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Everything posted by scottsdad

  1. Cracking. Just cracking. Why not have a universe be a talking frog? Strangely it made sense.
  2. I really enjoyed the Indian Partition episode. Yesterday's Amazon one was alright. There is much hate online for this series, and I don;t get it. Of course it could be better - name me one show that couldn't. And we have yet to have a "Blink" style episode that is actually scary. But my kids and I enjoy this series a lot - the Rosa Parks episode was excellent. Best thing about it though is surely Bradley Walsh.
  3. The 2000s on Sky Arts. Fascinating show about a disappointing decade.
  4. Have to agree with all the comments here. It's like this was a late draft of the script, and needed someone to go over it and finesse a few points and close a few threads. Still enjoyable - and Chris Noth!
  5. Jesus suffering f**k. Clarkson and May were, at least, motoring journalists. Evans and Leblanc were celebrities with an interest in cars. Flintoff and McGuinness talking cars sounds like something that should be shown on Dave. I will not be watching this - wrong fit for the show.
  6. Can I just say - the music seems much better now. Before it was all operatic which diminished from the action. This new music is all about underlining the tension.
  7. Wonderful, and led to a conversation with my kids about the civil rights movement
  8. They say lots of things. I found it a wee bit underwhelming this time around. I understand, though, the need to develop the new gang of companions, and so far with the men they have managed it, but at the expense of Yaz and the storyline (a little). My kids were convinced it was killer bog roll, and they were a bit disappointed it turned out to be some sort of blanket. I don't think I'll remember this episode much in the future - but it's early doors and I do like Jodie's doctor. I think it has a lot of promise. The tardis interior is awful though. Some sort of S&M dungeon with tardis-shaped vibrators.
  9. The guys who walked out were all postgraduate students. They are full adults who have paid a lot of money to be back at uni. Looking at my attendance sheets, there are a handful who have never attended. At the end of semester we'll see how well they do in their exams.
  10. I was really worried that my weekly Ruby show wasn't going to be on next week.
  11. Absolutely - in the hallway at the end talking about the "suckers" - Kim's face was a picture. She bought his speech, and is starting to see the real Saul.
  12. It gets worse. Different class this time. I announced that during the tutorial, I would say a few words about their assignment (which is worth 50% of the mark). When I showed up, it was busier than usual. I thought - start with the coursework bit, which will take 10 minutes, then on to the "proper" tutorial. So I said my little bit about coursework - and then about 30 students stood up en masse and walked out. They didn't feel like staying and doing some proper work. Truth be told this group hardly every show up to classes, but I thought it was just ridiculous. Should have said my 10 minutes at the end of the tutorial. Make them work.
  13. I enjoyed it a lot - as did my kids. One of the few shows that me, a 13 year old laddie and an 8 year old girl will all watch together.
  14. My daughter was a strange one to toilet train. She point blank refused to use a potty. I remember her walking around in her nappy, desperate to shite but almost unable to, before unleashing it. Then, when it was filled she hated having the nappy on and wanted changed right away. My wife and I eventually decided on a plan. She got up one morning and we told here there were no more nappies. We put pants on her, expecting the worst. She held on till about 3pm then went to the toilet (never ever used the potty). After that she only had 2 accidents. A marked difference to my son who had the usual weaning off nappies and on to potties, followed by a few months of fairly regular accidents, especially at night.
  15. Return of an old topic here. I organised a lab class for my students this week. Almost half of them (42) didn't show up. I got the usual emails ("Sorry I've been ill", "My granny fell ill", "I got confused about what day it was on"). For some reason I am unseasonably mad about this, and am about to send out an email made of fire to these shirkers.
  16. I guess I'm in a minority here. BCS is just a very different show from BB, and they cannot be compared. The whole texture of the show is different - a much slower pace (which I like - just as I liked the pace of Mad Men), much more delicate but with just the occasional mind-blowing moment. I'm not getting too caught up on who does and does not appear in BB. Kim isn't in it - so we'll see what happens to her. Just enjoying the show - hell, there isn't much good TV on these days.
  17. I would have agreed, but the end is nigh for this one anyway
  18. Just seen an advert for The Apprentice. Needs to go now - ever since it became Dragon's Den at the end.
  19. What has past its best and needs cancelled urgently? My suggestions to begin with: Have I Got News For You (long since became a parody of itself) Mock The Week (just not funny at all) The X Factor (hard to believe this hasn't been canned already - hardy anyone watches it)
  20. The adverts for Amazon Dot (aka Alexa). My wife bought one of these, and nowhere in the advert does it show a frustrated guy standing right over it shouting as clearly as possible, and being misunderstood. It's always people muttering from the other side of the room, and the machine gets it bang on every time.
  21. My wee lassie had a sore stomach last night, and insisted on sleeping with us. First time in years. She is 8 now, and seems to have become massive. When she was a toddler it was one thing being in with us. But now, all arms and legs, flopping about like a fish out of water, the missus and I got no sleep.
  22. The Assets on Alibi - Jodie Whittaker (the new Doctor) playing a CIA agent in the 80s trying to catch a mole. The show is on every night, and on catch up. Very enjoyable - and a true story.
  23. I saw it a slightly different way, at the end. I always assumed Jimmy would become Saul in spite of Kim - now I'm wondering if she helps create Saul.
  24. Just the right one. The consultant is very, very reluctant to do a surgical route. He says that it doesn't always take away the pain as the nerve endings are still there. Like phantom leg syndrome for amputees I might get phantom baw syndrome, and it still might hurt like buggery. It really is the last resort though.
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