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Everything posted by embow

  1. I'm surprised anybody would want to rent it for use!
  2. Geez Queens! You're even managing to make the Pars look half decent. I'd have hoped you'd at least make a game of this tonight. I've a horrible feeling you know where you'll be in the league this time tomorrow.
  3. A bang average/poor game so far on an awful pitch. It's reminiscent of the days when the pitch was hard with frost and the ball bouncing erratically everywhere Where's the Queen's team that rocked up so well just the other week or two against Raith?
  4. I know it's the same for both teams but that pitch looks awful. Seems to be playing awful as well with bounces all over the place. Has it ever been watered?
  5. I wish there was an option for saying "thank you very much, but if you don't mind, no thanks all the same." That would benefit every manager/coach/team that suffers from the curse. Alternatively just get out there and beat the opposition.
  6. That'll be a schrill you'll all be looking forward to.
  7. Chuck in some leccy to bring things to minimum modern standards
  8. Ma gusset is drookit! What a result, performance. That's some team Clarke has put together. Take a bow everyone. Just hope we get a decent playoff opposition draw.
  9. This has been just brilliant. Just dinnae muck up the playoff please
  10. Crumbs! That just takes the biscuit! (Coat's already on!)
  11. A penalty all day long. How that wasn't given is a mystery. Ach well! It's all history now. Time to move on.
  12. "Hamilton Lanarkshire" and "having a beach" are not words I'd expect to see in the same sentence. This is indeed intriguing.
  13. An og methinks! It's nowhere near the coast! Maybe there's a Hamilton elsewhere that's on the coast but the Scottish version certainly ain't.
  14. One win and he's rambling away with a sherbert or shree on board!.
  15. Geez! The excitement behind a first win of the season. Starting the next match thread before the previous one has had a wee bit of time to cool down a wee bit. Gaun' yersel's. Enjoy.
  16. Whit! Automatic nine points deduction for breaking Covid distance rules! Oh wait a minute.....
  17. Agreed, but you're way behind events Tazz! Been sleeping or otherwise disposed along Meth ill way? I hope he still has his Rovers tea mug that used to feature on tele to take into retirement.
  18. A wee bunch of silly boys who have had this nonsense politely pointed out to them and to desist a week or two ago. The club really should be calling them out big time with zero tolerance. Ban them. The message will soon get through to them.
  19. Been there before you but still got the second circuit to negotiate.
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