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Everything posted by embow

  1. Never really gained points other than possibly the EEP draw. Shared points perhaps? Just a thought
  2. I suppose you could well be right given your expertise based on the numbers that rock up in Lower Methil every other week. Oh! While I remember all the best for the rest of the season but things aren't looking awfully good for you guys. Really want you to stay in the seaside league. Few clubs fit the description better.
  3. Aw naw! A break oot of mutual regards and respect just to muddy the waters. Ach well! A Guid New Year to everyone irrespective of which club you support. Like every other year there will be winners and losers. Just wishing you all the best.
  4. And now it's on to the capital of the Highlands on Saturday where we must have the worst league record in Scotland. No goals in weeks. Very few shots on goal in weeks. Looking forward to a Rovers win. That's usually how it works in fitba'
  5. The words "Fannies", "Barrel" "of" "Score" "in" "a" "Couldn't" comes to mind for rearranging into a meaningful sentence. We are really struggling big time up front.
  6. Shock! Horror! It's windy at Gayfield. Home win then?
  7. Titan looking good already. You've got the weather as well. Just need the result now Just hope that the mention of the run of results isn't the kiss of death.
  8. I couldn't possibly comment. But your preference might be the future.
  9. Duvet know that it'll be a blanket coverage for all applications? And a Guid New Year to you and a'!
  10. It's all very well getting back to those asking questions. Easy answer is to knock this on the head. Issue a statement denying any interest and stating that the club has no idea where all this conjecture started. Job done. Move on. The longer it goes on without denial the more it adds to speculation.
  11. I just wish folk would stop giving the Goodwillie stuff oxygen. All that's doing is giving the press more ammunition to fill column inches with pure conjecture at a time when they have much less to write about their beloved Premiership. Just look how the Dundee Courier is all over this today and not all of it, by any means, on the sports' pages. None of this 'rumourmongering' is doing the club any good when the full focus should be on being fully prepared for a derby battle on Sunday.
  12. Gary Locke and team in the same sentence? Whoa! Settle down there!
  13. The best I can find is dated 23 December. Scotland 58% England and Wales 55% N Ireland 48% No idea what current rate now is after the first half of of the silly season.
  14. And the same can be said if the opposite happens in England. Mark my words England will be bringing in restrictions once the 'festivities' are done and hospitality etc. gets its payday. More interested in economy than people's health and safety. You think that it's bad/unfair here? Just have a wee look at what it's like elsewhere in Europe. Two examples. No fans at all in any of the Bundesliege stadia or any other level of football in Germany. France, Netherlands, Denmark closed hospitality until end of January.
  15. We've scored one goal in the last five games and it was a penalty
  16. Just getting it in early seeing as we don't have the chance to help out QoS in midweek and you guys are next in line
  17. Ach! Dinnae get your knickers in a twist. You'll be in a much better mood this time next week once you've taken the obligatory three points we'll be giving you. Any struggling team can be guaranteed a wee boost from this team that keeps on giving to the less fortunate.
  18. Geez! I knew it wasn't great but didn't realise that it was that poor/bad. That's a horrendous stat.
  19. Well done Ayr. Well deserved against a team that always keeps on giving to teams that have been struggling for ages. We have great form for that. Enjoy your Christmas guys.
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