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Dunfermline Don

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Posts posted by Dunfermline Don

  1. Paranoid lot so they are.

    Always the victim! Thought the Pars support was brilliant today. Celtic were undoubtedly the better team and deserved to win. Some sour grapes on Twitter tonight about some songs the Pars fans were singing. They sometimes only hear what they want to hear and not what’s actually being sung.
  2. Glorious that the fans who sit closest to the away fans, presumably to get it right up them when Celtic pump which ever mob turns up, spent to whole game totally heads gone. The seeth was exceptional even after they scored the winner.

    I know and that is their family stand!!
    Isn’t Glasgow a lovely place to go and watch football.
  3. Brown has it now, just inside the celtic half. Takes a loose touch, Beadling smashes into him, Brown looks hurt but play on is the call. The Celtic fans dont like that decision. Beadling now, sprays it wide with the outside of his foot to Dow. Dow cuts inside Bolingoli nutmegs Ayer plays it across to Turner chips the ball up for Danny Devine with a diving header. Dunfermline have won it in injury time.
    I think we will do well to keep it to a two goal difference.

    The ref then books and then sends off the entire Dunfermline team for celebrating the win and an SPFL enquiry award the tie to Celtic.
  4. My point exactly! Always grates when you get these Weegie journos talking about "the provincial sides". 

    Sadly Edinburgh City is my only other Pars game this season (due to work). So I will take full blame if they do not get a result on Saturday.
    I am only going in the hope of seeing the disco lights anyway!
    Would you like to be deported or have your benefits sanctioned from Holyrood or Westminster? Sounds great!

    Come the day we are independent there will still be Tories in Scotland(unless they all move down south). I just don’t expect that they will be in power,unlike now when they are despite how the Scottish electorate has voted.
  6. Was Liz not also crowned Queen in Edinburgh with the Scottish regalia as well as in Westminster. We could always call her Queen Elizabeth the First of Scots after Independence and then go for a President after that. Someone like Billy Connelly or Andy Murray, internationally known and not a politician.

  7. Just watched the sports section on Reporting Scotland this evening. Do they mention a 5-0 win by a Scottish team in Europe last night? Do they go to East End to preview and promote a game BBC are covering?

    No, it’s all will ‘They’ win the league again or can we expect a challenge from ‘them’.

    FFS guys there are 42 senior clubs in this country not 2!!!!!!!!


  8. Have to agree with , well everyone  that the marketing of Scottish football has been nothing more than fucking awful, ever since the 90s when TV kicked off the best anyone could manage was " Scotland - we've got the old firm derby "  .   seriously that was the best anyone could come up with?

    Ah, but it’s the biggest game in the world with its ‘special’ atmosphere!!!!!
  9. Scotland does not have any debt.
    Only a notional share of UK debt, for which we have no liability should we choose independence.
    Any UK debt share we choose to assume should be at least equal to the UK assets we decide to take. Or we can lease them a sub base for a decade or two in lieu of part of liability.

    I would not be at all surprised if keeping subs in Faslane for a while became part of any deal/arrangement post Indy.
    The Brits do not have a great record in the way they have let some countries have their independence in the past. You just have to look at the Indian sub continent and Ireland for the mess we/they left there.
  10. The Burnley fans probably need to experience a run of the mill league game at Pittodrie but you make some good points here. 

    Exactly, but if Pittodrie can have a better atmosphere than they have experienced in ‘the best league in the world’ how sterile must the atmosphere be down there?
    I used to follow Palace when I lived in London and Selhurst had one of the worst atmospheres of any ground I went to. Now they are being lauded as having one of the best.
    Imagine what Burnley fans would have thought of a rocking Tynecastle, Easter Road or even the ugly sisters if you can look past the ‘party songs’
  11. Most of your point applies equally to English Premier League sides outwith the elite. Especially the part about teams just trying to frustrate their way to an away (or often home) point to inch towards mid-table mediocrity.
    And nobody who watches English football with any regularity can pretend it is rammed full of good players playing good football. The Bottom Fourteen are mainly utter dugshite and most of the games they play among themselves would get fitba stopped if the marketing department hadn't made it an indisputable fact that the quality on show is actually good.
    I have to watch English football relatively often as a social obligation since so many of my mates are English. It's not uncommon to wince your way through a game involving the likes of Burnley, Everton or Palace. It's genuinely painful watching at times.
    Add in that most English sides aren't even interested in trying to win a cup or (even worse) qualify for the Europa League and you've got a 'product' that one has to seriously question the actual value of. What exactly is the fucking point?
    Why would anybody who is not a rabid Everton fan be in the slightest bit interested in Everton? Or Newcastle? Or Crystal Palace? These clubs are, sadly, utterly pointless these days.
    Do we really envy those fans of English Championship clubs who get to watch their side crawl through a 650-game season fighting inch by inch for the right to spend the following season playing with eleven men behind the ball trying not to get bummed rotten every week? Unless, of course, your club has some questionable source of wealth and influence, like Wolves.
    And you mentioned stadiums. I completely disagree with you there.
    Do you want the Emirates or Old Trafford where the locals complain about the number of tourists and where goals are celebrated in front of 'passionate' fans filming the celebration on their phones? Or perhaps West Ham's new place, described by a West Ham friend of mine as like going to a game on the moon? Or maybe Spurs' new place, if you fancy remortgaging your house?
    Scotland has plenty of good places to watch football. Tynecastle, Easter Rd, Celtic Park, Ibrox, Tannadice are all stadiums that can give as good an 'experience' as anywhere for a big game. The lower leagues have plenty of perfectly decent smaller places where you can go and stand and enjoy the fitba in decent surroundings, often with a wee social club for a pint before and after.
    Obviously the standard in Scotland is lower than in England. Nobody disputes that. But arguments like the ones you make don't really hold water as a reason to not watch our football.

    I agree. They continue to hype their game up but it is has become a rich owners plaything and a lot of the grounds of the top clubs are now full of day trippers rather than true supporters.
    I have experience of watching a lot of English football in the late 80s and being a football fan down there was almost the equivalent of being a drug dealer. Cages at grounds, Police escorts at away grounds and always the threat of major violence breaking out. Teams like Chelsea and Man City were playing in the second tier(it was still called Division 2 in those days) and getting crowds a fraction of the worldwide support they have now. In fact many top flight Scottish clubs got higher crowds than those in the English Div 1. This was the era of Wimbledon and Luton who had a smaller average crowd than the Pars at the time.
    The turning point was the 1990 World Cup and Gazzas tears. It became cool to be a football fan again the Premier League soon followed and the rest is history as they say.
    I feel we have missed a trick by trying too much to emulate or neighbours south of the border.
    The all seater rule killed the atmosphere in a lot of grounds and rows of empty seats look a lot worse on TV than empty terraces making our game look even more tinpot.
    However all is not so rosy down south, witnesses Burnley fans compliment the atmosphere at Pittodrie last season compared with games in the EPL.
    Our game may not be the best in the world but it is ours and we should celebrate all that is good about it. It would be a help if our football authorities also ran the game for all our clubs and not just two of them.
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