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Everything posted by embow

  1. We shared it with Caley Thistle last season. Is this no' the year of the teacake?
  2. I may be totally wrong but did he actually promise top tier and European football or was it just perhaps an ambition to try to get to that level? Maybe setting a bar to aim for? If he did indeed make an actual promise then that was maybe not the best thing to have said.
  3. I'm old enough to go back to the many sales of young talent such as Jim Baxter to Rangers, Willie Wallace and Willie Polland to Hearts. Jim Thorburn to Ipswich Town, Ian Porterfield to Sunderland, Pat Gardiner and Ian Lister to the dark side in the close season after winning promotion and so on it goes right up to Ziggy and now Dylan. It's always been the way. Dylan Tait has come to the fore and been noticed by a bigger club financially and with a much bigger fanbase in most (but not all cases) as was the examples with those I've selected above. We've agreed to sell him on for whatever return and reason. Maybe it was a simple case of a clause in the new contract about not standing in his way if an offer came in from a bigger club, perhaps not anticipating any immediate interest so soon after signing the new contract. What I never remember were folks demanding to know as they see it as there entitlement/right as to why football players left the Rovers to sign for other clubs. It's a fact of football life especially modern football life now there are transfer windows in the greater scheme of things. My only concern might be how much might the Rovers benefit from his move to Hibs but I am hoping that we may get an answer to that in due course. I'm certainly not frothing at the mouth demanding to know. Otherwise, I hope he does well for us up to the January window and can only wish him well in his new place of employment. Time to move on and concentrate on trying to win games with or without Dylan playing.
  4. As I've already pointed out in my previous post regarding Hibs and it's communication on this, as well as the Rovers communication. You can't nip anything in the bud if the current state of affairs deems it not possible for whatever reason for either club to go public and make a comment.
  5. Critics of the Rovers communication can compare ours with communication from Hibs on this. Oh! Wait! What have Hibs said about this? Zilch far as I can see to date. You'd have thought they'd be wanting to tell the world and its dug about all of its new deals. However, that's not to say something has maybe been done and is as yet incomplete, for whatever reason, which restricts both parties from going public.
  6. Words fail me. This is so horrible for Lewis. Sure it's a big blow for the club and the team but for Lewis it's totally devastating. I hope he's able to come back from this, yet again, but I've serious doubts that this could be the end of what should have been a stellar career. Can only wish him the very best wishes for a full recovery going forward and hope he's still able to turn out for the Rovers in the future.
  7. Never forget that this is the same Arbroath that hammered Plastic Whistle last week. However, it's looking like taxi for Grant time this early in the season. Just gotta hope it's later than sooner
  8. Why? The final decision is taken by the Match Commander. Lump it or like it the Commander's decision has to be abided by. The cause has been identified. As you correctly say these things happen. It's just very unfortunate, especially with cooncil tele in town, but if there's a lack of power impinging on crowd safety then the decision is made easy for the Commander.
  9. Following on from the Rovers' statement issued today regarding what caused Friday's problem, I hope that roaster of a fan who had his letter published in today's Courier is now suitably embarrassed. No mention of your new floodlights and electronic ticketing etc. Only RRFC referenced, supposedly thinking it is bigger than it should be. Obviously fully infused with the 'wee team' mentality nonsense. He even tried to disguise his DAFC allegiance by declaring that the match experience was far superior at Central Park! You have to wonder what hole the like of that crawls out of..... Ah! His address? Nothing like giving Rosyth a bad name!
  10. From BBC Sport news. Raith Rovers boss John McGlynn added: "What can you do? We're instructed by the powers above us. There's no CCTV working and 500 fans outside. "The atmosphere was great. Everyone was up for it and it's a massive blow on a special night. It's turned out a bit of a disaster really. The club has spent £250,000 putting in new floodlights, trying to improve the infrastructure." Rovers later released a statement apologising for the abandonment, saying: "A full investigation between the SFA, SPFL, football club, stewarding company and Police Scotland is ongoing."
  11. Just to deflect away from the leccy issues, whenever it gets replayed we are going to have to come out the traps a fair bit sharper than the wee bit of this game tonight. It was getting to the point where I was almost expecting a Pars goal. And to be honest, it probably would have been deserved.
  12. From the club's Twitter account before the floodlights came on and the game started. RRFC Official ✔ @RaithRovers There is a local power failure and, as a result, kick off will be delayed. We will update when we can.
  13. Thank the lord he wasn't fussing about with a muse box! His missus might no' be too happy with that.
  14. Utterly and totally horrible. These things happen but shouldn't in this day and age. A set of back up generators should be in each stand at the very least.
  15. Dunfermline are not nearly as bad as many of their fans would have us believe. McDonald's going to be more than a handful from early signs.
  16. Just my tuppence worth of thoughts but if people are so concerned about media/PR etc then act accordingly by getting in touch with the club, its media officer, its CEO, directors, etc. There are a variety of options to pass on your concerns. Grumpy comments on social media might attract a bit of attention but I say that's very unlikely, however, going directly to the source of your concern means you know for certain that there's been contact, and those that you feel need to know, now know. As I said just my thoughts on all the carping that's been flying around. Things can always be improved and if you've got an idea or ideas to make things better then at least let the club be aware of your idea/ideas. Like everywhere else in business etc., action may, or may not, be taken but you've at least made the club aware of your concerns.
  17. Being suggested in newspaper article that we might have to rigourously scout boy's club and amateur football. Nothing wrong with that. Used to be the juniors and amateurs in the past. Just a pity Val McDermid's dad isn't around when you need him?
  18. Here's something I posted elsewhere. "Sad news indeed. A bit of a boyhood idol to be honest. Those of us of a certain vintage can still reel off the "Stein, Evans and Porterfield" half back line up from the mid 60's. Thanks for the memories Bobby. Reid, McKeown and Gray, Stein, Evans and Porterfield, Hutchison, Gardiner, Richardson, Lyall and McLean. It still trips off the tongue after all these years. A few tweaks the following season and bingo!till It was promotion Thanks for your fine tribute John." You've already located the tribute
  19. Tickets for this Friday's Fife Derby will go on sale, for both home and away fans, online from 10.30am tomorrow.http://bit.ly/RRFCvDAFC #timetocomehome #backatstarks
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