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Everything posted by AYRSHIRE_ANGUS

  1. Was worried they were going to change the date. My hotel is booked and trains paid for last week! Wouldn't mind one more Friday fixture in March though.
  2. I just don't want the Shankmeister to end up at Rangers. Yeah sure he's a big fan, but then he'll mature and realise they're a bunch of utter scumbags.
  3. Sneckie snowflakes can't handle a bit of wind, rain and crumbling wall then?
  4. The players no doubt appreciate his honesty as well. Living up to our nickname Saying that every player in the home programme interviews describe him as either "mad", "mental" or "nuts"
  5. I take it John Grigor is currently at the club shop with a foldaway chair and hip flask
  6. Thats my plan too, train to the pub at Glengarnock station then X25. Hoping the bus is reasonably big if a few of us have the same idea!
  7. "Drinking in the Garnock Valley and getting out alive" is one to tick off my bucket list. Can't wait. Hopefully they'll be selling tickets on Saturday.
  8. There were six of us going thought we were ok because we were playing the following Friday night. When is the last time that happened? Oh well if this is the price for being good I'll take it.
  9. I get that, and we badly need redevelopment, but I would love to retain both standing ends behind each goal with two modern stands along either side. I'm don't think the "build it and they will come" theory works in Scottish football any more. With QOS they have modernised to a degree but retained the character of the ground, and the town centre location.
  10. I agree, ditch the plastic perhaps but definitely not that ground.
  11. We're not all lucky enough to get weekends off so hopefully those folk that have missed out on the first quarter of the season can go.
  12. I'm loving this season and I'm gutted I have a party down South on the 20th, but equally I'm fearful that the whole thing will come to a shuddering halt! There is no reason it should, but we've been given a taste of what it feels like being quite good, and none of us wants to revert back to type.
  13. I'm glad someone else also thought we were not playing full pelt as I sensed that. However if we win on Saturday then yesterday will be long forgotten. Maybe not that turgid drumming though.
  14. I take it the club never got any more tickets for the Rangers game as hinted last week. Had a wee look on their website and there are plenty of home tickets available in most parts of the ground. Right, that's me away to delete all those "you may be interested in this Orange Walk happening near you" cookies....
  15. Cancelling a league game, possibly, but an Irn Bru tie? I suspect McCall would insist we play the game anyway with a weakened team.
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