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Dunfermline Don

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Posts posted by Dunfermline Don

  1. I tried to kill myself 7 years ago on the 12th of November. I always remembered the date for some reason.
    I was in my early 20's, didn't have much going for me and was drinking quite a lot at the time which is often a recipe for disaster, especially if you are depressed already.
    Partly it was because I felt that I had made too many mistakes and spurned whatever chances I had had to better myself, and I thought that I was failure and would never become anything better than a fat, lonely alcoholic. My mind was a pretty scary place looking back, when I remember the kind of things that I used to think about and all of the intrusive thoughts that I used to have most of the time.
    I had a couple more suicide attempts in 2016 and 2017, but was eventually able to get the professional help that would help me to deal with my depression and get rid of 95% of the nasty stuff in my head. Life is not perfect, but I am better equipped to deal with it these days.
    Today I found out that I have been accepted into university to do what I have always wanted to do.
    The point of this post is that it is possible for you to get better and your situation to improve, even if it appears impossible. You are never beyond help and it is still possible to achieve anything you want.

    Good luck and all the best for the future. I was in a dark place myself recently then found out someone I previously work with had just died of cancer. They were the same age as me and it put all my problems into perspective.
  2. A long time ago I used to live in Moulescoomb.
    When you told people in Brighton where you were from they reacted in complete horror, in their eyes it was akin to the South Bronx, but since I'm from a former mining village in Lanarkshire it was probably a step up from where I originated from.
    There certainly didn't seem to be the same level of casual violence, rampant alcoholism and drug abuse that I was used to back home. 
    In fact it's grimness was more that it was completely fucking boring and nothing happened.  If only something as exciting as having a Buckie bottle lobbed at your head by a group of youths or a screaming man in a shell suit pull a hammer on you had actually occurred down there.  At least that's a form of life, a kind of an excitement that lends a little energy to life.

    I agree, lived in Brighton in the late 90s(Preston Park area). The way some of the locals I worked with would talked about Moulescoomb and Whitehawk made me wonder what they would think if they were to visit some of the lovely ex mining communities in Fife.
    I suppose that their point of comparison was Hove ‘actually’.
  3. I agree with the sentiment but a salary cap wouldn’t work.
    The NFL and Aussie Rules are practically one country sports and those titles the top achievement most clubs and players could ever win. Impose it hear and top players can move elsewhere.
    Some sort of collective agreement where the SPFL licensed marketing (eg strips, ticket income etc) was spread more evenly may work, but I can’t see clubs agreeing to it.

  4. I vaguely remember going to an Aberdeen-Dunfermline game in the early 70s, I can only remember going across the links to get to the ground and not much about the actual game.

    My first actual memory of a game is the Pars playing Celtic at EEP sometimes in the early 70s. I was in the enclosure in front of the stand and my main memory is the Celtic fans sing the ‘Oh it’s Magic you know’ song. (It must have been during their 9 in a row run).

    The game that really got me hooked on the Dons was in 78 in the league run in against Motherwell at Pittodrie. They won 5-0 or 5-1 I think but the highlight for me was meeting Bobby Clark in Union Street after the game when he stopped to buy an evening paper. His autograph then took pride of place on my bedroom wall beside a panini 78 sticker of him.

    My Dad then started to take me to more of the Dons away games in Edinburgh and the likes of Partick and St Mirren(Ibrox and Parkhead had to wait till the 80s).The next season we got a new young manager who had been sacked by his last club and the rest as they say is History.


  5. This.  de pfeffell has been getting tutorials from his new bff over the water on how to stir up the "patriot" right and to quell the nasty moderates and left with his trump-esque invective.
    Fortunately, after last night's performance, his tenure will be brief - one way or another.

    I would like to think he will not last long. However there seems to be a portion of society and the media who think ‘the sun shines out of his ###’ and he is their man to ‘get it done!’
    I have seen people I know on FB down south saying we should be ‘on the streets’ after the Supreme Court decision.

  6. ‘Who knows where it could go next? Unfettered by anything so cumbersome as principles, driven by greed, right-wing opportunists forging a faux alliance with the disaffected, united by a desire to watch Britain burn.’


    Good post Frankie.


    I feel they are getting the ground prepared for a full scale right wing coup with the military on the streets to ‘keep order’


    Some of the language being used by our PM is deliberately inflammatory. He had shown a contempt for the mainstays of our democracy, the Parliament, The Courts and has even managed to drag the Monarchy into the whole shambles. But he had no shame and somehow a large segment of the country still back him.


    I think that they are engineering a situation where they are deliberately trying to alienate the country into two opposing camps (it is easier to control them that way) and would be happy to see trouble breaking out on the streets.


    These are very dark times to be living through and we must all be ready to stand up for what we believe in.




  7. PFS done. Strange to think that’s it but maybe it is for the best. By far the worst I’ve seen with with Wiggo wannabes. Made worse by the fact it was a cycling club. Coming up behind people at speed yelling “MOVE”. It’s  not a race FFS. There’s people of all abilities including kids.
    On a more sombre note I hope the guy getting CPR at the top of the hill after Avonbridge is OK. It didn’t look good though, sadly. 

    This was the first time I have done PFS or anything similar so I have nothing to compare it to. I also noticed a few cyclists seemed to be treating it like a race at times.
    I didn’t see the guy at Avonbridge but hope he is OK.
    The main focus of the day should be enjoyment and raising money for charity.
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