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Everything posted by embow

  1. As far as I'm aware Frankie signed a new contract that took him to the end of this season. However, there will be others who are maybe more in the know and can swat me down on this one.
  2. It might work the other way and the new manager would be happy to loan him for the rest of the season thus ensuring that he's getting plenty of game time. The new manager will get plenty of chances to see him in action that way. Just an alternative hope and to be honest total desperation on my behalf!
  3. Is he not supposed to be a main man around Christmas? A stable force so to speak
  4. Money will certainly not be the issue, and you'll just have to accept that that's not the size of it. Enjoyed the discussion but there's no more I can say due to discretion etc. Hope you guys get out the mess you seem to be in. Can happen to any club at any time.
  5. Ooft! Feel free to have another wild guess.
  6. McGlynn on buttons! As opposed to the billy big time bucks at the Bairns? Aye! That'll be right. And if by any chance he was, the man is in with the bricks. He is edging towards statue status these days Expect this to be his (and Smudger's) last managerial post before retiring in a few years.
  7. Folks I was only throwing these names into the managerial merry-go-round for discussion. I wasn't touting them as definite "next move must haves". Goodness knows what the managerial market place has to offer when John and Smudger call it a day. As I've already said, it really is a lucky bag, or lucky dip, as to what you end up with.
  8. Could have been? Certainly. But John was the only person who the board were interested in. If he'd declined god knows what might have happened. Could be? Unlikely. When the time comes, Laurie and Grant as a possiblity? Even Bene and Berra could be a winning combination? But you never know with any Scottish managerial appointment as many have found to their cost. It's all a great big lucky bag. You just never know what you are getting.
  9. You just need to drop down a league to the Falkirk Thread to get an idea of what a seething mess the club and its fans are in. At least the ones that can still be bothered. Suggestions such as getting Totten back in along with Jim Jeffries being but one! Never mind that they've both been through health scares in recent times. Lots of them shouting for the Accies failure Rice. Basket case indeed and that's just the fans!
  10. Wardy, I'm sure that would be Laurie Ellis inspired.
  11. Lichtielegend has already been awarded the most rational and sensible post regarding Arbroath supporters on this game's thread. However, your one is equally (if not more) worthy. A joint award it has to be for fairness and common sense. Chapeau to you both.
  12. Seeing as we're in the land of fish, I'll bite.
  13. Encouraging to see that of the bottom five clubs you seem to be the only ones not willing to empty the managerial seat. Or is it four down with one still to go?
  14. Lichtielegend said: I'm no Doctor but I'm sure the whole point of the concussion protocol is because if you get another knock to the head shortly after, it can be lethal, even fatal. Ricky Little looked totally out of it after that initial impact and I'm amazed we let him go back on at all. Also, the amount of times we've bullied teams physically this season, we can't complain when an opponent gives it back. The advantage we had late in the game was scuppered because McKenna lost the rag and forced the ref to stop play. I just knew that there was a person who could speak sense in the Lichties faithful. Rational and sensible. Fair comment. Well done sir. Chapeau to you.
  15. Oh dear oh dear. Tedious and tiresome. Away and have a pint. That's if you're old enough.
  16. What a bunch of moaning Minnie's. He was the referee for both sides in a game which is now irrelevant as it's done and finished and in the records as 0-0 with no reference to any other details such as who did what, when, or to the performance of a referee. If you think that he was the worst you've had then as someone else said... you've been well and truly spoilt this season. There's a lot worse hanging around out there.
  17. One to forget indeed. Keep a clean sheet and you'll get a point. Minimum. It's all history now and no amount of "what ifs" will change anything. The record books have it as 0-0 with no reference to who did what, where or when. Time to start thinking about the next major challenge coming our way in a week's time.
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