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Everything posted by Rugbypark

  1. They keep quoting ridiculous names for a club that has basically the same size of support as Pollock.
  2. Why would Jack Ross join a shitty little club with no supporters? I don’t think you need to get too excited.
  3. You would have to attract as many fans as Dundee Utd. Given your club has tried everything, that’s probably not going to happen.
  4. At least you’ll get your home support in with tickets to spare.
  5. Listened the the Mathie boy on Graham Speirs. Can these people not hear themselves? Journey, synergy, aligned, vision, skill set. It’s not just him, but any football CEO I’ve heard recently. They’re a parody of themselves.
  6. Quite funny how being a decent person is being a lefty. What a condemnation of those on the Right.
  7. The New Firm in the glorious 60s. Aw man, I could weep [emoji25]
  8. Maybe now that your Chairman had shown some ambition, you’ll start to attend games and back the club up. A few hundred diehards turning up will get you nowhere. Reward the man.
  9. You would think we can’t be as bad again, but unfortunately we have proved time and time again, we can.
  10. What kind of home support is that? Are there more than a couple of hundred there? Makes Accies look like Dortmund.
  11. He travelled twenty miles to defend himself? No, he’s an brainwashed racist, like half of his country.
  12. 2014 central economic policy was slashing corporation tax in a race to the bottom.
  13. Very true. The economic case would destroy the nationalists in any referendum. No credible planning at all.
  14. What’s happening with your stadium?
  15. Well done Hibs! Loved Porteous comment at the end [emoji1]
  16. I know we had a bad day today, but the delusion among the dabs is mind boggling. John Collins or Craig Levein coming for peanuts to manage in front of a few hundred diehards. FFS. Over 4000 home fans at Killie today.
  17. When someone reads “loose”, can’t they just tell by instinct it’s “lose?”
  18. Much though were outplayed in the first game, I fancy us for this one. Our home record has to improve at some point and we have solved some of the issues we have had. Looking forward to it. Should be interesting to compare it with the last game.
  19. Hope a good number of you coming to Killie for the game. Although we were rotten at your place, thoroughly enjoyed the trip, pre match meal and first visit to Arbroath and Gayfield. Great town and club.
  20. We really are looking at the delicious prospect of Killie going up as champions and the dabs going down. Forever in our shadow.
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