in Rome. Best film I have seen in years and years. Best film I will see this year. It had everything I look for in a movie.
  17. Have to agree about Alloa. Too many folk look at them and think that because they are part time, they will lose every match and be at the bottom. I don't agree - in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they put together a mini-run. They are the ones that worry me, because if they can climb to 8th, then we are done.
  18. Like an old episode of Top Gear.
  19. No sadness at the end for me. The reason is simple - in this show, nobody ever stays dead. She'll be back soon enough.
  20. The issue now is that we have effectively 5 groups: The Brexit ultras who want no-deal; The Tory pro-May group who will snatch at any deal passing to avoid no deal; The soft Brexit group looking for EEA/EFTA/Single Market Membership or equivalent; Hard remainers who will vote against any Brexit of any type (SNP, Lib Dems, TIG, etc); Labour, who will vote against any Tory-led deal, regardless of what's in it. They simply want a catastrophic Brexit that they can blame on the Tories for generations. To get anything through parliament, you need three of these groups to work together to get a majority. Sadly, this is impossible. We are stuck, well and truly stuck.
  21. The bit about the astronaut's cars was really interesting. Genuine excitement on James May's face when he was driving Neil Armstrong's car.
  22. I actually thought it benefited from not being The Lewis and Seb show. These two would have sucked the life out of it. Just watched the Monaco episode, Red Bull and Williams - excellent!
  23. Thoroughly enjoyed that, especially the tie-in at the start. There isn't a show in the world that isn't instantly improved by Melissa George appearing in it.
  24. I mentioned this elsewhere - Tutti Frutti is 80s magic. Managed about 15 minutes of the "view from the terrace" show before switching off. Imagine Off The Ball but without any fun, humour, personality, guests or entertainment value.
  25. Tutti Frutti being re-shown on BBC Scotland (and on iPlayer). Takes me back. so many familiar faces.
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