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Everything posted by embow

  1. As has been pointed out elsewhere that's the same Colin Stevens that was at the heart of the Todarov nonsense with Davo. He's not even Sunday League level.
  2. Any blue will do. We've alternated between different shades of blue over many decades but especially the last thirty.
  3. Twenty minutes to go and the bum cheeks are already tightly clenched and making high pitched noises!
  4. If we get the first goal we're still in with a chance of a draw. Any other goal scenario then we're goosed.
  5. We just never seem to get the breaks especially against this mob. Allardice next to go with a bit of luck?
  6. Hibernian FC, Dundee Hibernian (now United), Duntocher Hibernian. Aka known as Duntocher Hibs where Pat Crerand started in the Juniors. Also Dennis Gillespie a former Dundee Utd stalwart. Thornton Hibs. Never ever been anything else since first formed. All played in green and white but United changed to black and white in 1923 (when the club changed its name) then the second change to tangerine came about in the late 1960's/early 1970's.
  7. Oooft! Mr Watson speaking out but not the type of language you'd use if intending to still be there the next day! Asking your manager to crawl up....... I'll leave it there. Very impolite terms is putting it mildly.
  8. Steady there! That's pushing the boat out a bit too far!
  9. "That the next stop's Kirkcaddy". .....................................................for the Championship title would be just braw!
  10. For the delictation of all. THE BOY IN THE TRAIN Whit wey does the engine say Toot toot? Is it feart tae gang in the tunnel? Whit wey is the furnace no pit oot When the rain gangs doon the funnel? What'll Ah hae for ma tea the nicht? A herrin', or maybe a haddie? Has Gran'ma gotten electric licht? Is the next stop Kirkcaddy? There's a hoodie-craw on yon turnip raw! An' seagulls - sax or seeven. Ah'll no fa' oot o' the windae Maw' It's sneckit, as sure as I'm leevin'. We're into the tunnel! We're a' in the dark! But dinna be frichtit, Daddy. We'll sune be comin' tae Beveridge Park, An' the next stop's Kirkcaddy. Is yon the mune Ah see in the sky? It's awfa wee an' curly. See! There's a coo an' a cauf ootbye, An a lassie pu'in a hurlie! He's chackit the tickets an' gien them back, Sae gie me ma ain yin Daddy. Lift doon the bag frae the luggage rack, For the next stop's Kirkcaddy! There's a gey wheen boats at the harbour mou' And eh! dae ye see the cruisers? The cinnamon drap I wis sookin' the noo Has tummelt an' stuck tae ma troosers... I'll sune be ringin' ma Gran'ma's bell. She'll cry, "Come ben, ma laddie." For I ken masel' by the queer-like smell That the next stop's Kirkcaddy!
  11. Maybe for Dundee United. Very rarely for us. That was more Daz's range.
  12. There you go. A seriously positive contribution to help your club. At no point was it ever suggested that you volunteer for multiple roles. That's just a daft statement. Professional football clubs they may be, but many rely heavily on the goodwill and volunteer help from fans in many different ways at all levels in the club and in the different leagues.
  13. Geezus! That's as fine a tantrum rant I've read for quite some time. Having blistered everyone no doubt you'll be rushing to offer your services to help turn everything round? Nah! Didnae think so.
  14. I'll maybe agree if things are as they are on the first Saturday evening in April 2022. Long long way to go with many twists and turns betwixt now and then.
  15. Erse well and truly bitten and thanks for firing up the home dressing room. A totally crass insensitive shameful statement.
  16. Cheers But the goal still cost us a clear gd of one more.
  17. That last minute Lichties goal has cost us second place on gd.
  18. I'll be completely honest, it was that confusing it's nearly impossible to say who did what. The most important thing is we succeeded!
  19. Cheers Broken Algorithms In my dotage I'd forgotten half and more of everything that's gone on over the last 30 years. Great article from Alan. Every fan with the club at heart should make it a must read to show them how things could very easily go belly up without due care and consideration
  20. Was it not "The Turnbull" that turned things around? Honestly can't clearly remember, but know for certain that we are now in a much better place everywhere throughout the club.
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