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Everything posted by embow

  1. First up with ICT next because we put out teams in the higher league. ' Tic only in third slot.
  2. There's a mention of a drum with photo on page before this one. Shitty childish behaviour from a few who tarnish the name of the club they support . Hope the young lad is ok and not too badly affected by this incident.
  3. Absolutely splendid! I can't disagree that the first two turds and more of this post is one of epic..............shit! The last two sensible paragraphs are totally at odds with the bile that comes before. Verbal diarrhoea of the greatest and highest order.
  4. Tyrone used to work with Grampian/STV but is now at BBC Scotland. Used to cover Dons games
  5. All part of life's tapestry of memories from dedication to the Rovers. The stuff of legends! Has to be applauded
  6. Well he'd better start canvassing quickly if he has any hope of turning this turgid team around.
  7. It doesn't take a genius to work out the correct answer to that question
  8. Let this Fifer welcome you to Caithness, my adopted home for over 45 years and counting. I live about 12 miles south of Wick and happened to be in Lidl (other side of the road) yesterday and was speaking to a couple of committee members selling Christmas raffle tickets. They are hoping for a day of wind and rain to even things up a bit. Guess what the forecast for tomorrow is? Good little piece on The Academy just finished on BBC Scotland. The Bairns should have enough about them to get through if they harness the slope and the elements wisely.
  9. A huge wake up call for those who think we have something about us. Same at Dens last week. Outfought and outplayed in the second half and a manager unable to respond in any way to counteract the opposition
  10. Geez! Just dinnae mention anything about getting put down. The way things are happening that's what is awaiting this bunch of incompetents at the end of the season.
  11. It will be changing sometime in the near future. Sponsor deal no longer active as far as I'm lead to believe. No idea who the new sponsor may be.
  12. No problems for me. Highlights on official site come up instantly on one tap on the phone. First goal is an absolute beauty. Just can't see where the penalty came from for the second. I'd have been extremely unhappy if it had been awarded against my team,(Morton anyone?). Third goal may have been offside. Difficult to tell. Thems are the breaks you hope to get in a game and usually go against you if your struggling at, or near, the bottom.
  13. I'm beginning to panic. We're getting close to four
  14. Lots of happy memories come flooding back. Forgot about this. An absolute classic
  15. I have been totally immersed in the Rovers in many different ways for over 65 years and have lived and worked in the far north of Scotland for nearly 50 years where I still reside. You can always take the man out of Fife but never Fife out of the man. To be frank and honest I find your condescending comments on life in the Highlands in a number of posts a bit boring and highly stereotypical.
  16. Unusually refreshing for this fixture both in result and refereeing
  17. A draw will do given our honking record in Inverness. Results elsewhere not too clever but just shows how topsy turvy and low quality there is in the Championship this season
  18. A cash cow makes even more sense! How we all wish
  19. Hi Folks. Needing a bit of help with this if at all possible. Back around the time when the iconic RemembeR strip was unveiled, somebody painted a miniature model figure of a football player in phenomenal detail and sent it to Jack Alexander at MacCrea's Battalion Trust. The miniature model figure stands approximately 5-6 cms tall. The Trust would appreciate knowing who went to such skilled endeavour so that their name can be added to the archives along side the model. Many thanks in advance for any information received.
  20. It's already an absolute shoo-in for the 'Dee. We have nothing to offer in defence and attack. We'll play attractive passing football from 18 yard box to 18 yard box but be worse than useless unfortunately in either of these said boxes.
  21. Absolutely no feeling of surprise in this quarter either.
  22. Whaur's Bene these days? Oh aye! Of course. Silly me!
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