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Everything posted by embow

  1. Wardy, I'm sure that would be Laurie Ellis inspired.
  2. Lichtielegend has already been awarded the most rational and sensible post regarding Arbroath supporters on this game's thread. However, your one is equally (if not more) worthy. A joint award it has to be for fairness and common sense. Chapeau to you both.
  3. Seeing as we're in the land of fish, I'll bite.
  4. Encouraging to see that of the bottom five clubs you seem to be the only ones not willing to empty the managerial seat. Or is it four down with one still to go?
  5. Lichtielegend said: I'm no Doctor but I'm sure the whole point of the concussion protocol is because if you get another knock to the head shortly after, it can be lethal, even fatal. Ricky Little looked totally out of it after that initial impact and I'm amazed we let him go back on at all. Also, the amount of times we've bullied teams physically this season, we can't complain when an opponent gives it back. The advantage we had late in the game was scuppered because McKenna lost the rag and forced the ref to stop play. I just knew that there was a person who could speak sense in the Lichties faithful. Rational and sensible. Fair comment. Well done sir. Chapeau to you.
  6. Oh dear oh dear. Tedious and tiresome. Away and have a pint. That's if you're old enough.
  7. What a bunch of moaning Minnie's. He was the referee for both sides in a game which is now irrelevant as it's done and finished and in the records as 0-0 with no reference to any other details such as who did what, when, or to the performance of a referee. If you think that he was the worst you've had then as someone else said... you've been well and truly spoilt this season. There's a lot worse hanging around out there.
  8. One to forget indeed. Keep a clean sheet and you'll get a point. Minimum. It's all history now and no amount of "what ifs" will change anything. The record books have it as 0-0 with no reference to who did what, where or when. Time to start thinking about the next major challenge coming our way in a week's time.
  9. Another from Zanatta now hits the wall. Even if someone hits it over the wall and the bar would be an improvement!
  10. We don't do very well when teams press us hard and don't allow us time on the ball. We need to get a foot on the ball and play more to feet
  11. Light rain and a moderate NW breeze around 16-18mph is the forecast. Does that mean that the wind is blowing into the corner between the stand and the away end diagonally across the pitch towards the home end?
  12. Has the MacDonald family grown in size yet? Anyone in the know?
  13. As everyone knows certain types of shite always floats to the top. I just hope we are that type of shite tomorrow at 16.50 hrs.
  14. Just heard on the tele it was for Jessie Wilson, mum of Barry and wife of Bobby ex Cowdenbeath & Dundee player and Keith, Raith, Ross County, ICT? manager. A lovely lady was Jessie.
  15. Why the black armbands for ICT? Anyone of note within the club, or North of Scotland football passed away?
  16. Thanks Beachbum and steakngravy. The largest crowd that any Rovers' team has played in front of. One of them being my dad
  17. As long as he has decent "Claus" and isnae too bulbous roon' the belly.
  18. Spot on. The last Saturday in January 1976. I had no bother watching Grandstand (or whatever it was called then) as we were all snowed in that weekend. Roads blocked until Sunday afternoon. Just, what was back then, a fairly normal wintry weekend in Caithness. An easy one to remember
  19. Well that's that gubbed. I can remember when we were the last unbeaten team in UK and Grandstand cameras (I think) came to Stark's to make a feature. We got beat that day, by Clydebank, I think. It was a very long time ago. The Bankies ended the 92-93 run in a midweek December evening fixture, if my memory is still ok.
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