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Everything posted by IainMorton

  1. Of course it was. We're just diddy wee Morton who belong to the seaside leagues, or so everyone likes to think so anyway.
  2. Well considering we finished above QOTS in the table, that confirms it was no fluke as we are actually better than them
  3. Some other decent interviews there, especially with Jonathan Banks and Giancarlo Esposito.
  4. The worst for me is people that write "should of" instead of "should have". I've seen people in my work sending emails to customers containing "they should of done this....". Should get locked up for that!
  5. Started watching this from the beginning again - just on season two when Coral got shot by Otis. I forgot how bloody irritating Lori and Andrea are.
  6. People who can't use proper English. The amount of folk who phone up my work and say "I haven't received nothing yet" is amazing.
  7. Superb episode this week. Could be the best so far, even without Mike and Gus making an appearance. Was great to see Huell too.
  8. I know I've probably said this before, but Mike is probably my favourite tv character at the moment.
  9. The ending was superb as they walked out of the court together, as soon as Chuck mentioned that he had the original tape it was obvious Mike had half-inched it. Can't wait for next week
  10. Yep - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3919462/Lucozade-Ribena-reduce-sugar-content-50-avoiding-Government-s-sugar-tax.html It's taking the piss now. Fair enough they want us to be healthy but who are they to tell us what we can and cannot eat and drink? Getting fed up reading the same shite in the paper every day "don't eat this you'll get cancer", "don't drink this you'll end up with a brain tumour". Aye, do one. PS yeah I know, this should be in the PTTGOYN thread!!
  11. Bought a bottle of orange lucozade in work and it tastes rank. Just noticed they have reduced the sugar by 50%. Raging.
  12. Yep, getting tastier every week
  13. Well technically the away end at the end of the Shed is 'newly created' as it wasn't there before...
  14. Had to do a double take there, thought you were quoting yourself.
  15. Pretty sure that when we took the fence down, our only priority was staying in business.
  16. Think I've seen somewhere he was a used car salesman, although others have said he was a PE teacher!
  17. A flashback episode of Negan before the outbreak would be immense IMO.
  18. Did both cousins not appear in the last season?
  19. I would like to think that the show moves towards finding a cure for the disease soon, as the whole "find a safe place, bad guy comes along, fight bad guy, get forced out of safe place and go on the road before finding another safe place then repeat from the beginning again" thing is kinda boring. We need something to happen which will take the story in another direction.
  20. Decent opener to the new season, although I still think this show would be better if it was dedicated to Mike's storyline as it has more potential that Jimmy/Saul's.
  21. People who hold their phone in one hand and hold it up to the opposite ear when they are on a call to someone.
  22. Anyone see the news tonight?
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