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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. My decision was simple. My wife had been on various versions of the pill, each with significant side effects. One she could only take for 5 years because it causes bone weakness. The implant gave her incredible mood swings. Depending on what one she was on her weight would balloon or shrink. She was at a higher risk of stroke and heart attack. We had had our kids, and for me it was a simple decision. I didn't want her to poison herself any more when I could undergo this procedure which would take care of the issue.
  2. I disagree. Jolie always had that quality where, at a moment's notice, she could go mental. Like Suranne Jones in doctor Foster, you wid but with extreme trepidation. I'd put her top. I, Tonya was much better than I expected and Allison Janney was superb. 8/10.
  3. I've tried tramadol before when my knee was bad. I only ever took the one, and spent 40 minutes with my head between my knees. Never took another one.
  4. Back to the doc on Friday. After a weekend of complete inactivity - no car, no Mrs Scottsdad, no quick five knuckle shuffle to pictures of Maggie Q - I felt fine. One drive into work and I'm getting that creeping feeling again. By the time I get home I'm going to be fidgeting around something rotten. The 30/500 cocodamols are barely enough when it gets bad. Hoping for some other treatment (not an injection into the baws) - surely there is something that will help. Last Thursday night was just intolerable.
  5. scottsdad


    The episode where people are in fancy dress. Gil: Oh my! What a delectable medley of fromagean splendor! You must try one. Martin: [tries one] Mmm, cheesy. Gil: Mmm, yes. "Cheesy"—the mot juste. It must be glorious to have such a happy knack for clarity and concision. Martin: Yep. So who're you suppose to be? Gil: Chingatchkook — I'm the Last of the Mohicans! Martin: Oh! Well... that little mystery solved.
  6. Thanks for the encouragement guys. As for the urologist, the GP reckons they wouldn't be able to do anything he hasn't done. And you can keep your steriod injections into the bollocks! I didn't do any activities that could exacerbate this from Thursday, and am now 2 days co-codamol free. Need to drive tomorrow though.
  7. I got mine in 2014 - I've posted on this thread at the time. Now for an unhappy update. In November I woke up one morning feeling like someone had kicked me in the right baw. All day I was in pain and hobbling about. I thought nothing more of it and gobbled down some painkillers. Only the pain didn't go away. After a couple of weeks I went to the doctor. He (and his medical student) examined me, which basically meant they felt my baws for lumps or bumps. There were none. Then the doc squeezed on the tubes holding the baw, and I just about hit the roof. He diagnosed epididimytis. Now, this comes in 2 forms - chronic or bacterial. Bacterial comes from either chlamydia or E coli, so he started me off on antibiotics and painkillers. 2 weeks later, no change, so he changed the antibiotics to some really powerful ones. Another 2 weeks, and again no change. So it wasn't bacterial Now, he reckons I've got the chronic version. Things that make it flare up (for me) include driving and ejaculating - that's right. 2 minutes after letting loose I get a feeling like I've been stabbed in the baw. I have to wear "supportive" boxers and sometimes, when it's really agony, sit with a hot water bottle resting on my nuts. In talking to the doc, he asked if I'd had a vasectomy. I said yes, and he told me that this sometimes happens - the scar tissue has become inflamed or irritated and hence, all my pain. He's got me on some ultra-low-dose anti-depressant which is supposed to help shut out the pain signals. Been on these for over a month and they have helped a bit. Reading online, this could go away within a few months - but a study done in 2002 interviewed around 100 guys with this condition, and the longest anyone had it for was 27 years. Today I got my prescription refilled, and I'm trying to cut down to 6 co-codamol a day. It's agony at times - I was about in tears last night.
  8. My 07 plate Mazda had its MOT on Monday. It failed on: 1 coil spring (dangerously broken) 3 brake pipes badly corroded. I could have fixed these at the cost of £400 (when you include VAT and the cost of the test). Had I done so I'd have been left with a car with 2 nearly bald tyres and 8 advisories. So, I decided to scrap it. Not worth the money.
  9. The wife took me to see this (honest!). I found myself in the strange situation where the "whore school" half hour was the least entertaining for me, despite JLaw being undressed. Seemed like a long, unnecessary diversion away from what was a half decent spy film. Some bits almost made the wife puke. The leg-break at the start, and stripping off the guy's skin. I'd agree on the grade - 6/10
  10. Last year I was considering selling my 10 year old Mazda 2. Signed up to Autotrader and they valued the car at £895 for a private sale. Looking around their site, that seemed to be about average. WBAC offered £85. I choose to keep it.
  11. Tom! CSNY's Southern Cross! What a good ending to the episode. It needed something to push the series along, and this was it.
  12. At the weekend the wife and I were at a loss as to what to watch. Scrolling through Netflix we saw Line of Duty. Now, we both loved it when it was on first time around but I was a bit reluctant to watch it again. I mean, we know who all the baddies are and what the twists will be. Hell, no. This show is well worthy of a second watch (or third). Picking up so much more as it goes on. And just as heart-stoppingly good as the first time around.
  13. Head in hands. Even at the end. I hate to say it, but Voyager was better. And I hate Voyager.
  14. Trauma. Utter garbage. First, the dad of a stabbing victim walks into the operating theatre while the doctor is wrist-deep in his son's chest. Then, he walks in to the M&M meeting where the doctor is discussing his son's death. These are just unbelievable. Try walking round a hospital - you'll get about 5 yards without a pass. If you like hearing John Simm say "He's lying" in a voice that might be heard from a man on co-codamol squeezing to push out the big one of the week, then this is for you. Otherwise, it's just pish.
  15. Not AC, but I'd like to name and shame Kennedy Cars in Bargeddie. We got in touch with them through CarFinance247 (who were great). Went to see a Ford Ka they had, and the wife loved it. Took it for a test drive and the brakes needed done. So far, so good. They said they'd put in through an MOT and we could take it away. Just leave a £200 deposit and we're all good. I told him our finance was all arranged, and we had been clear - we were not paying a deposit. Only when we made to leave did Jabba the Hut relent on the £200. Went through its MOT, and the wife picked up the car. When she brought it home, I had a good look at it. 4 completely bald tyres. I phoned the guy up and his response was along the lines of a) my wife should have checked them when she left the showroom and b) how was he to know I hadn't switched out the tyres myself? I told him there was no way this car passed an MOT the previous day with these tyres on, but got nowhere. I complained to the finance company, but there was nothing they could do. My only recourse - naming and shaming via all outlets I can think of. £130 on new tyres the day after it passed its MOT. Thieves.
  16. I'm the opposite. Head-in-hands, Oh my God this is just getting worse. Plot Twists! Back from the dead! More plot twists! It's like watching the latter series of 24 again. I am so sad about Star Trek: Disco. It could have been excellent, but it's just trashy Sci Fi. Even Dark matter had more gravitas than this drivel.
  17. scottsdad


    Frasier is a fantastic show. I watched one on Friday for the first time in ages - the one where the new station boss is gay and Frasier tries to set him up with Daphne. Tears of laughter.
  18. Good article about Discovery and Enterprise in the Graunaid https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2018/jan/31/star-trek-discovery-is-reminding-me-of-everything-i-loved-about-enterprise
  19. My boy thought it was the season finale. He was pleased when I said it wasn't. What's clear to me is that death means nothing on this show. A character can be killed off early and the actor/actress can still be in every other episode. Lorca will return.
  20. Thanks for all the advice. My guess is it's a shock absorber that has worn out. Booked in the garage tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
  21. International (non-EU) students pay about £14k per year in tuition fees. As a civil servant pal of mine said a few years ago - they pay for the free tuition of Scottish students. The utterly stupid, crazy thing is that we should be doing more to get these folk here. But they changed all the immigration and language criteria a few years back (thanks to Home Secretary Theresa May) and the numbers fell drastically.
  22. My car has developed a nice little clunking sound when it goes over bumps, especially sleeping policemen. Fairly sure it's coming from the left front wheel, but can't see anything wrong, broken or out of place. It's murder on slow roads but not a peep on the motorway. It drives fine. Just the noise...
  23. A bit on Jim Duffy's time at Falkirk in the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/jan/17/which-is-the-least-successful-english-footballing-city
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