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Everything posted by embow

  1. Might be why he was capped so many times for the national team and why he still stands out at this level
  2. We'll we've scraped through to the change of the clocks. God knows where we go from here?
  3. And breathe! That was a horrendous second half. Why can't we just maintain a full ninety minutes of flowing football as per the first half? We lost Brad, fair enough, but surely there's enough nous and ability to get over that. Any team that presses us and we just can't cope. Ayr well worth a point from that game.
  4. Home and hosed indeed. Will Grant still be in post by Monday?
  5. This is going to be another struggle unless we can get a third asap.
  6. We need to keep the pressure on in the second half and see if we are able to get a similar result as the first.
  7. Really could do with a third before HT while on top to try to kill things off. Agree that a Pars win is the best for us.
  8. Looking like you might be right. Long way to go yet. You could conceivably win this and take the the pressure off other teams having to make sure your first win doesn't come against them.
  9. We'll get an idea if they are fit or just making up numbers if they get the last ten/fifteen minutes or there to be used to break things up for the last few minutes should it be required. Hope it isn't.
  10. Was it not Mitchell that battled back to dispossess the Pars player moments before Spencer scored? Would Keatings have done that or even been physically able to have done that?
  11. Geez! Talk aboot auld news! Tell us something we dinnae know,
  12. Wasn't aware Barbara Dickson was a Pars supporter. Good stuff Ah wait a minute! Are we speaking Nazareth's Dan McCafferty here? Certainly cannae be the late Stuart Adamson. Decent enough but no better than the other two imho.. Sacrilege I hear you roar but it's my opinion
  13. It's like pass the parcel with the Pars. Beat them or draw with them then shuffle them on to the next team/game to see who the losers might be as they finally manage to take three points. Who is next up?
  14. Oh ye of little faith! You should always have faith in your Dick. Well done guys on a great win away to Inverness. Not many will manage that in the season.
  15. Results elsewhere showing goals to be thin on the ground. Lichties one up in Inverness. Accies one up. This game and two nil nils as things stand.
  16. Just going to be one of these nights. Pity it's happened against this shower. It's the Rovers' way however.
  17. Was he no' at the Alamo? A real battler..........ah! Not Santa Anna. Close though.
  18. Disagree regarding the penalty. That was never a red card! Might not even have been a yellow for some referees. Yes his leg was extended and off the ground but he got the ball fairly. The wee boy officiating couldn't get the card out quickly enough to make a name for himself. I hope that this is appealed.
  19. You're on to something here. An astute observation. It's the Rovers' way after all to gift points to lesser and lower league teams. Our erses will have been skelped by 21.40hrs Tuesday and you called it first.
  20. Maybe a possibility of appealing the red card if I'm picking up correctly on the gaffer's post match interview.
  21. I've never had any problem accepting the vast majority of Davidson's reds over the years due at times to his headless chicken approach, but the guy was unjustly treated in that game and the SFA aftermath. It was the nonsense after the Todarov play acting that he completely missed because he could not flash his red card quickly enough.
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