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Everything posted by AYRSHIRE_ANGUS

  1. You'd be daft to break up a team that scored 124 goals. Possibly just the 90 or so this season now we're up a level
  2. Hopefully a fixture and performance that gives rise to another ditty beginning, " August 4th, remember the date..."
  3. Have the season books arrived yet? People might be holding off until they're actually at the club. I've ordered mine but it was an extra fiver for postage.
  4. Has anyone listened to the latest manager interview? Just wondering if there was anything significant that came out of it.
  5. I'm hoping McDaid hasn't gone all "Billy Big Baws" on us after being watched by scouts last season. Every player must know that McCall won't stand in their way if a decent opportunity to play at a higher level arises and I'm sure that's what Robbie was told. Let's keep the team together and continue on our merry way to world domination.
  6. Remember the olden days when you could rely on Calmac? I know they face challenges with the surge in passengers due to the road tariff subsidy but these days I'm constantly checking their Service Status before I leave. The Arran ferry at weekends is a nightmare.
  7. Ooft this is awfy exciting, mixing it with the big boys again. And Morton.
  8. Did my ears deceive me during the main interview or did our manager think for a moment we were playing in the"Skol Cup" next season
  9. Fantastic now please get the season tickets on sale! Would be brilliant to establish a good core home support for every league game.
  10. Was going to come on here and gloat but having seen the decent posts from Raith fans and knowing how bad I felt this time last week, I definitely feel your pain. Similar issues as well trying to get local punters to come along more regularly rather than following two tedious teams from Glasgow. I'm not sure it's in our interests having you guys win the playoffs but may the best team win.
  11. Is the problem really the pundits have no knowledge of the lower leagues? The results programme this afternoon had all the panel guffawing when the suggestion was that Ayr were the Man City of the lower leagues but that's us on 90 goals for the season. Not that they would know.
  12. A Partick Thistle steward confiscating my flag in the pouring rain as it didn't have a fire safety certificate. Haven't bothered since.
  13. Reading this thread makes me even more distraught at the fact I'm not doing the Bealach Mor cyclesportive this September and my usual stay at the Myrtle Bank Hotel in Gairloch, my favourite place in Scotland. Brilliant hotels, glorious food and the locals are really nice. In fact there is only one fanny that lives there I've come across and I just snarl at him every time he walks into the pub First time I met him he had been banned from the Old Inn for abusing the English barmaid at the time of the referendum. My friend, a photographer who lives in Orkney funnily enough (Harray) no longer fancies it as pretty much every time we get soaked. Last September it was amazing weather and we both conceded that we probably would never get a more glorious 90 mile cycle like that again. Depressing! If you want to see some stunning photos of Orkney and the North Coast btw check his website: http://www.markfergusonphotography.co.uk/ I love my trips to Ullapool, it can be a bit twee but I like my ale and good food which it has in abundance. Cycling north in the Assynt area is absolutely amazing, makes you feel great to be alive. Sadly more and more people are using their car windows as a rubbish bin which is criminal behaviour. Favourite island is Harris and "The Golden Road", spectacular to cycle and Tarbert is a cute wee village, although not as good as my adopted hometown of the same name in Argyll.
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