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Everything posted by embow

  1. Not that it matters now and Thistle deserving of the points on today's showing but the BBC gives the goal as being scored in the sixth minute of added on time. An awful lot of added on time methinks!,
  2. Bummer with the goal being so late. We had to lose sometime and given the state of the personnel and a red card it had to be today. But in the very fag end of the game. Just see it out FFS. Thistle deserved the win absolutely, but the ref happy to play until they scored! Ridiculous amount of added on time.
  3. Good Lord! That's stirred the memory! The sixpenny puggy and the fag reek along with the photo. Memories never to be forgotten for those of us of a certain vintage! I seem to also remember my mum and dad and assorted relatives attending Saturday evening licenced dances around the time the club first opened. I was at Hampden for the 1964 "Goalden Goal" international. Never missed a home game v England from 1960-74 back in the days when these games really mattered. Changed days.
  4. A week is a long time in politics as the saying goes, but you might get lucky and still get the Boxing Day fixtures played before everything gets shut down for an indeterminate time.
  5. You'll get draught beer if they open the big windows on the front and the double doors. Tennants? As in lager?Nothing more than a glass of coloured gas. Not for me thank you but each to their own. First semi legal(ish) pint (still had a couple of years to go!) I had was in the old Golden Goal now 200 Club after a match in 1967. A pint of Tennant's lager poured by Jim MacMillan no less. Enough was enough! The next one was a pint of heavy to the consternation of my father and uncle who unbeknown to them I'd sampled on one or three occasions before that particular afternoon. To this day that's the only time lager has crossed my lips. Awful stuff.
  6. Thanks for that. Not too obvious when I looked at the video clip. Probably still under wraps. Ah well! Another forward thinking step by the club. All good these days.
  7. Likely to be more restrictive in Wales by tomorrow evening and is more restrictive currently in N Ireland. Premier League in England already in a mess with the likelihood of more to come.
  8. I'd say all this Hamilton talk is purely academical
  9. Looks to be a bit nippit for windaes. No' very handy when the current cry is for "ventilation, make sure there's plenty ventilation"
  10. You've been speaking to Mrs McGlynn Too much information!
  11. Transport industry? As in taxi for Tazz? Joking apart, good to hear you seem to be on the mend. Your irritating shenanigans have been missed since our respective clubs have gone in different directions. I just hope your lot can get its collective act together under the Craw's management and you stay in the proper seaside league.
  12. Yon sleekit virus is still on the loose. Nae stravaigin' Bide in the hoose! Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery baillieinleeds.
  13. Surely that should be a maturing and well rounded 27 years old phart? Naw? Ach! please yourself then
  14. Checked online and he's not related to Pat. Pity. I'd hoped there were family genes in him but hey ho! Still a very good signing for us at this level.
  15. Any relation to Pat from past times at Easter Road? I think the Messiah has dug out an astute signing with this and by the reading of things it looks as if he's ready to put him in the team asap from 2nd January.
  16. THIS!! Way above the level of what you'd expect from volunteers at a lower league club. Absolutely stunning stuff. Take a well deserved bow each and everyone involved in any way whatsoever.
  17. Not any more it is. Now off you pop and get more desperate. Enjoy!
  18. No need to apologise! We're all just wanting the best for the club. Absolutely! I just got a wee bit over excited about this, for that very reason.
  19. Ach! We're all guilty of getting everything wrong. Myself often. Apologies BA. But I've never been happier to point this out than just now.
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