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Everything posted by embow

  1. You've obviously forgotten that with dugs comes dugshit. Something we've served up a lot of in the last three to four months on a regular basis.
  2. Looking likely that this game will be a great novelty. No wind!
  3. Hyperbole of the highest order! You've a fair bit to go to equal or better the rubbish that my mob (RRFC) have served up since before Christmas.
  4. Under normal circumstances nobody would be too bothered after getting their tea on a Saturday night. Just get over it and move on. To the pub or wherever. However, it appears from excellent level headed first hand sources that the supervisor in the stand was not amused with some of the decisions and that he spent a inordinate amount of time after the game in the ref's quarters. I assume that he was discussing the game and the decisions made. Obviously, not being party to this in person I can but only assume.
  5. Hearts and Partick Thistle who were probably the hardest hit by calling the season seem to have coped admirably since this eminently sensible decision was voted on by a majority. Tough! It's all part of football history now. Just like your famous historic cup win in 1938 thanks to a dubious Rover's og in the last ten minutes of the quarter final replay. Swings and roundabouts.
  6. Spencer and Vaughan most likely but according to post match interview Berra and Macca maybe not as bad as first thought.
  7. Post match interview "It wasn't hard to be upset with the referee today". He also points out that we just can't get any breaks these days regarding key players. I'm maybe mistaken but he might have been speaking about the referee when he said something about being petulant over Williamson second booking. In fairness, I've not seen McGlynn so down after a game, even in defeat, for a very long time.
  8. Even Arbroath having a great season have racked up 12 draws to date which has probably hobbled their league title aspirations. They haven't been too much by way of being garbage though.
  9. Yet another Championship draw. It's uncanny how many teams have drawn games this season. Just look at the draw column for every team except Killie.
  10. Clancy the Clown! As ever! Why did the lino not advise him to the correct decision?
  11. One of the very best examples you're likely to see of going down in installments. Epic!
  12. For those who don't think a first time rookie could cut it, just think Sir James of the Nicholls. Second time he was no longer a rookie nor as successful..but still nonetheless a legend for his successes.
  13. Apologies Renton but it was purely meant to be a wind up, as you do with the line when fishing. Agree with you that it's usually best to move on when going into managerial mode, especially for the first time.
  14. A well thought out, and considered post, or a raging seething mess of an alcohol induced tirade?
  15. No consolation for Saint's fans but that was a great watch for us neutrals. Still getting my head round the equaliser at 2-2. The ball was in the net before Gordon turned to see where it ended up!
  16. Jesus, Mary and Joseph and all his carpenter friends!! That's some goal! A cracking cup tie.
  17. Just read the press release. The world and its dug needs to know who her gran and great aunt are/were. I can only wish the lady well going forward from here.
  18. 2 out of 3 ain't bad 2 out of 3 wouldn't come near Stark's Park unless they were on their uppers and desperate in need of money and the other has a decent job with a decent salary outside football. You can but ask, but as things stand the current incumbent and his assistant are most likely here to the end of the season when their contracts may or may not be renewed. With eight games to go why sack them and have to pay compensation. That would be just as stupid as the recent signing furore which is likely to cost (for the club) megabucks. Why add more financial pain?
  19. Post match interview now up for those interested enough to listen to it.
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