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Everything posted by embow

  1. I blame Covid. A side effect still to be studied I believe is the way its mucked up the usual clock change routine we used to play to comfortably for a number of seasons. At least you knew what and when to expect.
  2. Maybe it was. Every chance that it could well have been me that's picked that issue up wrongly.
  3. Ms McDermid said at some point in the first week of this shambles that she wasn't able to have her name removed from the strips for the rest of this season because of contractual obligations but it would not be there next season onwards. Things may change in the future but I highly doubt it.
  4. How ironic! Fancy that! Celtic awarded a penalty! Wow!
  5. From a guy who has been through the grinder this last two weeks let me tell you that you'll end up safely in mid table mediocrity (most likely 7th, but if you get the finder out, maybe 6th) this season. By this time next year we will have passed each other heading in different directions. You'll be on the upward trajectory whilst we'll be well screwed heading downwards to oblivion unless there is a huge turnaround of attitudes on both sides of the divide.
  6. Every chance it would be weather related. The director's box, even at the back, is very exposed to wind and driving rain if it's coming from any westerly part of the compass i.e. NW,W,SW and all points in between.
  7. Text updates on the official site. Reading what's there it seems that we are lucky to still be level.
  8. Text updates available on the official site. Reading what's there it seems were lucky to still be level.
  9. Well deserved win. Showed so much effort and spirit. Fitness levels are superb. Showed the rest of the league how to get on top of the opposition with a great pressing game. Currently deservedly in top place. Still a fair bit to go but it's in their own hands now.
  10. Tait just as guilty as the keeper. Should never have been caught in possession the way he was.
  11. If you rock up to Stark's in bottom position you'll be guaranteed at least a point. QoS, Pars anyone?
  12. Even the game is going down the shiter. It's defenders we need! Missing a penalty just adds to the despair that's been hanging around since late last night.
  13. Iain Rankin wasn't available. However he's of the same persuasion as the other talented writer.
  14. I believe that you could be in the wee end bit of the main stand.
  15. Headline news on BBC Scotland lunchtime news. Horrendous PR for the club.
  16. Fence sitting methinks! Given the usual "we're shittier than you" stuff that's already been posted are you addressing Raith boys or Queen's boys?
  17. Over an hour. Try timetable for Kirkcaldy to Edinburgh for express services. There are a few e.g. Dundee or Glenrothes as already mentioned. As you see above there is the train but when does the last bus north leave Edinburgh is the big question? I'm sure you'll be cutting things very fine without considering an overnight stay in Auld Reekie.
  18. I'm in Caithness and from Inverness take the Megabus for Edinburgh and get off, to change buses, at the Halbeath Park and Ride if not staying in Edinburgh. You won't miss the P&R because it is well sign posted as you come into it. You can get a bus from there to Kirkcaldy bus station. Fifteen minute walk from there along High St and then Link St to the ground. Check out Stagecoach bus timetable for bus times from there to Kirkcaldy. Likely to be an Edinburgh to Dundee service but there are others e.g. Glenrothes. I'm almost certain you won't get back the same day. Better to have a look at train times or maybe hook up with your Supporter's Club bus if you want back the same day. The railway station is also about 15 minutes walk away from the ground. Hope that helps.
  19. This is far too sensible and rational and, alas, also unfortunately, oh so very true.
  20. He has a point to some degree as you adapted well to the conditions on the night with the shelling of the ball forward especially in the second half at every opportunity to Gozie and co, and to be honest probably you really should have taken the three points on offer. You also executed the pressing game well. However, we look forward greatly to having a go at "McGlynn ball" in the final fixture at Stark's to see which is the better game management style. One thing for sure you are not in any danger if you continue to produce displays like that, particularly against those around you. Imrie seems to have turned things around. Good luck for the rest of the season. especially finishing above the Darkside from the west of Fife.
  21. He has an ankle injury and is likely to be out for up to three weeks. Did the damage in training a week before last Thursday if I recall correctly what was said at the time.
  22. On tonight's showing Morton will be nowhere near the the bottom two. They could well be in fifth place by the season's end. A good turnaround. Just take some points off the top five as well as us.
  23. A good draw given how awful we have been in conditions which we were clueless with but Morton coped with. A decent game for any neutral watching.
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