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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Utterly brilliant opening episode. Really, really enjoyed it. The bit where Larry finds out about the Fatwa against him had me creasing.
  2. I'm in two minds about this. It's got good story (so far) and good characters. But aside from a Star Trek badge on the show there's nothing Star Trek about it. It's dystopian - and the idea that they're experimenting on these lifeforms for propulsion, regardless of the dire potential consequences, just doesn't feel right. If this had been another sci fi show, I'd be really happy with it. Just call the thing Discovery - and leave behind the Federation, Starfleet, etc. This is a good science fiction show - it just isn't Star Trek.
  3. The girl from the Trivago ads. I no longer fast forward the adverts.
  4. If I didn't know who Sheeran was, I wouldn't have glanced twice at him. He was no better or worse than anyone else in the scene.
  5. My son and I have watched this for years. I never liked the old episodes - being brought up in the 80s, Doctor Who was basically a few people in a field hiding from badly made monsters. But I've enjoyed the reboot and so has the boy. I told him on Sunday that the new Doctor was a woman. His reaction was a shrug of the shoulder and a look that said "is this somehow news?". Pretty proud of the wee man for that. I'm looking forward to it. It's a show that thrives on change - though many on social media seem to just want to watch old Tom Baker repeats
  6. I've enjoyed this whole series - except the finale of the 3 parter where love of a memory defeats the evil plans of the monks. That was a bit too Russell T Davies for me. This episode though...dark, grim, gritty, utterly excellent. The nurse turning down the volume on the 'pain' cyberman was just brilliant - sci fi legendary good. How do you like that for Saturday night kids tv? My kids were gripped. So was I. Please, BBC, keep this as a spring show and not feed it to the meat grinder of the autumn when they stick it on too late and put it up against the X factor.
  7. Ewan McGregor is doing a great job here. Playing one twin, who is pretending to be the other (who he also plays) but not *quite* pulling it off is some serious acting skill.
  8. Really enjoy this show. The people who tend not to like it are those who do running Breaking Bad comparisons. This is a much different show with a very different outlook. The one thing BB got badly wrong was the family; here this is more than rectified. The scenes with the old people in the last 2 episodes felt like a real turning point for me. This was beyond Slippin' Jimmy and entering full on Saul Goodman mode. The transformation is gradual and excellent.
  9. This series has been quite good. Just 2 more episodes till the regeneration.
  10. I've been mulling it over for a while and I'd actually like to see a female Doctor. I think it would boost the show no end, and if it fails...well, there's always a new regeneration. My choices would be either Hayley Atwell or Sheridan Smith.
  11. Agree. This year they have shipped in a load of new families, none of which are any good.
  12. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm looking forward to a new Doctor. Capaldi - great though he is - just isn't floating my boat here.
  13. I enjoyed it. I'm by no means an avid fan, and am thankful for that. Some on here seem to feel that the original series were all 10/10 corkers, which it wasn't. This was on a par with most episodes - which is to say the best half hour of comedy I have seen on TV in a very, very long time. My wife and I enjoyed the scene in the bath; my mum was in tears at Isa's dog.
  14. An academic mentor or similar is a good one until the employer comes along,
  15. I was sad to see this appointment. For Jack Ross himself I understand the lure, but still think in the long run if he could have got a promotion with Alloa on his CV he might do better than a relegation fight with St Mirren. Hope Alloa choose well again this time.
  16. All set here. Higher results released to Universities on Wednesday, so we make our decisions then.
  17. scottsdad


    Watched episode 3 last night, and things are not well with the show. The storylines are just a bit tedious, the acting hammy and as has been pointed out "Goddammit Donna, get him on the phone and don't take no for an answer!" and variations thereof have not helped.
  18. Very enjoyable series. My wife and I are both of an age when we can remember watching the old Spielberg films where kids go about on bikes all the time - and this was certainly tipping the hat to that.
  19. General observations. Seasons 3 and 4 really pared back the boobage, and to an extent the violence. Yet this didn't really harm the show - the characters were excellent throughout. My favourite episode was the one in season 3 with the heist, using the cameras at all odd angles.
  20. My eldest was due last Friday. Still no sign of the baby and so they're inducing tomorrow. Only a week overdue - I thought that the inducing only took place when the kid got to around 10 days late.
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