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The Holiday Song

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Everything posted by The Holiday Song

  1. Bars, cafes and restaurants been closed in the Netherlands for two months (shops and schools still open)... barely made a difference and full lockdown now on the cards (essential shops only open).
  2. This isn’t a dig at you, but have seen this joke made a few times on Twitter and it’s not as clever as folk think it is. If there was some mental conspiracy then pretty sure the folk behind it would be smart enough to at least keep up the pretence the vaccination being to protect the vulnerable, and then move onto everyone else. (there is no Bill Gates tracker style conspiracy, just to be clear!)
  3. This is a very newbie question, but what do folk generally find that the whiskies they like have in common (if anything in common at all)? Is it distillery, region, cask or something else? Just having a PX cask dram which I'm really enjoying and wondering how much that plays into it.
  4. Type Maradona and Falklands into Google and see what comes up. Dont have an opinion one way or the other on what the original poster about the Falklands said, but it’s not irrelevant ffs In reply to Fullerene
  5. Haven’t really thought about it in too much detail but the no Copa Americas is a good anti Messi point (still the best footballer I’ve seen though). On another point, the absolute state of some of the gate keepers on here saying what should and shouldn’t be said on a General Nonsense thread.
  6. Stuck some money on Trump at 6.2 at Betfair about an hour ago, he’s now down to 3.45... anyone seeing anything that explains that? I’m wary of reading too much into odds, but movements like that usually mean I’ve missed news.
  7. Toby Young likens himself to George Costanza and is actually happy with that, which just about tells you all you need to know about him.
  8. There’s a screenshot of the call going about that looks pretty genuine... he’s actually totally naked.
  9. Can I ask why? Genuine question. If it's for job opportunities then automation will definitely have an effect on the industry, and it's not a sector that's really struggling to recruit like IT (at least as far as I can see). Also, once you get a degree, you might still hit a ceiling until you get a qualification like ACCA or CIMA. Not trying to put you off though if that's what you really fancy, just it's not quite the guaranteed career it once was IMO.
  10. Sandwick bakery is very decent IIRC Worked there for a while. No stories of annoying work colleagues unfortunately. If anything, was the other way round... we used to have two lovely old dears that were approaching 80 who had been there for decades and still came in to slice the bread every day. Probably me that was the annoying work colleague...
  11. I’m from Sandwick. I’ll ask my mate who’s really into his history of the area if he has any idea of the nickname (although as you allude to, sounds like if there was a reason your grandad would have known). There was a guy known as Boon in the next village when I was growing up, a big bearded burly guy who always had a boilersuit on (younger than your grandad though).
  12. Tried a Dutch whisky a couple of weeks ago which I was pleasantly surprised with, Millstone Peated PX Finish. Was in a bar in Rotterdam called Café De Ouwehoer (literally translated as The Old Whorehouse). Good menu and plenty of malts (like Ardbeg 10yo) starting at EUR 3.50 which was an even better surprise! A Grouse was EUR 4.00 though... On another topic, are smaller bottles of malts a "thing" (talking 100ml to 250ish ml)? I'd like to get a mix of types but not wanting to shell out on normal sized bottles at the moment. I've had a look but doesn't seem to be much of a market.
  13. In Holland: Also on June 1, a lot of other things can open: restaurants, bars, movie theaters and museums. But there are a long list of qualifications: only with reservations, must keep to 1.5 meters, there will be checks. The rules for bars, etc will be for 30 people. That can increase to 100 people as of July 1 if all goes well.
  14. I remember Captain Sensible being a total WUM but doesn't seem like his posting style (granted, this was about fifteen years ago!). If Jeremiah Cole was going to be any of the ex St Mirren posters I would have bet on Reynard.
  15. Spanish Flu was different because it was worst for younger folk. Something to do with how the immune system reacted to the virus and it was actually worse the better your immune system was.
  16. GP reckons my partner has it, although that was diagnosed over the phone as no face to face appointments, and they also won’t be testing her for it. Had breathing difficulties at the weekend (she couldn’t lie down for two days), they went away but she got cold like symptoms the past few days. Pains from the weekend now back (but not as bad).
  17. I'm from Shetland and now live in the Netherlands and yeah, there's definitely some hints of Dutch in Shetland dialect.
  18. Definite word of warning, exit poll is saying 81% chance of SNP gaining Orkney and Shetland. I hope so, but..
  19. The Van Gogh Museum is really good. Pay a bit extra for the audio guide.
  20. What constituency is this? Shetland’s Holyrood seat I presume. If SNP are ever going to win it, think this is it. Lib Dem support could be split by transport issues (independents standing on that platform) and the Unionists and Brexiteers might find it difficult to support them, even if that means an SNP win.
  21. Was more thinking using an iron or something to steam the letters off myself after I've bought it...
  22. Totally agree. They had the same last year. Interesting reason as given by DutchBorderer! Anyone got any ideas how I could get the top Car Jeans writing off the top deliberately?! I'd really like it without that.
  23. Quite like that one. I live in The Hague so hoping ADO's new strip might be same template if they are still with Errea (was pretty dire last season).
  24. Why was this never the original plan? Solves the issue of border until "technology" is available.
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